The city of Monkey King

Chapter 203: Say no, your body is very honest.

"Come here!"

The green-haired turtle suddenly didn't know what kind of wind to smoke. He pulled the arm of Nangong Yi people and pulled her to his side.

"You let go!"

The Nangong Yi people's face was cold, and they quickly opened the green turtle's hand.

"The wife's hand is really slippery~"

The green tortoise has a feeling of unsatisfactory, not angry at all, under the green hair, is a wretched face.

"Three two one, ready!"

The green tortoise has quite a waist, and smiles. The hundred people are bent toward the Nangong Yi people 90 degrees! Just like practicing!


Uniform, sound, and full of gas!


The Nangong Yi people are completely paralyzed, really... she has never touched such a cheeky neuropathy as a green turtle in her life.

"How about the daughter-in-law? I let them practice for one night, this position, this action, neat?? Is the wife and child satisfied and dissatisfied?"

The green-haired turtle smirked, and it was very ‘smart and aggressive’, and the green slanted bangs that covered the mouth.

"I, I can't stand it..."

"Mom, this green turtle is still licking his hair, I, I am going to have a long eye today."

"This, this, this... this is his talent!"


"This wave I gave 666!"


Just when everyone is stunned by the green turtle.

The people who were blocked at the outermost side felt that someone was pulling them away. They were about to scream and scream, and they saw Qin Feng.

Instantly smashed, and quickly retreated to bow down and say hello.

"The chairman is good."

Others saw Qin Feng coming, but they also let the road open, and shouted ‘Chairman’s good.’

I thought about it one by one, and I had a good show!

Qin Feng just nodded slightly, it was very strange to watch this green turtle and the hundreds of collectively bent over, wearing a black suit.

"Qin Feng!"

Upon seeing the Qin wind, the Nangong Yi people first glimpsed, then revealed a smile, and quickly ran forward and stood on the side of Qin Feng.

"Women, you, what are you doing?"

As soon as the green tortoise saw the Nangong Yi people standing behind Qin Feng, they first saw it, then saw Qin Feng, anger!

"You dare to grab the wife of Laozi?!"

The green tortoise roared toward the Qin wind, and more than one hundred beaters behind him stood up in an instant. Stepping forward, a piece of sunglasses reflected in the sun, all facing the Qin wind.

daughter in law?

When I heard the word, Qin Feng almost did not respond.

When did the Nangong Yi people become the daughter of this green turtle? !

"Green turtle?"

Qin Feng saw the non-mainstream shape of the green turtle, and shouted the word.

"I am a trend, I don't know how to appreciate it! You dare to marry me, I kill you!"

This green turtle is also sincere. It is much simpler than Wang Song. It is worthwhile to learn nonsense. This is worth learning.

Hundreds of thugs, rushed toward the Qin wind.

Qin Feng will not be too lazy to talk nonsense.

A crush on the body is coming out!

This is enough to rival the pressure of the knot!


The hundreds of black-handed thugs that had been rushing from the momentum were still awkward at the moment, and the next moment was the uniformity of the Qin wind.

Those Qin employees who have not had time to scream and sneak out are all embarrassed when they see this scene.

"I rely on... Is this the legendary momentum?"

"The chairman is arrogant! Let these people shout in a word!"

"It’s so handsome and handsome~ It’s a pity. If I had the face and body of Nangong’s secretary, I also went to the chairman of the board as a secretary. When I thought of being alone in the small room with the chairman, then~ um um~ shy~”

"Okay, don't be here, yy, you should be with the chairman."


Hundreds of people collectively kneel down, this scene is still a bit spectacular.

The green turtle is smashed!

Look left and right, what is the situation? !

"What are you doing?! Stand up for Laozi!"

The green tortoise yelled at the sly places around him, and even slammed the nearest buddy.

These beaters looked at the green turtles, and the ones in their hearts were speechless.

It’s already shameful to follow the boss’s son to do this kind of work, and it’s still here...

This dead green turtle does not understand.

If you can get up, whoever specializes in the sky is here.

"To shut up."

When the green turtle yelled, Qin Feng faintly opened.

The sound fell into the ear of the green turtle, and the guy was shut up subconsciously.

Just closed, my brain may have turned around.

"No, why should I shut up! Mom! You..."

The green tortoise looks at Qin Feng, and raises his hand to point to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng really can't stand it anymore. This is a slap in the face.

"Your Majesty."

A touch of mouth.

"You make me jealous of me? I don't want to face?!"

The green tortoise was full of arrogance, just finished, and slammed down.

That picture... can make people laugh out of the urine.

"Oh, my mother, I can't help myself... I laughed!"

"This green turtle is really his mother's mouth, not to say it, but the body is very honest."

"There are drawbacks!"


Qin Feng walked between the people who were squatting by these people, and the Nangong Yi people quickly followed.

"Who is this person?"

Qin Feng smiled and asked, the green turtle is really fascinating.

"I don't know, it happened to be on the road, and then I got caught up with me."

Nangong Yi people walked into the elevator along with Qin Feng and whispered, "I... I didn't go out and chaos, you, don't think about it."

Then he added a sentence quickly, fearing that Qin Feng misunderstood.

"What are you thinking about? You are thinking about it."

Qin Feng saw the small nervous appearance of the Nangong Yi people, and could not help but laugh.

Today's Nangong Yi people wear a small white dress, slender ** outside, coupled with the proud figure, long hair, very eye-catching.

"I will tell the Finance Department for a moment to allocate some money to the security department of the building, so that they can buy dozens of high-voltage electric batons. In the future, they will use this electric baton and kill them."

Going out of the elevator and walking towards the chairman's office, Qin Fengshun said.

"Oh, well, I will call you in a while~"

Qin Feng and Nangong Yiren entered the office, and before the building, the green turtle and the thugs stood up after Qin Feng left.

The green turtle is hard to bear now!

The daughter-in-law was robbed, and she went down for no reason.

"Big brother, let's go."

A hitter said to the green turtle, after all, the move of Qin Feng was too strange, and these thugs were scared.

"Go, take a fart!"

The green tortoise pointed at the building: "My wife is still inside, you all listen to Laozi, you must fight in and grab people!"

As soon as this was said, the beatings around him were black.

One by one, my heart is speechless.

I thought... There is a problem in the gang that has always been rumored that the boss’s only son has a problem. It’s a hundred and five. Today, I’ll follow it once, and it’s not true!

More than two hundred and five!

It’s just that there’s no one in the past, and there’s two hundred and five nth powers! 2k novel reading network

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