The city of Monkey King

Chapter 277: Your majesty! [一一]

"Oh, is it dare?"

Qi Qiqun saw the hand raised by Qin Feng, and did not take the cold scorpion of Qin Feng seriously, but it was even more arrogant.

"Which one is this kid? Doesn't he know that he has become an elder?"

"I don't know it. I just said it. These people are very good."

"This posture... there is a lively look."

"These people are estimated to be hanging."


The rest of the people are watching the heart of the lively and uncomfortable heart, but most of them are silent for Qin Feng. After all, in their view, a sideline with the background of the elders, but also the most powerful three of the current family. It’s a breeze for the elders to deal with such an unknown sideline.

But obviously, these people are disappointed.

It’s almost a blink of an eye. In the eyes of many people, only a blue light passes by the crowd.

Qi Jin group, this Jinhua forced the king, this moment with a arrogant smile on his face, but at this time, his eyes slammed a glimpse... At his neck, a **** mark appeared.

"Ah! Ah!!"

When they were forced to panic, they licked their necks, and the rushing blood was already sprayed out and dyed the whole hand.

And all this is already too late.

Qin Feng hand inserted back into the trouser pocket, and the scorpion was indifferent. The slashing sword of the scorpion, in a moment, turned back and turned into a blue sword light, passing through the back of the brain.

A sword, broken into the sea.

No ink, say kill, kill!

Jinhua forced the king to force the group and die.


The body fell to the ground, and the eyes were still rounded with horror.

This scene happened too fast. Many people did not respond at all. This is already hang-up, especially the few younger brothers around the group. This time they are scared and look at Qin Feng. The cold eyes, the urine will come out.

They turned around and ran. As for the corpses that were forced to fall to the ground, no one would control them.

"This, this guy... killed the group?!"

"The slaying of the tribe, or the inner palace city! This..."

"He, he, he..."


The gangs were all embarrassed, but no one moved. Under the subconscious, these people looked at the guards stationed at the gates of the palace. After all, this kind of thing happened. According to the rules, these guards can be managed.

But then one by one is awkward, because they have discovered that those guards are all sweating on their faces at this time. Although they have seen everything happening here, they all pretend not to see it. .

"Why don't the guards shoot?!"

"It’s a big crime to kill people, and it’s still in the inner palace! It’s not too much to kill on the spot!”

"Kill? Kill a fart!"

"You look at the guards carefully, all of them shivering, how can you kill?"


At first, no one paid too much attention to the eyes of the palace guards to see Qin Feng, but now they have been reminded by people, they have found out.

In the eyes of those guards, it is fear, it is chilling!

Killing a Qi group, for Qin Feng, there is no feeling at all, but it is a matter of waving.

Hands were inserted in the trouser pockets, and the corners of the mouth were smouldering. Qin Feng continued to move toward Zongtang. At this moment, the hundreds of Qi family built the base people and saw Qin Feng coming, one by one, subconsciously retreating, no one else. Dare to stop half a step.

stop? !

Unless you want to die! Qi Qiqu is the best example! It is still on the ground at the moment, blood flow is not stop!

at the same time.

What happened outside, but I don’t know what’s inside.

At this moment, among the shackles, dozens of old men, one by one, are extremely quiet and quiet, so that even the breathing of people can be heard.

Qi Chun, a pair of eyes staring at the fingers of Qi Linger's hands, can't wait to take it to his own hands.

However, he is very clear that he can't do this. According to the rules of inheritance of the head of the family, the elder must take the finger of the symbolic family from the hands of the previous owner and pass it on to the next owner.

Now the big elder Ziden has long been hung up, the boss hangs up, in the order of the second child, but very unfortunately... the elders of Qijia two just sat down three years ago.

Then the third child, but he is the third child!

I can't wear it myself, how can I see how awkward?

"Four elders."

Qi Chun turned to look at a long-haired old man in the crowd. This is the Qijia four elders Qimin.

"Spring brothers are not trying to let me come to act as a great elder? The rules of the family are limited, no! This is absolutely impossible!"

Qi Min resolutely opposes, of course, he refuses that it is really impossible because of what kind of family rules, but Qimin has not dealt with this Qichun, Qi Chun has been the owner, the first unhappy is Qimin, the first one It is also very likely that this Qimin.

Still want to let Laozi wear a ring for you? !

Roll you a few eggs! Don't you let Lao Tzu give you a Turkish romantic proposal? !

Seeing Qi Min refused, this time it was Qi Chun's face black, and he did not expect that he was stuck in this embarrassing situation.

A bite!

Going to the front of Qi Linger, I will wear it myself!

Big deal, left hand, right hand!

At this time, Qi Hong’s face showed a playful smile: “Three elders, the leader of the family, the need to squat, three worship nine, is it impossible for the three elders to forget?”

As soon as this was said, Qi Chun was even darker.

Looking at sitting in the chair, holding the hand of Qi Linger who is thinking about his fingers, an old face is changing.

If Qi Qi is alive, it is OK to give Qi Qi, but Qi Wei is already dead. Is it possible for him to give such a yellow hair to his head? !

According to the family rules, it is true. After all, in depth, you are not Qi Linger, but the family cycle of the eternal family.

But that deep level... obviously only talk about it, everyone is looking at the surface form.

If today is three or nine, then he will have no face at all, even if he is a homeowner, it is also a homeowner who has lost his face. In the future, he will not be able to lift his head again.

"The family is in such a situation, everything can be simplified."

Qi Chun’s face was cold and cold, and he did not intend to talk about etiquette here. Grab the ring and say it!

"Miss Three, hand it over."

As soon as he reached out, Qi Chun was going to take the ring from Qi Linger.

But at this moment, Qi Linger shook hands and closed the ring.

"Your Majesty."

Looking at Qi Chun in front of her eyes, Qi Linger with a pale face looked up slightly, and her eyes were last stubborn!

This is the last majesty she gave her father, this ring, the position of this Lord, is his father!

Even if others want to take away, they must follow the rules of the family. Don't give it a little!

In the eyes of Qi Linger, these three are not the same, but the father who passed away!

"You... Qi Linger, don't force the old man to do it for you."

Qi Chun saw that Qi Linger took back the ring, and suddenly his eyes were cold. He didn't have that patience.

It happens that there is a person outside the door, and patience is not enough.

His name is Qin Feng. 2k novel reading network

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