The city of Monkey King

Chapter 225: Four hundred and seventy-one bundles of celestial ropes!

"Old, Jiangzhou..."

Four hundred and seventy-two people, these people are in the division, they are all direct and direct.

The lowest of them are Zhuji monks. If you count the untrained monks, there are nearly 5,000 direct students.

At this moment, even the gods of the double sweep across the entire state of Jiang, the brows wrinkled up, and the situation in Jiangzhou was worse than he thought.

If you want to recover, you are afraid to spend a lot of money.

And... he doesn’t know what’s going on here.

According to the news given by Zhang Dawei, Jiangzhou only has five thousand seven-star gates and ghost gates. If the two disciples are united, the people who have left their own, although there will be casualties, they can definitely settle!

But at the moment, a disciple across Jiangzhou can't see it!

Of course he can't see it because, all are dead!

"The old man, somebody!"

Not only is there double doubts, but several of the monks around him are equally confused.

At this time, in the side of even the double, his deputy Tong Yong snorted.

This sounded out, and other people suddenly looked at the direction that Tong Yong saw.

A black fire is coming towards them!

"It's a monk, building a peak... It's a bit interesting. I didn't expect the foundation to be able to fire."

There are some surprises in Tong Yong’s eyes.

"The old man, his subordinates will take it for you to ask."

At this time, another monk named Chen Xing, who was a singer, bowed his hand and said.

Obviously, he was anxious to express himself. He had not waited for a double nod. This Chen Xing was rushing toward the black fire. When the distance was tens of thousands of meters, Chen Xing stopped.

"The repair of Jiangzhou, the branch and the double pavilion are coming, there is something to ask you, and you don't stop!"

After all, Chen Xing is a member of the Qingzhou Branch. He will not be directly motivated when he goes up. However, he shouted out that the black fire stream did not stop at all, and he ignored it at all.

"The order of the division, dare not?"

Chen Xing was again screaming, and suddenly his eyes were angry. After all, he was always used to the value of Xiange. He always used to be "not stopping, so no wonder me!"

The hand slammed into the black fire that rushed away, and a huge spiritual hand formed in the air.

In his opinion, this one of his own hands will surely be able to put the guy in this suit!

From the very beginning, even the pair was staring at the black fire, and as the black fire approached, he saw the people in the black fire.

It was a pair of black-red pupils with a bloodthirsty smile on his face!

At the same time, even the gods of the double have been reverberating in Jiangzhou, this moment... From his knowledge, feedback came back a few familiar atmosphere!

Traces of the seven-star array! Cheng Ping! Seven Star Gate Elders!

When this is confirmed, even the double face suddenly changes dramatically!

"Chen Xing, come back!"

Slamming loudly!

But it’s too late!

Chen Xing's huge spiritual power palm, a sharp grip on Qin Feng!

However, just when Chen Xing is full of confidence!


The black fire streamed, directly smashing this huge spiritual hand, and then the speed rushed toward him without any loss!

Chen Xing’s face was wide and his eyes were round and round. Looking at the black fire that came instantly, he saw the existence of the black fire. He looked at the black-red pupil and saw the eye. Bloodthirsty killing.

This has also become the last scene he saw in his life!


The black fire glides through the whole body, and it bursts suddenly!

Even the soul of the soul is also under the black fire, turned into nothingness!


Even with a big expression, screaming and drunk, then more than 400 people behind him, all of them are scattered in all directions!

Including the doubles themselves, but also fiercely galloping up!


It’s a big drink, coming out of the double mouth!

"Zunge old decree!"

More than four hundred people screamed in unison, all of them were fierce hands and fingers crossed to form a fist!

In an instant, from the hands of these people, there is a white light!

These four hundred white light, like the spirituality, are all rushed to the Qin wind!

However, in the blink of an eye, more than four hundred white lights are wrapped around the Qin wind, and the light is scattered. It is a white rope!

Tied up!

Of course, this bundle of Xiansuo is just the name given to it by Xiange. If you want to bundle the real fairy, you can use these ropes. It is just a shit.

However, these ropes are all produced by the Xiangge Zhongge Pavilion. They are all refining or supervising by the masters of the knot-level refiner. The binding force is extremely strong.

This is also the standard for the people of Xiange, just like the handcuffs match the police.

Four hundred and seventy-one bundles of celestial cords, the white light of the stream of light, in the middle of the bundle of Xiansuo, is Qin Feng!

"The old man, this repair is very wrong! Look at his eyes, it seems to be enchanted!"

Tong Yong is in a double-faced body, and there is a horror in his eyes. Just now Chen Xing’s death can still be vividly witnessed.

The more you kill, the more you can see it!

Even with the double brows, he couldn’t understand what Jiangzhou was all about, and he didn’t know who the enchanted guy was.

Why is there a ghost of ghosts on this person? !

Such a raging fire, did not burn him! But it has fueled strength? !

He wants to figure out, but Qin Feng will not give him time!

Qin Feng, who was tied by four hundred and seventy-one bundles of celestial ropes, swept through the four hundred and seventy-one people in this week, with a bloodthirsty smile in the black and red eyes!

Call ~!

Taking the Qin wind as the center, the black wildfire burst, and the rushing along the 477 bundles of sacred ropes went straight to the 470 monks.

"Let loose the bundles!"

Seeing this scene, even the expressions suddenly changed, hurriedly shouted!

More than 400 people, more than 300 people screamed, and nearly a hundred people, burned by wildfire, their souls, burned by the raging fire! They are all screaming!

Qin Feng, raised his eyes and looked at the pair of skyspace.

Four eyes are opposite, and even the two look at the Qin Feng that lost their senses, completely madly killing the black and red pupils, can not help but swear.

This look is terrible!

His gods became more and more clear and clear, the atmosphere of the seven-star gate elders Cheng Ping, was here before, but now... completely dissipated!

If it were not the traces of the seven stars that were left in the void, even the doubles could not be found!

Is it... Cheng Ping, was killed by the people in front of me? ! And it’s a ghost! The annihilation is so clean!

At the thought of this, even the double scalp numb!

The peak of the knot! This cloud water world is almost the most peak realm, and even died in the hands of a foundation-based monk!

However, in his eyes, there is also a decisive intention! He is very clear, you have to choose, or everyone will die!

"I will lead him and let everyone go!"

After that, after waiting for Tong Yong to open, even turning around is a stream of light, exhausted with the fastest speed of life!

Qin Feng, watching the doubles of the streamer, grinned!


He rubbed his teeth and turned his neck. It was a crazy laugh, the pleasure of killing, the black fire, and chasing the past! 2k novel reading network

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