The city of Monkey King

Chapter 216: WISP refining the city! [four more]

"Hey, you said what the churchlors are doing? This is obviously the pattern of the ghost fire, why do you want to put so much."

"Where do I know, you have to ask the owner to do this!"

“This place in Jiangzhou is too boring, or the moisture in the land of Gaoqiao County.”

"You want to say that the girl in Gaoqiao County is comfortable."

"Gangzi, it was so cool last night? Listening to Xiaode said that your kid was out of luck, even ordered an e-cup, and played a whole night's meat bag with ham?! Bring me next time, I still want this. If you want to take me, I will tell you the elders about this sneak!"

"Oh, no problem, next time together, brother will bring you a pair of phoenix play beads!"

"Haha! Say it!"


In the face of this rolling mountain, alertness is a boring thing. These twenty seven stars and ghostly disciples are wandering around here. Each expression is very relaxed and lazy. In their view, there is no point in guarding. There is no danger at all.

Even if there is danger, there are three hundred and sixty eyes in the suburbs, and the probability of falling on oneself is one hundred and sixty-one. With such a low probability, it is impossible to turn to yourself!

People are reported to have luck.

Just like someone who was killed in the door, before he went out, he would not believe in his tragic fate after five minutes.

At this moment, these disciples are the idea, including the Zhuji monk, who is also relying on the trunk, and there is a sentence of every sentence that screams with the next person.

Looking at the sun on the day, squinting slightly, the glare of the sun covered the line of sight.

"Hey? What?"

He suddenly was very surprised, how do you have a few blue lights in this glare of the sun? !

And this light is getting closer and closer!

suddenly! He reacted! The face is changing, this is not the sun!

This is Jianguang!

Subconsciously want to shout, but it is too late!

A sword of the sky, with the sound of breaking the wind, directly through his eyebrows.

The eyes are round and the people are dead.

The other eight stalks, also intertwined at a very fast speed, these twenty disciples, all within the three interest.

In the end, there was only one person left, that is, the sneaky door that was sitting on the knees and concentrating on the sacred door.

Feeling that the whole body was not right, the man opened his eyes fiercely and found that he had appeared in front of him. Before he could stand up, he did not see the appearance of the person appearing in front of him. It was a fierce glimpse, trembling, pan-eye White.

Qin Feng stood in front of this person, with one hand on top of his head, and the gods rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of the founding monks.


One second, ten seconds, thirty seconds... one minute.

Qin Feng took back his hand. This ghostly disciple also completely broke off his vitality. He turned his eyes and spit with white foam and fell to one side.

"Ghostfire array..."

From the sea of ​​the monks and monks, Qin Feng learned that this pattern is a ghostly array of ghosts.

And such a wildfire array, all over the entire Jiangzhou! There are three hundred and sixty!

Even if you are stupid, you know what this means!

WISP refining the city!

Qin Feng couldn't help but frown, but he remembered that the day was maddened by the fire of the wildfire, the raging fire, the fire, not the god, but the heart, the soul, the bad mood!

Hatred, oh, anger!

Burn out hope, let people fall into despair!

Burning out forgiveness makes people fall into hatred!

Burning out the light, people are stunned!

If it is a wildfire, the mortal can't resist it, and all of this in his heart will be completely erupted!

A crazy scene will happen in Jiangzhou!


Jiangzhou city center, international financial building, rooftop.

Just at the moment when the ghost-stricken monk was killed by Qin Feng’s acquaintance with the sea, Yuan Cheng, who had been gathering in the air, suddenly opened his eyes.

He is the main eye, and the other three hundred and sixty eyes are connected to the main line of the eye, but anyone who has any eye, any unusual, he can feel it instantly.

Just now, he found that one hundred and sixty of the array of eyes, one of the eyes, scattered!

"what happened?"

Fan Jiang, who stood by, saw Yuan Chengyu open his eyes and asked in a tight voice.

"The owner, the scattered eyes are in the southeast."

At this moment, the four ghosts and deputy heads of the main hall were converged into an auxiliary array of eyes. One of them also opened his eyes and said.


Yuan Cheng looked up to the southeast, staring for a moment, and his mouth showed a smile.

"Fan brother, this time the gamble, it seems that we won."

The purpose of he and Fan Jiang Wheezing City is to force out the Qin wind, but now it seems... Qin Feng has appeared!

"Have he come..."

When Fan Jiang heard this, it was also a look of looseness, and looked up to the southeast.

This is a gamble that gambles on life, and it is a death!

In their view, if Qin Feng does not appear, it would be useless to refine the entire state of Jiangzhou into ashes.

And as long as Qin Feng appears, then their gamble will win!

Because in their opinion, as long as you know where Qin Feng is, kill Qin Feng, cut the head of Qin Feng, easy!

"I will let him come to us and let him come... to die."

Yuan Cheng’s mouth smirked and then closed his eyes.

At this moment, he no longer waits in the slightest, and no longer continues to gather!

In the hands of the change, in the moment, under his body, the three-figure square pattern, fiercely ignited the black wildfire!

When the change in his hand, the other four auxiliary arrays, the four sides of the roof in the southeast and northwest, the four deputy heads of the three sacred temples, followed by the seal.

Ghost fire print!

Under them, the black squall, also with a raging black wildfire, began to expand quickly, and the final direction was where Yuan Cheng was under his body.

The square pattern is connected to Yuan Cheng’s body.

When the connection is completely connected!

Call ~!

Focusing on Yuan Cheng’s pattern, the other four squares have a more raging black fire!

at the same time!

Jiangzhou has four sides, three hundred and fifty-nine roads, and three hundred and fifty-nine Ghosts of the Ghosts of the House, at the same time bear the ghost print!

The formations underneath them are spreading at an extremely fast speed, interconnected, and black lines, which will completely surround the entire city.

And when these lines are perfectly connected!


Yuan Cheng of the main line of eyes, a low drink.


With him as a body, a column of black flames, rushing into the sky! Not in the cloud!

And the 359 out of the suburbs, all the patterns, but also at this moment, there is a raging fire!

A huge semi-circle of ghosts and enchantments will cover the entire city of Jiangzhou!

The original clear day, the warm light, this moment was completely covered up!

The city is in darkness.

The fire group, from the sky, from this ghost fire enchantment, landed in Jiangzhou!

The flames ignite in the city!

At this moment in Jiangzhou, black became the only color!

WISP, refining city! 2k novel reading network

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