The city of Monkey King

Chapter 382: No regrets. [二更]

Kunlun Mountains.

Snow, the ancient times are unchanged, the moonlight falls to the peaks, floating in this world.

Tianzhu Peak, the land of peaks and valleys.

Before a tombstone, one person sat cross-legged and his body was covered with snow.

Han Xiu, his eyes fluttered slightly and shook a little snow.

"Heaven and earth...a sword."

"Long easy..."

For the first time in the past 100 years, Han Xiu’s eyes have revealed sadness.

Even if the boundary power of the boundary door is declining, even if the lizard king can rush out of the boundary door, Han Xiu will not have such a look.

That is a bleak hurt.

"You must come back alive."


Kunlun's world is a sword. This is the master sword technique that has been passed down from generation to generation. Only the Kunlun Pavilion of each generation is qualified to acquire it. This is also the Kunlun Mountain.

But in this generation, it is different.

Not only the Han Xiuhui, who is the owner of the cabinet, is ‘the world’s sword,’ Lu Changyi, too.

Because that year, this is the sword skill that they both learned together.

But for so many years, the madman who traveled outside has never used this killing trick.

However, he used it today.

Even if they are far apart, Han Xiu can feel that this cloud water world has the fluctuation of 'the world and the sword'.

And he is very clear that he can make Lu Changyi use this trick.

That is the representative. At this moment, the wine and land long is already the last step.

The wind is whistling in this Kunlun Mountains.


In the Kyushu world, a golden stream of light rushed past the stars at an astonishing speed. The speed is so fast that the Dan monks can't see the existence of this stream.

This streamer is the muscle cloud.

Qin Feng stood on the muscles of the muscles, and the eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. The mark of the gods that belonged to the wine madman was extremely weak and was on the verge of breaking!


At this time, a subtle voice sounded, and the mark of the gods that the madman left on him was completely broken.

Perceived that this god's mark is broken, Qin Feng suddenly frowned, and the speed of the muscles under his feet increased again!


The land of the extreme south, the desert of death.

A sly sword light, under this dark night, cut through the heavens and the earth, and rises up, even the glory of the moon on that day is covered by the sword.

Heaven and earth a sword!

Kunlun strong sword skills!


The sword is squatting.

Centered on the land where the sword is squatting, the entire desert is in the area of ​​100,000 feet. The savage swords and spurs are scattered, and the raging sands are set off. The originally sandstorms have once again set off from all sides and rolled in.

boom! boom! Boom!

The sound shook the whole desert, and the circle of swords and qis continued to spread in all directions.

In this central place, the wine madman at the moment, with the outbreak of a sword, has exhausted all the spiritual power in the body, and the sword of the right hand is on the ground, barely standing.

The blood-stained eyes seem to be closed at all times.

Blood, drops dripping.

However, at this moment!

A sharp scream rang in the smoldering land, and from the rolling dust in front of it, a white shadow broke out of the sand and appeared in the madman.

It is a pair of blood-stained eyes filled with anger and hatred. It is a body that has been broken by white armor and stained with black and green blood.

At the moment, on the back of Yu Ji’s body, there is a pair of bone wings!

"You **** it!"

There is fury on the face of Yu Ji, and there is a wing behind her. The speed of the madman is coming to the extreme.

The sword of Fangcai Liquor, although she did not annihilate her, but also caused her to be seriously injured, even her animal tail was broken by a hard life.

If it weren’t for the last time to call out the bones and condense into the full form of the lizards, she would not necessarily be able to block the ‘the heavens and the earth’.

She is a Yuan Ying, and she is made into a look like a fake baby. How can she not be angry? !

The figure quickly came to the front of the wine madman.

The four-handed bone blades are all squatting down towards the wine madman.

At this moment, the wine madman is already at the point where the oil lamp is exhausted, but only subconsciously raises the hand.


The four-handed bone blade, the two handles fell on the wine sword, the wine sword sent a sad sword, and then disappeared into a drink.

The other two handles, one handle crossed the chest of the wine madman, a **** trace of deep visible bone appeared, blood dripping.

The last one is to pass the right hand of the wine madman holding the sword.

The shape of the wine madman, under the powerful impact of Yu Ji, flew back thousands of feet, fell to the ground, splashing a burst of dust.

In the place where he was standing, a right hand fell to the ground, which was the right arm of the drunkard.

"This is about to smash your corpse, to restore the anger of your heart!"

Yu Ji, fiercely grabbed the broken hand on the ground, the broken arm of the liquor madman fell into her hands, and then... something unimaginable happened.

This Yu Ji actually looked up and opened his mouth and stuffed the whole broken arm of the wine madman into his mouth.

Little by little, the saliva flows down the corner of the mouth, and the squeaking sound in the throat is like a snake swallowing.

In this scene, the wine madman really looked at it.

However, there is no slight concern.

Death does not care, break one arm, and fear.

Holding this overdraft to the limit of the body, the wine madman staggered and stood up, the clothes are the shackles, the crown of the hair is already shattered, the frowning hair is scattered on the shoulders, flying with the sand, the whole person reveals A free and easy, totally not like the person who will die.

The wine madman did not care what Yu Ji was doing, nor did he care about his life and death.

At this moment, he just looked up at the sky and looked at the month on the day.

Moonlight, white and innocent, poured over this desert.

On the face of the wine madman, a smile suddenly appeared.

In that month, he seemed to see a person, it was a woman, with an intoxicating smile, the eyes were beautiful.

‘I’m long, I’m drunk for a lifetime, but I don’t want to get drunk again. ’

‘At this moment, just want to... look at you. ’

‘If you can come again, I will still choose to fall in love with you. ’

‘I have never regretted it, even if I have never had you. ’

‘I regret it, it’s just a step later than my brother. ’

‘But... my brother, this time I am one step faster than you. I will go to see you now. ’

In the eyes of the madman, the free and easy laughter, the grinning smile, and... look forward to.

If you can see her in that world, how can you die?

The wind, raising the hair.

"go to hell!"

The right hand of the wine madman was swallowed up by the scorpion, and the eyes were stunned at the moment. The figure suddenly rushed to the madman, and the four-handed blade in his hand was a pale awn.

She wants to kill someone who has hurt her before!

However, a small fake baby, she was injured as one of the top ten warriors of the Lizard King, which she absolutely can not tolerate!

She wants to give this little monk in front of her eyes to the corpse, to vent her anger! 2k novel reading network

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