The city of Monkey King

Chapter 377: Sword gas gathering baby! [Three more]

The land of the far south, the innocent desert.

This desert has a name, death desert, but any monk who enters this desert and is repaired under the knot, as long as he steps in, the chance of being able to go out alive is less than one in ten thousand.

Because when you step into the desert, the surrounding scene will be exactly the same, turning around.

The knowledge of the foundation-based monks is almost useless in this desert, and it is impossible to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest.

And in this desert, there are some extremely fierce desert beasts. Some of the beasts are full of strength, and most of the monks who enter are swallowed by these fierce beasts.

The whistling wind is screaming with gravel, and the night of the desert, the wind is filled with a chill of deep bone marrow, making people shudder.

Oasis, an extremely rare existence in the desert.

In this desert, known as the Death Desert, it is rare and rare.

The wind and sand are filled with a small oasis of about ten kilometers. The environment inside the oasis is completely different from the sand outside the oasis.

"It was finally found."

"Polar south eye!"

In the center of this oasis, there is a small clear lake, the shore of the lake, a slender and graceful body, except for the three points covered by white scales, the rest of the white body is unobstructed.

If it wasn't for the white beast tail behind him, this body was seen by an ordinary man, and I was afraid that I couldn't help but swear.

‘Three years of blood earning, the death penalty is not lost’.

This woman is Yu Ji!

The eyes with a pale pale color, looking at this clear lake, a little jade hand, a spiritual force to play, suddenly there is an invisible light curtain on the lake, the spiritual power of this road is broken.

Then, on the lake, there was a pattern of greenish gold.

These formations sense the fluctuation of spiritual power and automatically appear.

"According to the king's inference, the four lines of the eye have already ruined two roads. As long as this ruin is ruined, Wang Shang is able to break the gate in three days."

Muttering to himself, there is a hint of excitement in the eyes of Yu Ji.

As long as she ruined this line of sight, when the lizard army came to the world, she was the first hero of the lizard, and the status under one person was at her fingertips.

The hand was lifted, and in her hand, there was a gray-black water flowing out.

Great water!

"go with."

When you whisper, the magical water will go to the surface of the lake. The spiritual barrier that covers the entire lake is like a thin paper in front of this supernatural water.

When the imperfect water touches, the spiritual barrier is shattered.

The magical water slowly descends towards the lake.

Just before touching the green gold pattern on the lake, a sword is coming from the sky!

Ling Rui Jianqi, fiercely squatting on the shore of the lake, to blast the water.


Yu Ji’s scorpion shrinks, and he raises his head fiercely.


Yu Ji’s figure retreated backwards, and in the place where she had previously stood, the sword was everywhere.

Opposite the lake.

Jianying condensed into a person in the moonlight, wine mad!

He galloped all the way, after entering the desert of death, did not know how to do it, so it has always been in the sky. After all, Han Xiu did not tell him what to do in this far south.


This polar southern array was stirred up by Yu Ji, exuding the breath, and the wine madman was aware of this breath, which was found here!

Looking at the formations above the lake, the scent that erupted on it made the brow's brow tightly locked.

This breath, he is familiar with it, because this is the atmosphere of his master!

His master is naturally the master of Han Xiu.

"The cloud is full of eyes."

Muttering to himself, the wine madman apparently recognized the existence of this eye.

The heart is even more puzzled.

This kind of seal is a big battle. He once listened to his master and once mentioned it. The scale is extremely large. It is the illusory power that is used!

Why... Is there an eye for it? !

Since there is an eye, where is the main line? What is the seal? !

"Master, brother... you guys, what I did!"

However, at this time, there is no time to think about the wine madman, his opponent is in front of him.

Yu Ji!

The wine madman clearly perceives a qi from the ‘woman’ in front of him, that is the anger of Yuan Ying!

Yuan Ying monk!

To be honest, this person is very surprised by the madman.

After all, in his view, the Yuan Ying of the cloud water industry, except his brother, is only the Mo Xiong who just broke through.

Obviously this time the wine madman still does not know Mo Xiong hangs.

And in front of this Yuan Ying monk, is still a woman... Where did it come from? !

The wine madman looked at Yu Ji, and when he saw the white beast tail behind Yu Ji, the brow was even more wrinkled.

He is more and more confused in his heart.

All this... what the **** is going on!

"Little monk, dare to stop this."

"Give this to die."

Yu Ji’s good face showed a touch of twilight, and the white beast was smashed, and a large white scale flew toward the wine madman.

The wine madman scorpion suddenly shrinks!

I dare not have the slightest slack in my eyes!

Despite the madness of the body, despite this, there are still a lot of white scales passing over him, the bodyguards can't stop it, and the blood marks are drawn.

The figure is settled, and there is a certainty in the eyes.

The wine madman knows very well that only by his cultivation of the peak of the knot, even if it is far beyond the ordinary peak, even if it can suppress the fake baby monk, it can not resist the ‘woman’.

"Which little monk received a small one, this will kill you first, and then ruin this eye."

Yu Ji is very disdainful looking at the wine madman, with a confident smile on his face, the jade feet step forward, and the animal's tail behind him swings back and forth several times.

"This piece of heaven and earth, you are the first person to marry Lu."

The wine madman stood straight and shaped the wine in the gourd. He looked up and sipped his eyes. In the eyes, he screamed and screamed!


Only one moment, in the body of the wine madman, around the Jindan in the dantian, Jianqi... condensed into a baby!

However, it is not a real Yuan Ying, but an illusory fake baby.

More accurately, it is a fake baby that is condensed into a sword!

A sharp sword, scattered from the wine madman!

Yu Ji saw the change of breath in the wine madman, and he couldn’t help but stagnate. Then he chuckled: "But it’s a fake baby, and I would have thought you were so powerful."

In the eyes of the wine madman, there is also a sword and a sword. In fact, he can break through the fake baby, but he is too lazy to break through.

Today, I have to do this.

"Kill you, fake baby enough."

The faint opening, the hand stretched out, from the wine gourd, the crystal wine overflowed, these wines gathered in the hands of the wine madman, condensed into a sword!

Wine sword! 2k novel reading network

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