The city of Monkey King

Chapter 269: Under a stick, the stars are scattered! [一一]

Law heaven!

Jinguang, from the body of Qin Feng, such as the same sun, bloom between heaven and earth!

The dazzling light will cover all the five peaks of Xianling...

The direction of the fairy Lingtai, the nine sages and the souls of the sorcerers, those who teach the stars, when the golden light bursts, they are subconsciously squinting, and the eyes are condensed.

Yu Yiming is not the case, looking directly at the golden light, the eyes are still excited!

At this moment, he can feel extremely powerful power from the seven stars!

Controlling this power, he has 10% confidence to give Qin Feng down!

There will never be any difference!

"Good glare..."

"How did Qin Xianshi suddenly shine?!"

"There is a good feeling..."

"Is it... this is the legendary glare?! Ah! I can't open my eyes!"


Among the crystal columns, these students were shocked by the golden light that covered the world. Many optimists even made jokes in the shock.


Jinguang is just an introduction! The real shock is only now!

Golden light, gradually dispersed!

In the eyes of everyone, it is no longer the seven giants, but eight!

The eighth is Qin Feng!

With Qin Feng’s current cultivation, it’s tempting to turn the heavens into the sky!

"Qin, Qin Xianshi has grown bigger!"

"This is this... how is this possible! How can people become so big!"


"I can turn into a giant, but also shine... Qin Xianshi is not a giant of light?!"

"It’s ridiculous, it’s yours, can you say a few less words? Also the giant of light... I’ve seen more of the sensitization line when I was young!”

"Hey, Qin Xianshi who is getting bigger is more handsome..."

"I am even more curious, Qin Qin will not be big too..."


The students in the crystal column were surprised to discuss, and on the pillars, the nine holy servants and the souls of the Qin dynasty, who saw the incarnation, were also surprised to hide their eyes.

After all... the monk's body is transformed into a thousand feet!

They have never heard of it! Not to mention seeing it at the moment!

For the first time, it always leads to curiosity and horror.

To say that the most excitement and excitement, but also the least care, is Yu Yiming, even if you see Qin Feng incarnation, it is still a look of turbulent warfare!

Let the flag show!

Yu Yiming’s hand made the flag suddenly turned into seven handles!

The seven-handed flag, which suddenly rises to the sky, has seven bright blue lights on top of this flag, and it instantly connects the seven stars!

The blue light is not in the seven stars, and the blue scorpions are all smashing the cold!

The most star-studded star in the middle, suddenly maddening, and fiercely toward the Qin wind, the sound of the bang, like the earth shakes the mountain! The axe in your hand is blooming with a dazzling blue glow! Going to Qin Feng is cutting it down!

The sound of breaking the wind, shocked the sound burst!

Qin Feng looked indifferent, with a chill in the scorpion, and saw the rushing star, but the mouth was slightly raised, and the golden hoop in his hand swept out.


The gold hoop hit the big axe in the hands of the star, which seems to be able to smash the starry axe of the mountain. It is like a tofu, and the bang is broken!

Then the golden hoop sticks directly to the star's chest!

The star-shaped star, under this stick, is booming!

Starlight rises! Big body shape, bursting!

Under a stick, a thousand stars, scattered!

Before and after but a round of the match, Qin Feng casually smashed the star, and held the golden hoop in one hand. The raised eye did not look at the remaining six stars, but looked at Xianlingtai. direction.

In the eyelids, they are disdain.

This scene is reflected in the eyes of everyone, everyone is shocked!

Many of the fairy spirit students among the crystal columns, even Tan Qingzhu, Shanghuo, are also looking at each other...

"This, this, this too..."

What did Tan Qingzhu want to say, and he didn’t say anything for a long time, but he didn’t know how to evaluate it.

This is already beyond his prior predictions. He has expected in his heart how far Qin Feng can be, but he never thought about it... can be strong!

This is beyond the scope of the peak of the knot!

Even let him think that the strength of Qin Feng, can not be compared with Yuan Ying? !

A building base peak is comparable to Yuan Ying? ! If you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't believe in killing Tan Qingzhu!

If the most calm is nothing more than Gongsuntong, seeing this scene, the stone hanging in his heart is finally lost, and his face is smiling with a smile.

"This is the disciple of the gods!"

On the crystal stud, the eyes under the mask of the nine sacred sects are condensed.

The head of the nine sages, the man is about to leave, but there is a voice with unwillingness.

"The nine priests are still waiting to stop, and the sacred waiter will look at it, and his subordinates will definitely take him down!"

Yu Yiming’s face already has a bit of crazy color, violently urging the remaining six handles!

this moment!

The remaining six stars in the distance are roaring roars!

These six stars are actually blooming at the same time with dazzling blue light. These six stars are all gathered together in one place. Not only that, the whole enchantment is full of starlight, above the sky, thousands of Wan Dao Xingguang fell and gathered with the six stars!

A more powerful, more shocking atmosphere, from this gathering of stars!

He, the remaining six stars, plus the soul of the entire array! One place!

"Qin are mine!"

Yu Yiming, who controls all of this, has a crazy color in his eyes. On his face, the three strange runes are actually strangely beginning to flow!

At the same time, under this crystal column, there is a surging soul!

"Ah! Ah!!"

"Don't... don't... I don't want to die!"

"I...I, I can't hold it..."

"help me…"


In the crystal column, with Yu Yiming's crazy extraction of soul power, the soul of many practicing students, collapsed together, the soul flies!

Painful, desperate, sorrowful mourning, echoing within this crystal column.

These voices are heard by the immortals, listening to Tan Qingzhu, the public voice of the equivalents... only anger, only helpless!

Although they are knots, the only advantage now is that they can live longer in this crystal column.

They can't do anything!

The only thing they can do is pray... Prayer Qin Feng can win!

Everyone is enduring the pain caused by the large-scale extraction of soul power, staring at the direction of Qin Feng.

Under the gathering of many stars, there is a giant with a star-shaped body... This giant is no longer a star.

But! Yu Yiming!

Above the crystal column, Yu Yiming at the moment, with a hot color in his eyes, slowly closed his eyes.

At the same time, the star giant with Yu Yiming's appearance opened his eyes and his mouth... with a smug smile. 2k novel reading network

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