The city of Monkey King

Chapter 197: Promote the immortal!

The glare of white light, like an exploding little sun, floods the entire fairy field!

Enchanting the enchantment of Xianlingtai, at this moment, under the impact of Wang Cheng’s self-explosion, he swayed wildly. Many students felt that this breath was white and white.

The enchantment of Xianlingtai was thick enough. When the Xianlingtai enchantment was set up, it was set according to the standard of the martial arts masters.

If not, this enchantment is broken, and these tens of thousands of people are estimated to die.

From the enchantment, there was a constant bang, and it took more than ten seconds to stop.

It is hard to imagine how Qin Feng, who is in the center of self-destruction, faces a powerful impact!

"Qin Ling Shi He... How is he?"

"You ask me? Where do I know where I am! But I personally think that it is mostly cold."

"I also feel that I want to be cold... just the impact, just don't die!"

"Would you like Wang Xianshi to be so true, even blew himself!"

"Too **** crazy... is this still a talk?!"


Tens of thousands of people in the audience have not yet slowed down from the horror brought by Wang Cheng’s self-destruction.

After all, in the eyes of many people, Wang Cheng is just going to learn from it. It’s good to win or lose! Why do you still have to kill? !

White light... gradually dissipated.

On the table up to 100 meters, a figure appeared slowly.

Qin Feng has a sharp sense in his eyes. In his whole body, there is a violent white flame, and the flame slowly dissipates. It is just a moment when Wang Cheng blew himself.

In the void of Qin Feng's body, the raging white flame rushed out, blocking the first wave of the self-explosion for Qin Feng.

It is also through this time of a fraction of a second that Qin Feng spurred the celestial image at a very fast speed, but only controlled the physique in its original size and simply strengthened its own defensive power.


Only survived in the blew.

Despite this, the body is rolling, and a stream of blood falls slowly from the corner of the mouth.

At the moment, the entire Xianling Terrace, all the white jade tiles were blasted into ash.


In the 100-meter high platform under Qin Feng, the cracks were dense and raging and collapsed.

However, the shape of Qin Feng did not fall. At his feet, a sword that had become a captain was held.

When these tens of thousands of people saw Qin Feng figure, they were completely shocked!


One second, two seconds, when the third second comes!

Crazy cheers!

"Qin Ling Shi, he and his mother are too strong, this can still survive! And it looks like nothing big!"

"Physical repair...horror!"

"I want to worship Qin Lingshi as a master!"

"Hey, you don't pay for it!"

"Hey~ handsome, handsome, so handsome!"

"Hey, you got a banana skin... but it’s really handsome, how can it be awesome?"

"The king of the new era... Qin Lingshi is more than a *** show!"


Above the sky, I saw Qin Feng reappearing, and Gongsun Tong was also a brow. He was really afraid that Qin Feng would hang.

If Qin Feng hangs, he will not think about it!

The disciples of the monks of the gods hang up, then who else still has a way to live? !

In the view of Gong Suntong, at that time, especially him, he has to finish... Of course, the premise is that this person is really there.

However, although Qin Feng is fine, but Gongsun Tong’s face is even colder!

Wang Cheng’s self-destruction is equal to giving Gongsun the same signal!

These controlled people, all of them are crazy... What is self-explosive, it is a matter of thought!

He still doesn't know how many people are controlled by Faerie.

But if one day suddenly the people behind the scenes are upset, arrange these people to pile up in the crowd, to a collective blew, it is estimated that the entire Xianling Mountain can be collapsed.

The mountain collapsed, the college is gone, you can change places again, the most feared is the dead!

Tens of thousands of students in Xianling Mountain, except those who have been selected from the mortal, are basically the younger generations of each family.

Coverage is enough to reach 30% of the Jiuzhou comprehension family!

These people are going to die, and the three-year-old comprehension family in Jiuzhou mainland has to come to a collective runaway!

It is estimated that the spit star can drown the grandson and the high-level of these fairy spirits.

"Scared the baby~"

Qi Linger on the side was also slap her c-size chest, gasping with a big mouth, if it was not a public prosecution, she almost didn't rush to bury it.

In the Xianling Taichung, the northern part of the land.

Wang Song’s eyes passed through the thick color, and the strength of Qin Feng has far exceeded his imagination!

Linking Dan's products can be resisted!

The smile on his face was completely frozen, turned and Wang Song left Xianlingtai.

Above the west stand, Xiao Zhanyun has always been paying attention to Wang Song's position. When Wang Song turned and left, he turned around.

Shao Qiang just behind him wants to keep up.

"stand right here."

Xiao Zhanyun is just a sentence, let Shao Qiang turn and lift the steps to stop.

At the center of Xianlingtai, Qin Feng stepped on the blade of the sky and looked at the east stand. Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue were in the same place. In fact, the main thing was the **** dog.

The **** dog was kneeling by the railing at the moment, and it was also watching Qin Feng. The void in the eyes was scattered, and there was a slight exhaustion in the dog's eyes.

The two eyes meet and the words are clear.

Just a moment ago, the **** dog added a layer of empty inflammation to Qin Feng very quickly. If it wasn't for this empty air, Qin Feng won the time to push the sky.

Now Qin Feng, I am afraid that it is not just a minor injury, it is estimated that this time has to be directly on the ground.

The voices and arguments of the four-sided stands are still uninterrupted.

Qin Feng is a slight wrinkle of the Jianmei, but the look is calm. It is not strange for Wang Cheng’s self-explosion. This kind of brainwashed person has two words: crazy.

At this time, the grandson of the sky above the sky, the wind is down!

Apparently Gongsun Tong did not want Qin Feng to continue.

Nima... This is a heartbeat!

Now it’s the result of the self-destruction of the knot, and what if I want to come back with a knot? !

Who knows what the people behind the scenes want to do!

"This is the end of the lecture today. At the same time, the hospital has to announce one thing."

Gongsun was standing in front of Qin Feng, and the majestic voice faded out, and the four sides calmed down.

"Since the day, Qin Feng Lingshi was promoted to our school, and this appointment will take effect immediately."

When the words are out, there is no one who refutes!

After all, the strength of Qin Feng is here, how about building a foundation as a fairy teacher? !

You have to be upset, come out and single-handed!

But at this moment! When Gong Suntong announced the appointment, it was not a few seconds!

A very overbearing voice came from afar and echoed in Xianlingtai.

"Promoted to promote the foundation of the monk as a fairy teacher, so Hulai, Gongsun Tong! Do you think you are the dean?!"

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