The city of Monkey King

Chapter 259: Eight squares of God's seal! [一一]

Faerie College.

Xian Lingtai, Yu Yiming's face is red at the moment, obviously very angry, he controls the soul of the entire Faculty of the Faerie, and the soul of these people is extremely powerful!

But despite holding such a powerful force in his hand, he is even a wolf!

Nine servants are watching, this face is thrown home!

How can he not be angry?

Don't look at the appearance of a modest gentleman in Yu Yiming's weekdays. This kind of person can hide for so long, even the most intimate Gongsun is not aware of his abnormalities.

The coldness of the heart, the camouflage of the appearance, true and false, can be imagined!

This time, he rarely seized the opportunity to lead the dementor star array, just to make meritorious deeds. As long as this success, the Lord will definitely remember his Yu Yiming’s name, and the tenth sage will no longer be a bubble in the water. This is the ultimate goal of his forbearance for a hundred years!

From the moment he joined the Stars, he set aside these ambitions!

Become a sage!

"Yu, the deputy, you don't need to be frustrated. It takes at least half an hour to gather strength, so that you can reach the peak. When the guy comes, it is the time for you to really show your strength."

On the side of the soul of the soul, with a smile, a touch of mouth.

At the same time, in the land above the Xianlingtai.

Eight sacred servants, black robes masked, eight people occupy eight directions, surrounded by the clouds in the center, with the same seal in their hands.

"The Eight-Party Refining God Seal."

In the middle of them, Tian Jiuyun was trapped by death and death, and no matter how roaring, they could not break through the void seal around this!

Just like you are all around the iron wall, how can you hit it!


The sky and the sky are constantly colliding, and your mouth is smashing! But it is hard to get out of the way!


These eight people, under the mask of evil spirits, have a faint phrase at the moment.

In the nine days of the sky, there are eight black runes in the void!

Eight black runes, each with black streamer, are like an octagonal cube, trapping the white wolf in the center!

"The scorpion ghost thing!"

The sky is full of clouds, the wolf is passing over the twilight, and one paw is photographed toward the rune in front!

However, this claw has no great effect on this rune.

"I don't believe in the dog!"

Yang Tianchang, the body of the white wolf began to grow bigger, from three meters to three feet, thirty feet... Baizhang!

However, no matter how big the white wolf becomes, the black runes of these eight sides are also getting bigger, and the hollow iron wall is condensed, and it is trapped in the air!

The sky is full of anger! Angry!

Completely angry!

The white wolf's body constantly hits the black rune in front of him, but it still has no effect.


At this time, the eight black robes, the eyes under the mask, the smashing of the eyes, are all in the hands of the print again!

At this moment, Tianjiuyunyun has a pair of silver scorpions fiercely shrinking!

In the middle of the Eight-Party refining of the gods, that is, the void of the land where the clouds are located, there is a breath of destruction!


White light covers the world!

The sound of the explosion shook the entire Wuling Wufeng, and the sound continued.

Falling in the human ear, like a thunder and thunder, only the voice of 嗡嗡嗡 回 reverberates in the sound of tinnitus.

The thousands of souls in the crystal column are all licking their ears, screaming in pain. For the souls that leave the flesh, the sound of the roaring has brought them even greater impact.

Even if it was the same as Gongsun, it was a subconscious and frowned. This shocked the five peaks, it was really uncomfortable.

On the crystal column, Qin Xuexue, who was imprisoned in the middle of the sky by chains, looked at the center of the explosion above the sky.

Tears, slipped over the cheeks and dripped on the ground.

"Little black... little black!"

Cried, shouting, screaming desperately, Qin Shixue shouted the name of the **** dog.


The lock in front of her heard the crying, the backhand was a whip hit on the body of Qin Chuxue, and Qin Xue’s skirt suddenly had a blood mark.

The corner of the lock's mouth with a smug smile, looking at Qin Chuxue: "From the servant's hand, do you think your pet can still live?"

"With this time, still pray for your brother, can arrive within an hour, or else... Hehe."

Waving the black whip in his hand, there is this hot meaning in the eyelids.

"Little black will not have anything!"

Qin Shi snow bites his lower lip, and he trembles with anger and pain.


Lin Yuezhen, who was also imprisoned in the middle of the chain, was also angry at the moment. As she guessed, these guys wanted to use their own and Qin Chuxue to introduce Qin Feng!

Once again, he became his burden, once again... dragging him down.

In the heart of Lin Yuexi, this meaning of the shackles is getting deeper and deeper...


The roar of the roar continues to reverberate, and the explosion of the genius is just like an introduction. Under this introduction, the bang continues.

In the land above the sky, the man at the head of the nine waiters, the eyes under the mask at the moment, faintly looked at the original white wolf, it was regained his gaze.

In his view, the eight priests' seals were enough to make the white wolves of the three tails die several times.


Rain Mountain, Medicine Court.

The misty rain covered the mountains.

There is a stream of light, coming out from the main peak of the rainy mountain, suddenly rising into the sky, stirring the rain and fog, and galloping toward the horizon.

At the top of the main peak of the medicine cabinet, Ouyang Changchun looked at the streamer that had galloped away, and his eyes showed a dark color.

This person, unsolicited, is now leaving without saying goodbye.

However, he believes that one day, they will have to meet each other, because the person promised himself, the time has come, and he has to take himself to the place where Shaoqin is sitting.

Even if it is yin and yang, my brother will take you home.


Galloping between heaven and earth!

Qin Feng holds Qi Linger in her arms. At this moment, Qi Linger slowly woke up, but her body is still very weak and she opened her eyes slightly.

"Qin Feng, the key, the key is..."

Although Qi Linger was asleep before, she could also hear the voice in the black cloud curtain. For Qin Feng, she is willing to give everything, even if the key that her father confessed, as long as Qin Feng needs it, she also Will not hesitate.

"This is a matter of family, don't need to tell me."


"Nothing, I will send you home first."

There is cold light in the eyes of Qin Feng.

threaten me? !

Oh... you are afraid of his mother, I don’t know how to write the dead words!

Ghost locks count as a hair! The soul of the soul is the top of the ball, what is the **** thing of the Lord!

If Laozi’s younger sister and Lin Yuexi had lost a hair, I wouldn’t see your old **** from alive!

Send Qi Linger back to Qi, a Jianguang Changhong cut through the morning light, and at the fastest speed, go straight to the direction of Xianling College!

With a sly kill!

Qin Feng returned! 2k novel reading network

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