The city of Monkey King

Chapter 272: It’s up to you to die! [four more]

The roar of the roaring sounds through the sky.

Qin Feng stepped on the flying sword and looked at the central area where the void collapsed...

Brows, slightly wrinkled.

Just at the moment when the void broke, he felt a touch of change from the center of this space.

The first of the nine black robes changed their breath in an instant, as if they were another person.

Just as Qin Feng doubts this breath, hehe!

The blockade of the emptiness, under a powerful force, directly burst.

Reflected in the eyes of Qin Feng, the original nine people, at this moment... still the same nine people, but the nine people at the moment are very embarrassed.

Under the practice of the empty tomb, it is not easy for these nine people to survive.

If the mask of the nine people is not broken, if it is not completely broken, the black robe on the body is even more ruined.


Qin Feng looked at the man who was the head of the sage. The mask on the left side of the man's face was completely broken, revealing the half face, a dead old man with a goatee.

But the eyes in those eyes are not the ones before!

Full of vicissitudes and majesty, that is the eyes of the upper class.

Qin Feng can distinguish it at a glance, this look, he once saw, that day at the Seven Stars Gate!

The leader of the Stars.

Sure enough, the eight injured sages, at this moment, are very respectful, slightly retreating, and squatting toward the head of the original sage.

"We meet again."

The voice of the old man came out, and the Star Master taught him to look at Qin Feng over the sky.

He thought that Qin Feng would be shocked by his arrival...


Oh, meet again? ! You are not the son of Laozi, and you have to meet up with you to drink a glass of wine? !

Send your lollipop home to play mud!

A huge ancient gold iron rod has been smashed toward the star god.

"The kid who doesn't know the number of gifts!"

The leader of the Stars saw that Qin Feng’s greetings were not shot. He lived in this life for so long, and he was the first to see the character of Qin Feng’s ‘Become dry.’

Suddenly, the anger was extremely fierce. When he raised his hand fiercely, a huge black gas hand condensed in the air and directly caught the falling golden hoop.

The hand that grabbed the gold hoop almost gave up.

"This kid is so powerful...!"

Feel the strength of the iron bar uploading, the star of the star of the Lord reveals a trace of surprise, the last time in the Seven Star Gate, that the incarnation is not enough of his own strength, it is very natural to be destroyed.

But this time, he came from the call of his first son of the nine sacred servants, and he was a higher grade than the avatar. Although he could not play all his strengths, Liu Qicheng was not a problem.

With his own strength of sixty-seven percent, he was even different from this kid. !

how is this possible? !

I am a fake baby monk, only one step away from the real Yuan Ying!

In the cloud water world, except for the one sword, Han Hanxiu, it is his strongest!

What the Star Master is thinking, Qin Feng can not control, see this guy blocked his golden hoop, Qin Feng smack a little bit of smoke in the corner of his mouth.

Do you like blocking? !

Lao Tzu lets you block enough!

Then in the star of the Stars, a blink of an eye, in his land above, suddenly more than a hundred Qin Feng!

Every Qin Feng is smoking and watching him coldly.


Even if this is an old monster that has lived for a thousand years, it’s true... This star teaches the Lord’s hard life to live with the repair of the knot for thousands of years! The sons of the two infants who lived in the two Kunlun Mountains were seated. The old guy is still strong and not dead!

There are very few people in the cloud water world who know this, but the people who know it are not very curious. How did the old man live so long? ! The general knot, even if it is the peak of the knot, the five hundred years of life is also the limit!

This old monster has lived and lived for thousands of years! Can also condense fake baby after the millennium! Isn't it a thousand years old / eight reincarnation? !

At this time, Pharaoh / Eight saw this scene completely stunned!

"how is this possible!"

Before the Pharaoh’s reaction to these avatars, hundreds of ancient gold iron bars have already collapsed!

The sound of the wind struck by the iron rods is enough to rival the 12th typhoon!

The old king / gossip condensed, the other hand is also a lift, suddenly in this half-empty land, there are hundreds of black gas condensed big hands appear, each hand is blocking a gold hoop.

Hey! Hey! Hey! !

This scene can not be described as spectacular. The eight eight-sacred waiters behind him who were seriously injured were given a look.

What is this situation? !

The Lord's shot, even with this one kid tied? !

And looking at this situation, the Lord is obviously unable to hold back!

And there are hundreds of avatars? ! This... this one!

"Kid, you are very unexpected."

Lao Wang / eight hands holding hundreds of gold hoops, looking at Qin Feng, eyes have anger, he did not expect that he would be forced by a building kid to the current embarrassing situation!


Qin Feng smoked a cigarette, holding a golden hoop in one hand, and the eyelids swept the star of the star who once made the Kyushu million monks chill. Of course, this is not his body.

"Then I will let you go out again."

The corner of the mouth rises slightly, and Qin Feng’s scorpion is condensed!


When you see what is happening in front of you, these four words appear in the minds of the stars!

Because in front of him, there are a total of five hundred Qin Feng! Five hundred identical people!

Five hundred! !

"A stick can't be fixed, then two sticks, two sticks can't be done..."

Qin Feng’s eyes passed through the cool color: “The old man will be here until you die!”

Whirring whirring…!

Five hundred Qin Feng avatars, five hundred golden hoops, falling like a raindrop toward the star god!


The Star Master has not had time to worry about it. The five hundred gold hoops have already fallen, almost biting their teeth. The Star Master has condensed five hundred black hands and put this root with the iron of ancient gold. Grabbed in the air.

Almost the entire sky is full of black hands.

At the moment, the Qin Feng body is to take the golden hoop back, and the leisurely and squatting knees sit on the sword of the sky and smoke, and stare at the star god, light smile.

"Old guys, people are old and willing to lose, this is like the old man of seventy or eighty years old, the kidneys are almost lost, but you have to go to play the three phoenix dragon column, what is the difference between playing and life?"

A faint sound exit, falling into the ears of the stars.

The three phoenix drama dragon column, lived for thousands of years, the woman who played is naturally not less, the star of the old driver is the teacher.

I dare to see this kid in front of her words and say that she is suffering from kidney loss! How can this kidney suffer from kidney deficiency!

In the eyelids, pass a touch of anger.

"Bad boy, don't be proud! Even if you only use 60% of the power, it is still easy to take you!"

"Star Field, open!"

With the help of the star god, the whole day of the fairy mountain changed suddenly! 2k novel reading network

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