The city of Monkey King

Chapter 207: Step by step! [Three more]

"I rely on... How come the green turtles come again! Didn't you beat before?"

"This is really the son of the underworld boss?!"

"Mom, this posture, it has to be thousands of people."

"Hurry back to the upstairs, the knife in the sky, this special movie?!"

"Looks so scared~"


The appearance of this group led to the fact that the entire Qin building was a fryer, and even the employees in the lobby on the first floor were scared to run upstairs.

The technical department is also already arguing, and the employees are white and their hearts are afraid that these people will rush to slash.

Zuo Yingjie is standing by the window watching the thousands of guys carrying machete.

"Boss, have you heard the chopper help? I only heard the axe help."

The king stood on the right side of Zuo Yingjie and was very puzzled to see the black-handed thugs.

"I have heard!"

Xiao Wang smiled: "It was also a chance to listen to a friend. It seems to be a big gang in the north. The background is very big. It is said that there are thousands of members."

Zuo Yingjie did not speak, just frowned.

Xiao Wang has heard that he is also a half-way mixed with his own hero, of course, I have heard it!

This chopper knives have always been in the north, this time it is estimated that because of the green turtle, so specially transferred to Jiangzhou.

Such a big posture... It’s really not afraid of the trick!

He began to worry a bit about Qin Feng.

This is also washed away from memory. If the memory of that day is still there, let alone Zuo Yingjie, there will be no panic in the entire Qin building, and it will only be silent for the thousands of thugs.

To provoke who is not irritating, you have to provoke you Uncle Qin!

On the first floor lobby, the security guards have long since ran away...

This can't blame them, just the few electric batons in their hands, compared with the thousands of choppers, there is a fart, it is estimated that the stick has not been called out, people are cut into a mass of meat.

"Dad, it’s the people here who beat me, they still, I tied my wife!"

The green tortoise said with anger, especially when he tied his wife, the expression was absolutely... I don’t know if his wife was tied.

"Well, don't talk, carefully crack the wound, and hand it to Dad."

"Oh, my little baby, is it painful?"

"very painful!"

Meng Guang looks murderous, but is a full son control, gently raised his hand and touched the green turtle's forehead wound, while swearing.

There is such a jealousy, no wonder it will raise a living treasure of two hundred and five sons.

"Dad, don't hurt my wife!"

While the green turtle was crying, it was reminded.

"You can rest assured that Dad must take her safety to your room."

To say that Meng Guang is most happy is that his son has fallen in love with a woman!

Meng Guang can become a gang of thousands of people, and it is impossible to write a pen. Because he is not a pen, he naturally knows that his son is a pen.

The kind of purebred pen.

So... he wants a grandson who can't write a pen, so that he can train a successor.

But he, the green-haired turtle son, likes to do anything, just doesn't like women. Once Meng Guang locked the green turtle in a villa, three of them were stripped, and the face was first-class, unmanned. Sister.

However, after half a day, Meng Guangjin went to see it... The gas was almost vomiting blood on the spot.

His mother's, the creator movement did not do, even four people joined together to play poker!

Now that the green turtle is a woman, Meng Guang will not miss this opportunity.

This time, it is incidental to give up the son, and robbing women is the primary goal!

In Meng Guang’s opinion, this woman must be taken back to give birth to her grandson!

Meng Guang looks at the Qin Building and has a look!

"Everyone listened, and took the woman named Nangong Yiren in the building and grabbed it! Who wants to block the road and hack it directly!"

"Yes, boss!"

Thousands of thugs, shouted in unison, and then walked to the Qin's building with a clear machete.

I haven't waited for these people to be close to the building, about thirty meters from the gate.

Qin Feng put his hands in his trouser pockets and took a cigarette. He walked out slowly, and the Nangong Yi people in a small white dress followed the cleverness behind him.

Cold eyes, sweeping through thousands of thugs!

When the evening arrives, the sun is splattered, and it shines on the thousands of machetes.

Seeing the emergence of Qin Feng, the thousands of thugs stopped subconsciously.

Dare to be alone!

This person is arrogant!

"It is him, that is, he makes me beat me!"

As soon as I saw Qin Feng, the green turtle was shouting.

"Women, wait for me! I will save you now!"

Shouted, it was the second sound... I don’t know the logic of where the green turtle came, save? ! Nangong Yiren wants him to save a fart!

Meng Guangyi saw his stupid son so eager, but also saw the Nangong Yi people behind Qin Feng.

Suddenly, I was honest, this is not because his son is fancy, he wants to get back to be a little wife!

Even he is thinking... Anyway, his son is stupid, and later his son does not pay attention, it is okay to come to the daughter-in-law with a few shots!

Thinking of this, suddenly Mengguang came to the fore!

"What are you doing?! Hack him!"

Meng Guang shouted, and suddenly thousands of people screamed and rushed up.

Qin Feng looked at these people with hand-held machetes.

Just put your hands in your trouser pockets and walk a step forward. The thousands of people stood in the same place.

like a statue!

Eyes are left and right, you are jealous of me, I am jealous of you, and there are horror in my eyes!

"Rely! His mother's standing in the same place to do anything! Hacked the guy, who hacked him, Laozi gave him 10 million, plus a year's night / total / will be free! The audience will play!"

Shouting this, thousands of people still do not move.

Meng Guangyu...

Usually, it’s just a year’s night/total/meeting girl’s free play, it’s enough for these kids to be crazy, to know his night/total/meeting, the girl said that there are thousands, that is, three sleeps a day. I can't sleep for a year!

Not to mention adding 10 million now, no one is moving yet? !

But then... something that made his chin more confusing happen.

With the smoke, Qin Feng slowly walked forward.

Every time he took a step, the black-handed **** who was set next to him slammed into him.

The movements are neat and uniform, and they are orderly!

Step by step!

When Qin Feng walked to the front of Meng Guang three meters, the thousands of thugs had been completely smashed, and the chopper in his hand fell to the ground.

"This, this, this..."

Meng Guang looked at the scene that happened in front of him. He was completely forced. He has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never seen such a mysterious thing.

Qin Feng did not care about Meng Guang’s horror. As soon as he raised his hand, he was away from the nearest beater. The machete flew up and down in the hands of Qin Feng.

"Come, cut me."

Hand handed, Qin Feng looked at Meng Guang, faintly open. 2k novel reading network

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