The city of Monkey King

Chapter 200: come kill me!

Night, seven o'clock.

A few stars have appeared in the sky, with black clouds floating around, tonight... no moon.

Qin Feng has been sitting on the sofa smoking, he is waiting here, waiting for the arrival of that person!

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Sweeping the caller ID, Luo Qinghan.

Qin Feng’s nephew was slightly condensed, and he almost forgot this person.

"What's the matter?"

When the phone is connected, Qin Feng is very cold.


Luo Qinghan at the end of the phone, when he heard the cold voice of Qin Feng, he could not speak.

"There is something to say, my time is very tight."

Qin Feng smoked and his brow wrinkled slightly.

At the end of the phone, you can hear the faint sound of Luo Qinghan's deep breathing.

"I just want to ask you, the day after tomorrow, my grandfather's birthday feast, are you still here?"

Luo Qinghan’s voice shook slightly, she was afraid that Qin Feng would not come...because for her, it was a few chances to see Qin Feng.

She doesn't want to miss this one.

"Luo Laozi's birthday banquet, I personally went to give my birthday."

After that, Qin Feng hangs directly.



Luojia Manor.

A white sling nightdress, proud figure in the moonlight, white, the pair of absolutely ‘fierce’ is even more eye-catching, Luo Qinghan standing in the garden, watching the end of the call displayed on the phone.

The whole person is caught in a state of ignorance.

laugh? Still crying?

She has a happy feeling in her heart, because Qin Feng will come... but she is very lost, because that person does not care about himself.

In these few days, she told herself countless times that she would forget that person, that person will never love you! That person is not for you!

She told herself that he and he are two worlds, and that the two parallel lines will never end.

But the more she thinks this way, the more emotional she is in her heart, the more intense it is.

She found herself, more and more uncontrollable to think about that person, thinking about his appearance, his smile, his smoking action, the pace of his walking, his every move, his voice, his smile, always in his mind. Wrap around.

Love, perhaps this is the case, starting from no cause and no reason, just because of falling in love, it is falling in love.

When you find that you want to contain it, it is already late.


The wind, sweeping through the window.

Qin Feng mouth licked the smoke, when the gust of wind passed.

On the sofa opposite him, there was a more person wearing a robes of the spirits.

For this sudden appearance, Qin Feng is not surprised at all.

"You are very calm."

Wang Song had a gentle smile on his face and looked at Qin Feng.

"Otherwise? Pray for mercy?"

Qin Feng tilted his legs and looked at him like himself. A guy who likes to play pigs and eat tigers.

Obviously, I only feel the breath of the building, but Qin Feng is very clear. This guy is at least a top grade.

"You are very smart. I like to deal with smart people in my life. I speak between smart people and smart people. I never like to turn around. I am here to kill you."

Wang Song smiled and said.

"Since you said that I am a smart person, is it necessary to explain what I want? I advise you, nothing to read the novel, many villains are dead. If you want to kill me, then hurry, or you will die." It may be you."

Qin Feng is still a calm opening, this time it is the turn of Wang Song without words.

He has killed many people, and he has seen many people look like they were before death, or fearless, or begging for mercy, or wondering for death. You can ask nothing like Qin Feng, just urging yourself to do it, it is still the head. See you once.

"You want to die like this? No regrets at all? You don't want to know who I am?"

"Do not want to know."

Qin Feng smoked, still calm.

"You really don't want to know?"

Wang Song once again stunned, this kid is not playing cards at all!

"Yes, I don't want to know, you can do it, come and kill me."

Qin Feng has a pair of eyes, cold looking at Wang Song, Gujing no wave.

Wang Song, silent for a few seconds, he stood up.

As soon as he raised his hand, a black ruler with a slash in his hand appeared.

"Boy, you are very appetizing to me, but unfortunately you and I are different. Out of appreciation, I let you die and understand. I am the soul of the left, and I am dead in my hands. You are not worthy of this life."

Photographing the soul...

In the eyes of Qin Feng, he had a glimpse of doubt. He didn’t know what the soul-hunting sect was, but he knew... it’s a sabi.

This Shabby, I thought this villain was smart enough to be able to lay such a big bureau at the Faculty of the Faerie, but after all, even if he was a smart villain, he really had more words.

Just after Wang Song finished, the sickle slammed down.

This knife is very smooth.

The sickle passed from the neck of Qin Feng, and the blood flew out!


What makes Wang Song's brow wrinkled is that Qin Feng, who was cut off the throat, is still calm, still looking at him faintly!



Qin Feng in front of Wang Song, turned into a smoke to dissipate.

At the same time, there was a voice behind Wang Song.

"come kill me."

The newly-emerged Qin Feng is leaning against the wall, with his hands in his trouser pockets and a faint scent of smoke.

Wang Songwen screamed fiercely. When he saw another Qin Feng, it was a surprise that it was a knife.

The sickle directly fell into the shoulders of Qin Feng and gave it to two halves.

The expression of Qin Feng is still the same, and the eyes are cold.

Similarly, after a second, the Qin weathered a cigarette and dissipated in place.

next moment!

"come kill me."

"come kill me!"

"kill me!"


In the entire pavilion, all directions, rooms, including stairs, all corners, have the appearance of 'Qin Feng', full of six or seven Qin Feng.

They are all smoking cigarettes, their eyes are as cold and calm as ever, and there is no wave in the ancient wells.

Repeat that sentence and kill me!

Wang Songzhen was in the same place, and he had the skills of Jian Dan. He saw that this scene actually felt the scalp numb!

Counting the souls of others for a lifetime, the left soul makes the soul, today... was calculated!

It is no wonder that the extravagant avatar has long surpassed the imagination of the monks in Yunshui.

And outside the pavilion.

The real Qin Feng smoked and stood side by side with Gongsun.

At this moment, Gongsun Tong, with a complicated seal in his hand, has a blue enchantment around the pavilion. There is a flame on the enchantment, and the pavilion is completely shrouded.

At the main entrance, the flame condenses in the center of the enchantment and turns into a huge seal!

"The soul of the soul..."

There is a twilight in the eyes of Gongsun!

He did not expect that the School of Faerie was infiltrated by this force.

He is not Xiao Zhanyun, Xiao Zhanyun did not feel the first time he heard the three words of the soul-soul, but Gongsun is not the same!

He is a monk of the Dan, he is the top of the cloud water industry, he lived for more than three hundred years! The secret that he knows is very human!

Photographed by the soul, the former **** of heaven to teach the soul of the soul! It still exists in the world!

And this guy trapped in the enchantment turned out to be the left-hander of the Dementhun!

The name of the spirit of the lock, even if it is only recorded in the classics, it is extremely horrible!

Stars teach!

This is a name that makes the public grandson feel tremble!

Obviously, this spirit is not infiltrated into Xianling College for a day or two, but it has already been planned!

Thousands of years ago, the cult that once plagued Kyushu and slaughtered millions of people in Yunshui, is it necessary to resurrect? ! 2k novel reading network

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