The city of Monkey King

Chapter 274: Lift the soldiers for the 36th day! [二更]

Turning into a golden hoop stick of Baizhang, it is impossible to say that it is going to the sky!


This time, it became the star of the Lao Wang Ba, and became the king of the Eighth. It really is extraordinary, and the defense is skyrocketing!

The blue starlight gathered in front of him and turned into a barrier. The golden hoop sticked to the barrier and was blocked.

"Kid, you are just like this! In addition to the stick, what else do you have!"

The star leader saw that the stick was resistant to him, and the sound came out loud and full of arrogance.

"you are right."

Qin Feng slightly raised his eyes and looked at the star teacher: "I only have this stick, but this stick..."

The scorpion fiercely condenses!

At this moment, the golden hoop sticks out a dazzling golden light, and the suffocation condenses!


For the first time, Qin Feng was no longer a single hand, but he held the golden hoop stick with both hands, and a low-pitched, golden hoop in the golden light turned into a big one, as if to collapse this day!

In the mind of Qin Feng, there is such a scene.

It is the top of the towering mountain, it is a person, that is... Qitian Dasheng!

Wearing a gold armor, two red dragonflies accompanied by a cloak, hands holding a giant gold iron rod with a foot of millions of feet, toward the day... swayed!

The Qin Feng at this moment is also the same!

The arrogant breath dissipated from the golden hoop... This is the pinnacle!

"This is... this, this, what is this instrument!"

The star-studded master saw the huge gold hoop, and felt the suffocating scent from the golden hoop. The whole person was stunned!

However, it was the effort between the moments. The Star Master responded because he had no time to think. The ancient gold iron rod that was like a broken earth was already coming to the night.

"I block!"

The star of the Lord, with a horrified sound, the whole night starlight, in front of this old king eight condensed into a starlight barrier, instantly condensed into ninety-nine!


In front of the gold hoop, these starlight barriers are like paper sheets. When one heavy weight has not touched the golden hoop stick, it is shattered under the golden suffocation!

"Impossible, impossible!"

The star of the star of the Lord, the eight eyes, seeing this scene, the whole person is stunned!

Although he only used 60% of the power at the moment, this star field is his strongest technique, and it is the technique of his family's blood heritage. How can it be destroyed?

It can be turned back to the truth, the fact is the fact that what happened is still going to happen!


The ninety-nine star light barriers were all destroyed under the Wanzhang gold hoop, and finally... fiercely smashed in the starlight king, in the sound of roaring, bang!

This big king eight, fierce burst!

"Qin Feng, you are waiting for this seat! Waiting for the day of the present, this is the time when you are killed!"

A vicious voice echoed in this heaven and earth, and the night of the starlight was also shattered.

Dissipated completely.

Qin Feng swept his eyes this day, his eyes still indifferent.

A veteran king, but dare to threaten Laozi? ! The body doesn't come out, it's okay, I have to come out and stew the soup!

Destroyed the soul of the star's lord, Qin Feng slightly looked at the eight sages, and at the moment these eight people are completely paralyzed.

The Holy Spirit is destroyed, and the boss is dead!

These eight people have long since had no initial calm, and there is only one word in their minds: escape.

Obviously, escape is impossible.

In their whole body, the thirty-six-handed swords of the sky have already surrounded them, without any hesitation, down and down!

The eight people were seriously injured in the previous practice of the empty tomb. At this moment, they are all without resistance!

Stars and nine servants, destroy!

Here, thirty-six handles, and the remaining seventy-two handles, go straight to Xianlingtai, and the tens of thousands of Stars who are being killed with the celestial guards, after the slashing swords, thoroughly The lonely soul under the sword of the sky.

Including the soul, desperate, but also under the sword, the soul is gone!

Since then, this Xianling Mountain has been in chaos and is finally over.

Qin Feng swept through the ruined unsuccessful Xianling Mountain. He knew very well... This is just the beginning. This Lao Wang Ba is planning a millennium in the Yunshui world, and Kyushu has poured out his power.

The next Kyushu will be completely chaotic.

Blood will stain the entire Kyushu land.

Turned into a sword light, went straight to the peak of the heavens.


The first day of Wanjie, the first world, Xianting.

The madness of the Yantianpan, at this moment, has calmed down, only slowly turning, bearing the responsibility of monitoring the world.

Throughout the Xianting, the fairy mist lingers, countless exquisite pavilions Yuqionglou, at first glance, beautiful, but it is quiet and scary.

These days, Xian Ting... the atmosphere is too depressed.

The fairy priests who walked in Xianting were rushing back and forth, as if they were very nervous.

This tense appearance has also appeared before, and that time, the news that the magic monkey is about to attack Xianting is coming out.

At this time, there was a golden light coming out of Xianting. When the square appeared, there was a void crack. This golden light was directly in the crack and disappeared.

This is the scorpio, which is the purpose of the Jade Emperor!

When the celestial scorpion sent out from Xianting, the immortals of the entire Xianting were subconsciously stopped, and they saw the direction of the disappearance of the day, and the eyebrows were tense.

They are very clear, thirty-six days old government, thirty-six princes, ten temples, and the jade emperor ordered to gather in the Lingxiao Temple, what is the matter!


The boundary river, a long river of silver flowing between thirty-six days.

In the middle of the boundary river, there are a large number of camps stationed, and at this moment, a golden light emerged from the cracks over the camp.

A voice echoed in the ears of the five million soldiers.

"Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Yu listened to the order, immediately recruited troops to the land of the 36th day of the boundary river, but there is a sacred day to descend, immediately enter this day! The demon of this day, but all killed!"

Before the five million soldiers, there was a handsome face, a **** trace between the eyebrows, and the young man in white, just looking at the sky and the sky, the look calm.

By his side, a black dog with a half-human height, this black dog, looks like the **** dog usually looks like it is not much, is holding his teeth.

"True king?"

The youth, the day of the armor, will ask.

"Why do you want to do this? Since the Jade Emperor has a purpose, go."

The white youth is faint.


This day will be called quickly, and then it will be a pass.

The young man in white, Qingyuan Miaodao Erlang Zhenjun Yang Lan, has always been obedient to listen to the announcement, for this purpose from the fairy court, a little respectful meaning is not.

At this moment, I looked at the raging river.

"Monkey... You and my battle are not over yet, this time... I will defeat you!"

Yang Zizi slowly condensed, and the blood marks between the eyebrows, a ray of light. 2k novel reading network

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