The city of Monkey King

Chapter 218: There is no dead body!

Sword, galloping in the sky.

Qin Feng came from the outskirts, stood on the top of the Cangwu sword, overlooking the whole of Jiangzhou, black and white, countless people ran to the street, like a madman, it was a random fight.

This is all the spirits that have been tempered by the ghosts. Continue to do this. In less than an hour, these mortals will die, and then the soul will be ruined by the refining city!

Call ~!

A black fireball, enchanted from the sky, slammed toward the Qin wind.

The fireball has not touched the Qin wind, but it was bursting with a spiritual power.

In the eyes of Qin Feng, it is the International Finance Building, which is above the rooftop of the building, the pillar of the black fire that rushed.

As long as this black fire is ruined, this refining city can dissipate!


Yuan Cheng, sitting on the roof of the building, sitting cross-legged, saw the Jianguang from the distance, and now he smiled in his eyes.

At his side, Fan Jiang, who stood, also showed a sneer.

"kill him."

A faint opening, his four princes, the deputy head of the church, is bursting into the air and heading straight to the coming Jianguang.

In his opinion, killing a Zhuji monk, even if it is against the sky, the four knots are enough, you don’t have to shoot yourself!

The foot of the sky and the sword, Qin Feng looks cold, watching the four streams of the coming stream, the breath of the next product is scattered.

The hand rested on the ear.

A glimpse, the gold hoop is in the hand!


These four coming to the end of the knot, are in the eyes with a stern color, but just the moment they have just finished speaking! Haven't shot yet!


In the hands of Qin Feng, the golden hoops suddenly became bigger, and with the wind sweeping, they directly smashed on the four people.

"how come!"

The four people had not had time to be astonished. The whole person was directly smashed and flew tens of meters. Wow, he vomited blood. He had not waited for the four people to slow down and stop.

Sixty-four swordsmanship is coming! Intertwined between the four, the four people were completely eliminated!

With the soul, smash together!

Blood fog, filled in the air.

Everything, but it is a few seconds.

When Fan Jiang’s reaction on the stage came over, his four deputy heads were already dead.

The four bodies, all with round eyes, fell from the sky.


Fan Jiang saw this scene, first of all violent, followed by the power of the horror of Qin Feng!

He was shocked, Qin Feng will not give him time!

In the hands of the gold hoop, fiercely made a hundred feet, the light is thick and has the width of the roof.

"What is this!"

Not only is Fan Jiang, Yuan Cheng has four other auxiliary eyes at the moment, all of whom saw this huge ancient gold iron rod.

Above the sky, the body of Qin Feng, the black fireball constantly falling, but no one can hit the body of Qin Feng.

The look is cold, with a gold hoop in his hand.

A fierce glimpse!


Yuan Cheng saw this huge ancient gold iron rod falling down, shouting in shock, and the fierce hand was changed!

Call ~!

In an instant, the entire city of Jiangzhou, endless witfire, gathered from the eight sides, condensed on the sky above the sky, a huge black fire hand formed, will block the Baizhang gold hoop stick.

This is the power of five knots and three hundred and fifty-nine masters!

Qin Feng looked at this scene coldly, without too much words, raised the golden hoop, and it was a stick.



jump jump jump!

Awesome and great, the impact of the impact, like a mountain bell, echoed throughout Jiangzhou.

The ghosts condensed, leading to the fire of the original refining city, all of which condensed toward the main eye.

The mortals who had been affected by the wildfires were all awake and heard the sounds. They all looked at the direction of the city center in amazement and looked at the scene of the sky.

The mouths of the shock are all close together!

Qin's Building, Technical Department.

"Boss, don't fight! Stop playing!"

Xiao Wang desperately dragged Zuo Yingjie, and the king on the ground was already beaten and blood, and Zuo Yingjie’s forehead was also broken, blood flow.

"Mom, I dare to talk back, see if I can't kill you, a rabbit!"

Zuo Yingjie's blue-strength violent violent, still violent, extremely squatting on the king's body, and at this time, the whole person suddenly felt like an electric shock, and the fire of the heart's fury suddenly went out.

"I... What am I doing?!"

Looking at the blood-filled king, Zuo Yingjie’s heart suddenly became annoyed.

At this time, the sound of the mountain bell was also introduced into his ear, subconsciously looking toward the window, this direction, just facing the international financial building.

He saw a person!

Even if he was far apart, he recognized it at a glance, Qin Feng!

Building roof.

Yuan Cheng’s shock at this moment is already pale, and Fan Jiang, who is beside him, has a touch of madness on his face.

He is very clear, continue to resist this way, the final outcome will be only one, die!

Since you are dying!

It is better to fight!

The face was dark, and Fan Jiang rushed out.

"Fan Jiang, what are you doing?!"

Yuan Cheng was shocked by Fan Jiang’s sudden move, and he couldn’t stop it.

"Kid, take your life!"

In the hands of Fan Jiang, a large knife burning with a raging flame, in his body, there are thousands of ice cones appearing in an instant, the big knife is turned into a hundred feet, and the ice cone goes straight to the Qin wind.

Qin Feng swept his eyes to Fan Jiang, swept his eyes and thousands of ice cones, his eyes calm as water.

Only the left hand lifted, ten black light, instantly bursting out of the air, the speed is extremely fast, passing the ice cone, penetrating the spiritual body of Fan Jiang, penetrated the body of Fan Jiang.

At this moment, the big knife under the arm is getting smaller and going back.

The thousands of ice cones are also dissipating in an instant.

Ten roots were blessed by the spirit of the Qin Feng spirit, and the Tianmen of Fanjiang knew the sea, Dantian Jindan, and seven veins and eight veins, all penetrated.


Even the soul of Fan Jiang!

From the body of Fan Jiang, there is a soul to want to leave, but it can't be done!

Ten souls of the town, nailed his soul to the air.

"No, don't, don't!!"

Fan Jiang is completely afraid! His soul is struggling and wants to leave the flesh, but he can't do it.

The monk of the knot, compared to the master of the foundation, the real death is not the flesh, but the soul, the flesh is destroyed, if the soul is still there, you can wait for the opportunity to reincarnate others.

But if the soul is gone, it is dead and can't die anymore!

But at this moment, Qin Feng obviously does not intend to give him a chance.

"The killings, the people you kill, should be quite a lot."

Qin Feng mouth has a cigarette and slowly ignites.

He remembered what Lei Ying had told him before. He had hundreds of lives in Jiangzhou, He Hua, Lei Qiong, Qiu Qiu, Zhang Dawei...

In the view of Qin Feng, Zhang Dawei must have died.

When the cigarette at the corner of your mouth is burning!

A sword light passed over, and the soul of Fan Jiang stopped struggling and was completely annihilated!

Among his flesh, it is the sword gas bursting, turned into powder, dead without a whole body!

Qixingmen, Tianshutangtang, Jiedan Zhongpin monk, Fan Jiang, dead! 2k novel reading network

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