The city of Monkey King

Chapter 391: The giant landed, Liangshan Mengshan! [Three more]



"This big guy really fell from the sky!"

"Is it the end of the world?!"

"Monsters have appeared, is there a giant of light to save us?!"

"Mom... I am afraid!"


In the land of Kyushu, billions of mortals, almost all saw the giant who fell from the sky.

That kind of shock, directly hitting the visual impact in the depths of people's hearts.

Panic, fear, death, and uneasiness are spreading everywhere in the world like a plague. In just a few minutes, the world is in chaos.

However, this kind of chaos only lasted for five minutes.

An order came out of Xiancheng and went to Kyushu. It was conveyed to the various alliances scattered in Kyushu, and the orders of the alliances were quickly released to the various immortals.

The sixth minute is coming.

Throughout Kyushu, every place, every city, every county, every village, every piece of land, but wherever there is someone, it is raining.

The local memory of the squadrons was launched.

Moreover, this time is not short-lived, it is continuous, and the order of the Xianmeng League, the resounding of the whole of Kyushu, opened twelve occasions, all of which were personally performed by the monk.

Rain... squat down.

The mortal people who had been flustered all over the place, after the rain fell, were slowly quieted down, sitting, or standing in the same place, motionless, with confusion in their eyes.

It is so straightforward to control the mortal by the monk.

However, this recollection of the big array can control the mortal, eliminate the horror and uneasiness of the mortal, but it can not eliminate the emotional changes of the monks. The monks everywhere, especially the low-ranking monks, are caught in fear.

And many high-ranking knot-level monks are rushing to the mountains of Liangzhou, and want to know the giants in the first time. What is going on?

Qijia Jingzhou, bordering Liangzhou.

A flying boat passed from the Qijiagong City and went to the direction of Liangzhou.

Qi Linger on the flying boat has excitement and curiosity in his eyes, but also has the fear of concealing.

The scene that happened on that day was really amazing!

This giant, actually killed the Heavenly Soldier!

And killing is so clean and neat!

Xianling College, Gongsun with this time is also carrying people to Liangzhou, this group of monks, one face is also surprised.

Needless to say, Xiancheng, Dongfang Qing, Zhao Wenzhao, and Guangyuan Monk, these three great monks have already looked for Liangzhou before the fall of Gushan Copper to Liangzhou.

Not only they, at this moment Kyushu's major families, nine major leagues, Ziyan College, Tianlong College, all kinds of first-class forces, are rushing to Liangzhou.

However, it is said that the most terrible thing is that the Liangzhou League and the Liangzhou Guardian are simply scared. When the direction of the ancient mountain copper falls is Liangzhou, the group of monks in Liangzhou , a piece of cockroach, his face is wax white.

Until the ancient mountain gongs fell in the Mengshan Mountains, this group of talents reacted from the shock.

Marina City, Beach Manor.

The **** dog looked at the sky, in the stars and nights, the stream of light rushed away from the direction of the giants landing in all directions, and the heart was itching. When I wanted to make a fun, a voice came.

"Leave here, don't go anywhere."

The figure of Qin Feng came to the sea.

"Brother, I, I want to go too."

Qin Chuxue looked at the coming Qin Feng, and looked at Qin Feng with his eyes. This young girl is full of curiosity and wants to join in the fun.

"Fairy, afraid of the scorpion, so many people have gone, no way to slap."

The **** dog is also inserted, but half of the words are stunned by Qin Feng’s eyes and scared back.

"Small wind, since your sister wants to go, take her to go, or leave her here, be angry, be sure to be very noisy."

Song Wei spoke at this time.

As the saying goes, the father's life is hard to violate, and the same thing is set, and the mother's life is not bad.

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Feng thought about it and there would be no big deal.

"Since Mom said it, let's go together."

With a move, the tendon cloud came from the sea and the sky, but in a second, it was in front of Qin Feng.

"What is this soft thing? It looks like cotton candy~"

When Qin Shixue saw the tendon cloud, he suddenly became curious. He quickly ran to the front and did not need Qin Feng to say that he jumped up.


Qin Feng is also on the glutinous clouds, **** dog, Lin Yuexi, Nangong Yiren, Luo Qinghan, Yunling, Song Yu, are behind.

A golden light, starting from the sea, heading toward Liangzhou and breaking away.


The hinterland of Liangzhou, the Mengshan Mountains.

The mountains that stretched thousands of miles, at this time, a large part of the foot was collapsed by the ancient mountain copper, and the smoke rolled up the sky and rolled.

Xu Yao, the ally of Liangzhou, and the guardian of the Wei family, and a group of monks in Liangzhou, are at this time in the mid-air of this mountain.

After all, they are local and can arrive in a few minutes.

Looking at the giant lying on the ground, motionless, and venting without air intake.

This group of monks, all of them are very ugly, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

At this time, there are three streams of light from the horizon.

"The owner, the Eastern Deputy Master and the Guangyuan Master, came... and it seems that it is the two elders of Kunlun!"

Suddenly someone discovered the identity of the person coming.

Wei Qin, the defender's owner, and Xu Yao, the leader of Liangzhou, all heard this, and they were relieved. At least there were people who could do the main thing.

The shape of the Oriental Qing three stopped at the edge of the mountain.

At this moment, I saw the ancient mountain copper at a close distance. One by one was even more surprised. The brows were all wrinkled.

When the three of them arrived, but a short tea time, from all directions, a steady stream of monks came.

The nearest Qi family and Wu Ma family are the earliest, but they are not close, and they are staying at the outermost periphery of this mountain.

Qi Linger stood on the flying boat and looked at the giant with a curious look. The more he saw it, the more he was shocked.

300,000 feet... enough for 900,000 meters!

It’s just that you can scare people at a glance.

Time passed by little by little.

When the high-ranking monks of Yunshui Kyushu came to the same time, these monks, such as the old town of Xiancheng, the heads of various families, and the ally of the states, all gathered together in the East.

Hundreds of people gathered in a circle, ready to fly over this mountain, and volleyed a meeting to discuss how to deal with this giant.

However, at this time...

Just as the East is ready to publish his own opinions.

Suddenly, the monk who was inspected by the giants came back with a horrified cry.


"Move! The giant moved!"

This voice came, including Dongfang Qing and Zhao Wenzhao and Guangyuan Monk, this big gang is a face change! 2k novel reading network

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