The city of Monkey King

Chapter 241: Rush in! [Three more]

"Where is Qi Linger?"

Qin Feng looked at Liu Man sitting on the steps, his voice was slightly cold.

Liu Man was shocked by the cold man in the eyes of Qin Feng and quickly stood up: "Yes, at home!"


Qin Feng brow slightly wrinkled up, Qi family in Jingzhou, Yaoge in the junction of Jingzhou and Liangzhou, the rainy mountain, just just down the road.

And... Qi Linger will have an accident at Qi, and it seems that Qi is no longer the original one.

"You two, take a trip with me."

Qin Feng swept the direction of the house. At this moment, the Nangong Yi people were still asleep, and they had to wake up at least to break the hour, but now there is still an hour from the dawn.

Counting the time, it’s almost the same when you come back.

"Go, where are you going?"

Liu Manyi, I don’t know what Qin Feng’s words mean.

"Qi family."

Qin Feng’s hand was in front of him. He had two handles of the sword and flew out. He directly passed the foot of Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang and held the two.

Not yet waiting for Liu Man to scream out, the whole person is already vacant.

"How long has Qi Linger returned to his family?"

The three swords appeared in the triangle and wore the clouds. Qin Feng stood on the handle of the sword in the middle, faintly opening.

After Liu Man’s reaction, he repeatedly said: “On the day you left the college, Ling’s sister left. At first I thought she was going back to her own building, and later...”

Then Liu Man said that the jade thing was completely complete with Qin Feng. Qin Feng took the jade from Liu Man’s hand and looked at the crack on the jade. The eyebrows were even more wrinkled. This jade is included in the storage ring.

Habitually took a cigarette in the corner of the mouth, this smoke, just ignited.

"Stand up."

The sound is faint, the scorpion is smashed, and the three-handed sword is slashed, and the speed is increased several times.

"Hey! Hey!"

Niu Dazhuang was so scared that the big man swayed and almost did not stand still.

Jingzhou, Jingye City.

Qi family!

"She still refuses to say?"

In the Qi Family Hall, the lock is sitting in the main position. In front of him, there are Qi people who are respectful and respectful, including the Qi Jiada elder Ziden.

At this moment, Qi Deng, completely without the style of the great elders of the past, stood in front of the lock, the expression, the posture, not much worse than the pug.

"No, right, not as good as us..."

There was a hint of hot color in Qi Deng’s eyes.

"Hey, Qi Deng, are you living too long to make your brain alive? With Qi Xiu's cultivation, set the sea to ban, what is the result after forcible breaking? You will not know?! You want to let Qi The handle of the house is completely extinct?!"

Locked and cold looked at Qi Deng, Qi Deng was so scared that his heart slammed, and it was actually slamming on the ground.

It is hard to imagine that a long-time elder of the Qi family, who is at the peak of the dynasty, has turned to a person who is lower than himself, and only the person who has completed the repair of the knot has gone down.

This is the power of the soul sect!

Invisible, into the control of the soul, your soul is firmly in your hands, even if you are high, even if you are the peak of the knot, if you do not listen to the order, you can break your soul between the thoughts!

At first Qideng just wanted to pull it down and took control of Qi’s family into his own hands. Then he chose to cooperate with the locks, and when he reacted to things that were not good, his soul had been locked and controlled. Everything is too late.

In addition, this person is reluctant to be a gold, preferring to be a dog, and is not willing to lose this old life. This is willing to listen to the command of the lock, and with his help, most of the whole family’s monks and monks are falling. Into the lock and control.

"The nine keys to the non-Zhoushan, now have seven handles, it is worse here Qi family and Zhangzhou Yuwenjia, even the last Yuzhou Xiao family, the key has been reached yesterday, this Qijia is my personal The shot, even after so long, has not succeeded, the sovereign, the Lord knows, must be angry."

Locking his face is very bad, the other seven, in addition to the last shot of the Yuzhou Xiao family is left to make the soul of the soul set in advance, the other six are the elders of the soul-stricken secret secretly secretly shot.

He is a singer-in-law, and the efficiency of the work is better than that of the elders. If this thing is passed on, it is really impossible to say it. At the very least, the face of his soul-stricken right will have to be clean.

"Right makes this passage, and the other six are mostly the keys that are obtained by sneaking, and at most they are able to control the strength of their respective families, and you control the whole family. They can't compare with you."

Qi Deng, who was kneeling on the ground, quickly said good things. One mouth is to sell the whole family. This kind of person can be a big elder of the family, and it is really a personal talent.

After listening to the lock, it was really a bit more comfortable. After blinking, Qi Deng then stood up and walked toward the door. His face was cold and cold: "The right is going to see the lady, but I don't believe it." In this world, there will be a mouth that my soul ancestors can't open."

And at the moment.

The land above Jingye City.

Three streams of light stayed, and the three-handed sword hangs over the moonlight.

"This is Jingye City."

Liu Man pointed to the city under his body. Now the day is not yet dawning. The whole city is extremely quiet, and the high-rise buildings are also in the early morning clouds.

"There is Qijiafuyuan!"

Qin Feng followed Liu Man's hand. In the east of the city, there is a continuous palace. It looks like an ancient palace. It occupies an extremely large area and is incompatible with the modern buildings next to it.

"It’s no wonder that the girl said that she is a big family..."

Qin Feng thought that Qi Linger was in the Qin's Manor at the beginning, playfully showing off her family's scene, but Qi Linger said yes, this Qijiafuyuan is indeed big enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Qijiafuyuan is the royal palace of the ancient Shu Kingdom. It is only a small meaning to accommodate thousands of people.

"I, how can we save the spirit sister?"

Liu Mang’s look at Qin Feng, telling the truth to find Qin Feng, she can’t do anything. After all, she couldn’t find other people, but when she thought about it, she suddenly felt that even if she found Qin Feng, she didn’t use it.

This is Qi family, one of the nine major families, but there is a peak of the peak of the Dan! Can you directly rush in to grab people? !


On the side of the big cow, this time the face was angry, a pair of eyes curled round, hands crossed back and forth.

"Don't stop yelling, what do you rush in directly! How do you rush! Do you think you can get bigger if you can get bigger?!"

Liu Man’s move toward Niu Da Zhuang is an all-nighter, saying that Niu Da Zhuang can only be wronged and bowed his head.

"He is right."

Just then, Qin Feng opened his mouth.


Liu Man looked at Qin Feng.

"Rush in."

Qin Feng smashed through the cool colors, and suddenly the three-handed swords of the sky, turned into swords and rushed toward the ancient palace in the east! 2k novel reading network

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