The city of Monkey King

Chapter 373: Ye Hao’s good [two more]

boom! Hey! Hey!

The **** dog didn't use the demon power at all, and it was entirely using the flesh. To the ancestors of the Ye family, one punch and one punch, the fist is to see the blood!

"It seems that this dog blame has not been repaired, but a flesh is still quite powerful."

The elders of Ye’s family, Dan Elders, also saw the clues at this time. They all passed the cyan in their hands and added a bamboo sword.

Thousand bamboo swords.

This sword, Ye Tianrui, who was killed by Qin Feng in Rock's Manor, also offered a handle.


With a slap in the face, these elders of the knots and the elders all shot together, and the thirty-handed Chiba bamboo swords flew out in an instant, surrounded by the black dog's body.

A Chiba sword array gradually formed.

In this sword array, there are a series of bamboo leaves intertwined, with a sharp sword on the **** dog.

Blood, suddenly splashed on the **** dog, leaving a trace of blood.

"Mom sells the batch!"

The **** dog swept through the sword array around the whole body. The bamboo leaves swayed through his body. Although it was not fatal, it was really uncomfortable.

Sweeping the eyes of the outside world, biting the dog's teeth, the **** dog still did not choose to use the demon power.

"What is the ink? Give this young master the kill of this dog and unload it into eight pieces."

At this time, Ye Hao took Luo Qing's hand to move up, then directly grabbed Luo Qinghan's hair, and took a look at Luo Qinghan all the way, and looked arrogantly watching the **** dog trapped by the sword array. .

"Let the cold sister! You are a big bad guy!"

Qin Chuxue saw Luo Qinghan being licked by Ye Hao, and suddenly yelled.


Ye Weiwen looked at Qin Xuexue with a slight head, and his eyes were slightly brighter, and he was placed on the double pair of Qin early snow: "Little girl, white socks are good."

"Take her over, let the young master test the legs under the white socks, is it as white as this white socks."

There was a fascinating smile on the corner of his mouth. The two Ye Family children who pressed Qin Xuexue suddenly showed their smiles on their faces. They also kept their time with Ye Hao. Naturally, they also knew Ye Hao’s goodness.

The average man, observing a woman, first look at the face, then look at the chest, and finally look at the legs.

However, this Ye Hao, only the woman's legs, is full of strong interest.

The children of the two leaves quickly came to the side of Ye Hao with the pressure of Qin Chuxue.

The Nangong Yi people wanted to protect the column Qinchu snow several times, but they were all forced to live by the leaf family around them.

"You let her go to Laozi! Move her a hair! I have destroyed your family in minutes!"

When the **** dog saw Ye Hao’s idea of ​​playing Qin Chuxue, he suddenly saw a dog’s eye and screamed!

"A good dog is not docile, so I can't find the owner."

Ye Hao smiled and faintly opened, and did not look at the **** dog at all. The Chiba sword array now has many bamboo leaves appearing, passing through the **** dog, one after another, blood scars appear, but the **** dog is completely Don't care, just screaming at Ye Hao.

He remembers what this guy just said...

White socks are not white, that means!

"You are a rogue! Big bad guy!"

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, Snow would not be a curse.

Ye Xie looked at Qin Xuexue, who was crushed by his hand, and his face was full of anger.

Struggling is fun.

"It’s such a young girl who has a beautiful face. It’s really rare. This young lord ‘has’ you tonight, let you become a woman in advance, how?”

With a playful smile, reaching out, it was actually going to the bottom of the snow at the beginning of Qin.

He wants to take off the white si socks of Qin Shixue!

Qin Chuxue saw Ye Hao’s hand, his face suddenly white, his legs wanted to struggle, but there were two people kneeling down, one person grabbed one foot of Qin Chuxue, and fixed her.

Anxious, the tears of Qin Chuxue suddenly flowed down!

"I am your uncle!"

The **** dog saw this scene and couldn’t stand it anymore!

Grass fucking!

It was discovered that Laozi has been in the rivers and lakes for more than 20 years, and the dog farm has been to several times, and he is afraid of a chicken!

If today, if you don’t kill your group, you will not call Tianjiuyun!

Just as the **** dog was angry and ready to use the body's demon power, the demon power had just been scattered outside the body, and a spiritual force came in and fell on his body, and the demon power he had just released was pressed back.

The **** dog scorpion fiercely condensed, looking subconsciously.

With a figure, slowly walked from the gate of this banquet hall, the cold voice echoed.

"Your hand, try another inch."

Simple black jacket, smoking a cigarette, hands in the trouser pocket, Qin Feng that raised his eyes, with the coldness of the cold.


When Qin Shixue saw Qin Feng, he quickly yelled out.

"You are Qin Feng?"

Ye Hao saw the emergence of Qin Feng, and did not care about it, but did not put Qin Feng's words in his ears.

In his view, in the face of Qin Feng, Qin Xi sister's si socks were taken off, which is obviously more interesting.

What he likes most is that others are struggling in front of him, hating teeth in front of him, but they are looking helpless.

"This young master has always loved his legs, just want to see, your sister of fine skin and tender meat, the legs are still white."

Hands, sticking out, it is necessary to pick up the skirt of Qin Shixue.

But also at this moment!

Qin Feng scorpion micro-condensation, a Ling Rui gas, and suddenly fell.


Just like the sound of a sword, the blood splashed, and Ye Hao discovered that there was a hand stained with blood on the ground. The finger was slightly moved a few times.

Pupils, gradually enlarged, and then fiercely shrink!

"I... my hand?!"

Then came the violent pain, and the snoring of the cockroaches killing the pigs.

"Little Lord!"

Those leaf parents are old, seeing this scene, seeing the broken arm of the earth's leafhopper, they have changed their faces, and the young masters have been handcuffed in front of them. If they are known by the family, they have no good fruit to eat.

One by one looked at Qin Feng, his face was furious, and he took up the spirit to attack the Qin wind.

But in the next moment, a kind of oppression like Tianwei came to this banquet hall, including these elders of the elders. Under this pressure, there is no one... dare to move!

The sweat of the beans slipped from the forehead.

That is the feeling that life and death are held by others.

In their eyes, Qin Feng became a **** of death in an instant.

"Oh my arm, I am Ye, I will not let you go!"

Ye squatting at his broken arm, screaming at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was looking up, the cold eyes fell in the eyes of Ye Hao, and suddenly the leaves slammed on the ground.

Then the whole person, like the dead dog, slipped from the floor to Qin Feng.

Feet, slowly lifted up and stepped on the head of this leafhopper.

"My family is coming, you know the best..."

There is a elder who has seen this scene, can not help but speak out, this has not yet spoken, hehe!

The whole person exploded in situ and became a blood fog.

The banquet hall was quiet when it was time.

Only the pressure... can grind the elders! 2k novel reading network

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