The city of Monkey King

Chapter 192: Public provocation! [Three more]

"Look, Qin Ling teacher will be the wind!"

"I am going... Isn't he a practicing monk? How can I not see it for a few days, even the wind will be?!"

"That is of course, my Qin Ling teacher can be amazing!"

"Hey, when is your Qin Lingshi."

"No, right, the wind does not need to move your feet. Qin Lingshi seems to be coming in the wind!"

"No matter what, Qin Ling is so handsome! I want to give him a monkey, oh~ people can't stand it~"

"Oh, can you not be disgusting?! Send / sue back to send!"



With the advent of Qin Feng, the students on all sides of the Fairy Terrace are boiling!

And those sorcerers, one by one, are shocked!

They are not those who practice qi. Naturally, they can be seen at a glance. Qin Feng is not a typhoon, but a stepping wind!

But even if you want to do this, then at least there is the strength of building the foundation!

When Qin Feng was in the winter crown, he only trained in the middle!

Now it is already under the foundation, and it is able to take the wind! How can you not be shocked!

"When did this kid become so powerful? It is clear that the last winter crown was still a repair of the temperament."

"By... Mom, I still want to teach him something!"


Many of the spirits are jealous, and two of them are staring at Qin Feng tightly, with a killing in the eyes!

These two people, one surname song, one surname Zou.

They are all built on the foundation of the foundation, and they are the brothers of Qu Xiao and Zou Gang who were killed by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng appeared, and the discussion was like the tide in the four sides of Xianlingtai.

On the east stand, Qin Chuxue saw Qin Feng, and he was also surprised to call his brother. However, when he thought of what Lin Yuexi said before, he was stunned by his life, but his eyes were filled with joy.

Lin Yuexi saw the appearance of Qin Feng, and his nervous look on his face was loose.

"This kind of kitchen knife wind, out of the field, I am still pretending to be awkward."

The **** dog squatted under the wooden railing and looked at the Qin Feng under the wind through the gap between the railings. The dialect snorted twice.

One person out, thousands of people move!

This is the appeal!

The simple black coat, the Qin style looks calm and the mouth is smoky.

Stepping down from the sky!

In the center of this Xianlingtai, Gongsuntong has already been arranged in advance, and the square is 100 meters high and has a square of hundreds of square meters.

Qin Feng stepped on the center of the square.

"Qin Ling Shi! Qin Ling Shi!"

"Qin Ling Shi is handsome!!"

"Ah, ah, Qin Lingshi!!"


On the four sides of the stands, the voices of those fans are as tidal.

Even if it is Qin Feng, I can't help but hear these voices. I wonder if I will become a star.


At this moment, a voice fell from the sky and echoed in this fairy platform.

This is the voice of Gongsun.

The name of the deputy dean is obviously very strong. Even if the fans want to shout again, they will take the initiative to shut up.

"What I want to talk about today is the law of forging."

Qin Feng smoked and sat down on the floor. It was a random opening, and the sound was filled and rebuilt. It echoed in this fairy platform and fell into the ears of every student.

What kind of **** teaching, Qin Feng did not understand, he just took a forging body from the Dasheng inheritance, and then used the general method to analyze it, and then a few notes.

Anyway, these people can't understand, as long as they talk about it.

The time passed by, the voice of Qin Feng echoed in this fairy platform.

"What is Qin Ling’s teacher talking about? How can I not understand a word?"

"Rely, it’s really awkward to talk about, although it sounds very reasonable, but his mother just can't understand."

"You can't understand him. Qin Lingshi's smoking looks so handsome and handsome~"



Just as Qin Fengqi talked a few times, suddenly a voice broke the harmony.

"Qin Lingshi, there is something to ask."

A figure jumped directly from the stands.

Qu Yi, the brother of Qu Xiao, the foundation of the foundation, the most prestigious one among the spirits.

Looking at the songs that fell in the Xianling Odaiba, Qin Feng’s eyes were slightly condensed, his voice was cold, and he did not give a face, only one word.


I’m so sorry, so big, I didn’t even stand up, let alone salute.

The song suddenly became angry, but the heart was still pressing the fire.

"Qin Lingshi said that the refining body is comparable to refining, but it is very doubtful and very puzzled. The Qin Lingshi came from the conclusion. So I want to ask Qin Qinshi for advice. I use Qi. You use the body, the air is useless, you and I are comparing each other, showing it to everyone to watch, how?"

Just after the song was finished, another person jumped from the stands.

"Qin Ling Master is absolutely unparalleled, and Zou Hua also wants to try Qin Ling's high-level tricks. I don't know if I can enlighten me."

Zou Hua, the foundation of the foundation, the three brothers who were killed by Qin Feng, the brother of the name Zou.

Qu Yi, Zou Hua, the two stood side by side, looked up and looked at Qin Feng sitting on the 100 meters high platform, with a provocation in his eyes.

Qin Feng smoked, the smoke lingered in front of the shackles, and the eyes looked at the two men.


The entire Xianling Terrace was silent with the silence of Qin Feng.

"Why, Qin Lingshi is not afraid of it?!"

Quyi screamed and screamed, his eyes filled with triumph and twilight, and the same was true of Zou Hua around him.

The brothers of the two were killed. The results of the investigations by the parties all pointed to Qin Feng, and in fact it was indeed Qin Feng.

However, no matter how they find out the evidence, Gongsun Tong is pretending not to know, blindly partiality.

These two people can no longer endure, as long as Qin Feng promised to compete with them, they are going to kill Qin Feng in this Xianlingtai!

After all, this is a public occasion, and Qin Feng is open to war, even if it is dead, Gongsun is not good to them, and they are also planning to do so, as long as they kill Qin Feng immediately find a chance to run.

Of course, this is just what they think.

"I just listened to Qin Lingshi's high opinion and thought that it was so great. It seems that it is not only Err, but the person who thought it was so powerful, but jumped."

Zou Hua is also a voice, and the voice echoes in this Xianlingtai.

The sound is extremely contemptuous.

The two were openly provocative.

Qin Feng, still smoking, quietly looked at the two goods.

With such a trouble, the entire Xianlingtai once again talked about it.

"Why didn't Qin Lingshi dare to fight?"

"When you are fighting, you should build a base to the bottom of the two foundations. Isn't that looking for death?! If I am a Qin Ling teacher, I will be too lazy to care for them. There is no one who has to stipulate that I must fight, at most, I lose face." ”

"Zou Hua Ling Shi and Qu Yi Ling Shi are really shameless. Two hit one, and there are so many realms, and only Qin Ling Shi uses the flesh."

"Oh... this is hard to do."

"Two bad guys, this is so difficult for my Qin Ling teacher, hey ~ I want to wet them!"

"........." 2k novel reading network

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