The city of Monkey King

Chapter 209: The goddess is strong! [Request for tickets]

Night, ten o'clock, quietly and quietly.

The neon lights in the city are also extinguished.

The employees of the Qin Building are all off work.

In the street in front of the building, it has not been stopped for a long time. Under the dim light, there are thousands of people, and the mop broom is rushing to sweep the street.

If there is no broom mop, it can be said that it is ‘deep diligence’.

This is also a no-brainer. It is obviously much easier to sweep the street than to lose a little life.

Qin's Building, the suite of the Nangong Yiren.

Qin Feng sat on the two-seat sofa leaning against the falling window, watching the starry night scene, with a cup of coffee on the small table next to him, with a faint steam of steam.

"What are you thinking about?"

The Nangong Yi people had just finished the shower, changed a white silk pajamas, and the hair was slightly moist. It was very nice to sit next to Qin Feng.

"It's nothing."

Qin Feng faintly opened, he actually thought of Yunling.

Every night, he would think of Yunling in the Xiantaolin, and he couldn’t help but feel pity.

After Ouyang Shaoqin satirized, before he had gone to the Xiantaolin, for decades, tens of thousands of nights, she was alone, alone in the peach forest, watching the stars and moons in the sky, alone in a daze.

"Oh oh~"

Nangong Yiren nodded and used his fingers to play with his long hair.

"Qin Feng, you, do you have a girlfriend?"

Although the Nangong Yi people always followed Qin Feng, she really didn't know if Qin Feng had a girlfriend...

"No, how come you suddenly asked this."

When Qin Feng heard the question of Nangong Yiren, he could not help but laugh.

"No, nothing, I will ask casually~"

The appearance of Nangong Yiren’s face was red.

"I, I have not talked about my boyfriend."

The Nangong Yi people said in a small voice.

"Yes? There is a chance to try it later."

Before hearing the girlfriend's three words, Qin Feng subconsciously thought of Zhao Wei, thinking of Zhao Wei's appearance when he died, his pain deep in the bottom of his heart is beginning to roll.

"Yes, can you...?"

Nan Gong Yi's face is even more red... In her opinion, Qin Feng's sentence is understood in another way.

Try ~

Try with Qin Feng~!

Of course, Qin Feng is not the meaning, he just said this.

"Well, yes."

Qin Feng nodded.

And at this time, his brow... suddenly wrinkled!

Because at this moment, the aura in the entire suite began to tumbling, and... From the outside of the suite, this area of ​​tens of thousands of meters, Aura is beginning to move toward the Qin building, rushing towards this suite!

The speed is getting faster!

Even... Aura is solid!

You must know that this place is not a place in Jiangzhou, nor is it a fairyland with other auras. If you want to be able to condense into a substance, how strong cohesion can be done!

"Hey? What's the matter?"

The Nangong Yi people looked at the aura that suddenly appeared in the body and could not help but be scared.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath."

Qin Feng looked at the Nangong Yiren, but he was not surprised when he was amazed. He had guessed that the Nangong Yiren would build a foundation tonight!

as expected!

I want to build a foundation!

It was just that Qin Feng didn't think that there was such a posture. The Nangong Yi people did not take the initiative to absorb the aura. These auras only sensed the fluctuations of the Nangong Yi people, and they came together automatically!

Looking out of the window, the aura of the river is like a river, coming from all directions!

"Oh oh oh, ok~"

The Nangong Yi people quickly closed their eyes, and with her deep breath, these auras began to surge into her body.

And what makes Qin Feng feel unexpected!

These auras gathered together not only flooded into the body of the Nangong Yi people, but also began to flood into his body. The big products and the celestial powers automatically run.

The repairs of his undergraduate products began to fluctuate, and Dan Tian also absorbed the aura of these four sides in a crazy way!

Time, little by little.

Half an hour later, the Nangong Yi people opened their eyes. For her, apart from seeing things more clearly, the whole person feels more comfortable, and there is no big difference.

From repairing to building a foundation, she has not used a spiritual power now, let alone other.

At the moment, she has already built the foundation.

However, she did not speak because Qin Feng, who was by her side, was still closed with her eyes closed, and there was a constant flow of spirits into the body of Qin Feng.

The Nangong Yi people sneaked around and moved their bodies so that their heads leaned against the shoulders of Qin Feng.

At first, I was a bit timid, but when Qin Feng didn't have anything unusual, she smiled and rested with ease, slowly closing her eyes and sleeping.

Qin Feng, who is quietly practicing at the moment, can't feel this!

What he can feel...just the speed of the influx of aura into the body, a fierce explosion of ten times!

Because of the reasons why Nangong Yi people practiced Shenyin, as long as they don't touch, there is no practice, but this touch...

It is like a flood that turns on the gate, and the aura is surging!

His dantian is constantly expanding, step by step, and heading towards the foundation!

Night, quiet and quiet.

On the sofa next to the falling window, Qin Feng closed his eyes. On his shoulder, Nangong Yiren wore a white silk pajamas. The jade white long legs slanted on the sofa, and the moonlight was crystal clear.

The white moonlight is scattered on the two.

One night, too.

On the second morning, when Qin Feng opened his eyes, in the eyelids, a touch of fine light burst!

Building a base!

He can feel the power of his body that is several times more than before!

This can break through, and telling the truth makes him very surprised.

The subconscious mind looked at it and saw a beautiful face. The Nangong Yi people who slept on his shoulders slept at this moment.

Qin Feng clearly felt that his spiritual power flowed very fast. If there was no Nangong Yi people leaning on his shoulder last night, even if there were those auras that sensed the breakthrough of the Nangong Yi people, they could not break through.

Heavenly woman spirit...

This is a terrible physique, and it is terrible to help the monks! Moreover, he can feel that the Nangong Yi people who have become the foundations now have helped him far more than when he was practicing!

It is also true that the person who possesses the spirit of the goddess is also extremely insecure. Once he is known, he is not strong enough, or there is no strong backing. It is only a matter of time before he becomes a stove.

The nine-day mysterious woman of that year was able to become a generation of peak power.

That's because when she is weak, there is a strong teacher behind her, and when she is strong, no one dares to commit!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng is very aware of the Nangong Yiren. Her character is weak and she is not suitable for being an enemy.

So before she grows up, she needs a strong backer, and that person, obviously, is slowly playing by herself.

Gently reinforce the Nangong Yi people, Qin Feng stood up, and when the Nangong Yi people left themselves, they could feel that the spiritual flow rate in the body was reduced by a factor of ten.

Facing the first morning light that was sprinkled in the morning.

Luojiahou Banquet...

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