The city of Monkey King

Chapter 165: Kill in two ways! [Request for tickets]

Qin Group, the chairman of the group office.

The door opened and Qin Feng’s forefoot just stepped in.

"The chairman is early~"

Nangong Yi people have a light pink dress with a playful fairy.

"Tell, don't let you call my chairman, yes, are you staring at me all day in the house? I am coming to you too. I just heard the secretary of the Secretariat, you just rushed. I almost fell on the road."

Qin Feng looked at the Nangong Yi people with a sweet smile and could not laugh.

"Where ~ Xiaoding said, I didn't fall to the head~"

Nangong Yiren quickly went to the side of the drums coffee: "I have learned a few more ways to brew coffee recently, you wait, ha, I will give you a drink~"

"Coffee will wait again, let me help the cto of the technical department."

"Hey? The technical department? I heard people say that the boss of the technical department has changed."

The Nangong Yi people turned slightly and looked at Qin Feng.

"Yes, just change it, call him."

"Oh oh oh ok, I will call the technical department!"

Nangong Yiren nodded quickly, and then went to the side to call, as the Secretary of the Board of Directors, she has a group, regardless of the headquarters of each department or the branch office of each department of the branch office.

At the moment, the Ministry of Technology led a group of hundreds of people who started to sweat.

"Boss, I just got a call and said that I will let you go to the chairman's office."

Dawang came out from the office of Zuo Yingjie, with a wretched smile. There was no purity that the young boy should have. He squeezed his eyebrows: "It’s a young lady’s voice, it sounds very good!”

"Okay, I will go."

When I heard Miss Sister, Zuo Yingjie came to the spirit, and immediately put down the noodles in his hands. By the way, he swept his own subordinates and saw that they had finished eating instant noodles. It was a satisfaction.

I thought that these instant noodles will expire after the worship, but fortunately, I am smart, and mobilized the people to finish eating in time, very good, great!

"Everyone is full of work and will come back for a meeting."

Zuo Yingjie haha ​​smiled, then wiped the oil from the corner of his mouth, just two steps, I thought it was wrong... I know where the chairman's office is!

"Who is that, come over."

Zuo Yingjie casually grabbed a suit man wearing glasses.

"Old, boss."

This suit man stood up, obviously very embarrassed, in front of Zuo Yingjie's black boss dress, a little open mouth.

"Take me to the chairman's office."

"Okay, good!"

The suit man nodded timidly, and quickly walked in front, Zuo Yingjie was behind him.

When Zuo Yingjie stepped out of the technical department, the 100 people began the struggle to seize the toilet. More than half of them quickly used their own methods (pour the toilet) to dispose of the instant noodles.

Eat instant noodles early in the morning...

Especially for some girls, that is extremely bad for the skin.

In the office of the chairman of the board, Qin Feng tasted the coffee brewed by the Nangong Yi people with a new method. It must be said that the taste is indeed much better than the previous one.

"how about it?"

The Nangong Yi people looked at Qin Feng drinking coffee, and his eyes were nervous.

“Very good, getting better and better.”

Qin Feng smiled and nodded. The Nangong Yi people got this answer and they were happy.

"That's good~!"

At this time, Qin Feng received a call from Deng Qing.

"Deng Shu, what happened? I am in the group now."

"Chairman, Zhang Hao, he came again, saying that he wants to see you, people are here in my office, you still see?"

Zhang Hao...

This cargo was put together by Qin Feng yesterday.

In fact, it is not a slap in the face. Qin Feng did not agree to his conditions at first, but Zhang Hao unilaterally thought that he had promised.

As for the Yuanshan Ling Mine, now even the Sixth Family does not dare to score a half point, let alone a small monk like Zhang Hao, and there is really nothing to say to him.

"No, you tell him that the person who Qin Feng owes to him will be returned to him. Any trouble he encounters in the future can be honored at any time. As long as it is not excessive, I will promise."

"Okay, chairman."

Then the phone was hanged. Qin Feng said that this is not unreasonable. Anyway, this is called Zhang Hao, and it really helped him in this matter of Yuanshan Ling Mine.

Since it is helped, if there is an opportunity in the future, Qin Feng will naturally return.

At this time, the knock on the door rang.

"I am going to open the door~"

When I heard the knocking on the door, the Nangong Yi people walked up very well.

Qin Feng also stood up. In fact, he wanted to let Zuo Yingjie come to Qin's work very early. After all, Zuo Yingjie's talent for technical processing, Qin Feng is in the eye, by self-study can reach this point, it is simply the world. rare.

However, when Qin was his old man, Zuo Yingjie did not meet the conditions for Qin to recruit talents. He mentioned that he was denied several times and was powerless.

Now, he became the chairman and finally did it.

As soon as the door opened, I did not wait to see people, and a strong bubble of noodles came.


Jiangzhou, the sky a hundred miles away.

"Ur brother, you and I are separated."

On the black cloth, Chen Yuanliang arched his hand toward Wuxing on the flag.

"Qiu's deputy director, Chen Xiong said goodbye."

Wu Xing also handed a hand, and smiled with a smile. Then the huge flag with the five hundred people was galloping in the other direction.

That direction is the direction of Qin’s manor.

"Yuan Liang, there are some things to be dealt with in this place in Jiangzhou. It is separated here. If you have any urgent matters, you only need to crush the letter and I will arrive."

"But I want to come to Qin Feng is a small monk, you should not be a problem."

On the black cloth, Qiu Wen took the hand on his back and faintly opened his mouth.

"The deputy of the Qiu deputy is assured that the mission must be completed, and there will be no mistakes."

"Don't let the owner down, he is very optimistic about you this time."

Qiu Wen’s words were random, but Chen Yuanliang was excited.

This is very obvious. As long as things are done, the main people in the church are taken back by you, then you will fulfill your wish and become the elder of the church, instead of being a rudder.

For the title of Tianshutang elder, Chen Yuanliang has been expecting for decades.

"The subordinates will not disappoint the high hopes of the master and the deputy."

"Okay, that seat is gone."

"Congratulation to the deputy master!"

Chen Yuanliang was bowed to the ceremony, and the same was true of the 500 people behind him.

Qiu Weng nodded slightly, then he became a Changhong and went straight in the other direction.

The monk of the knot, the wind is good.

When Chu Wentong disappeared into the sky, Chen Yuanliang raised his head and had a fierce killing in his eyes!

"Brothers, today, killing!"

Shout out!

Five hundred people behind me, with the meaning of killing with excitement!

The speed of the black cloth, this moment began to surge, went straight to Jiangzhou!

The purpose of Wuxing is Qin's Manor, and the purpose of their road is the Qin Group Building!

It is Qin Feng! 2k novel reading network

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