The city of Monkey King

Chapter 399: Whoever commits my family, kills innocent people! [二更]

Beyond the Qingshang Daqian array of the entire Kunlun Mountains, tens of thousands of Kunlun disciples, anxiously watching the scene in the big array, seeing the black fog between the winding peaks, one by one is anxiously big Khan, almost no head to hit the wall.

The top ten fake baby elders, Fu Yuanchao is now going down and calming down.

The wine madman is a man sitting on a tree not far away and drinking.

Only left eight people, such as Zhao Wenzhao, you see me, I see you, and from time to time will also look at Lu Changyi who drinks on the tree.

It’s all awkward...

I don’t know what to do at all.

There was Han Xiu’s personally arranged Shang Qian Da Qianjian, covering Kunlun. They could not do anything except watching it outside.

at the same time.

The main peak of Kunlun, the bottom of the mountain.

The secret room is completely flooded with black fog.

From this dark fog, there are one footsteps and one footsteps. With the appearance of footsteps, the black fog... slowly dissipated.

Beside the wellhead, stood eight lizards.

They are all humanoid, seven men and one woman.

The seven lizard men, all without exception, are all similar to the seven, almost completely ugly to the depths of the soul, especially the pair of triangle eyes, big nose, can look at the past at a glance I spit it out overnight.

And the eighth!

If Qin Feng and Liquor are here, I will definitely feel that I am blind.

This eighth lizard woman, even with the appearance of Yu Ji, is not bad, charming face, enchanting body, except for the deadly three points covered by white armor.

The rest, no cover, white skin, **, towering snow peaks, clavicle...

They are all at a glance. If the white beast is shaking back and forth behind the body, this face and body are enough to evoke the soul of any man in the world.

This lizard woman is the same as Yu Ji, because she is the twin sister of Yu Ji, hehe.

And including this, these eight lizards are the top ten warriors under the lizard king.

However, there will be only eight left in the top ten battles. Yu Ji and Yan Qi are all already in the hands of Qin Feng.

"A sister, I will certainly help you revenge! You must live and kill the people who killed you!"

In the eyes of the sly, there is a revenge and flame, and the twin sisters and the souls are cherished. The moment before Yu Ji’s death, he saw the appearance of Qin Feng through the eyes of Yu Ji.

At that moment, the whole person was completely mad.

Into the dwarf tribe, enough to kill 5,000 dwarfs (another weak race in the Yin world) slaves, watered with blood, to suppress the anger of the heart.

Just coming out of this gate, I want to leave, to find the enemy who killed her sister, looking for Qin Feng!

"Ah, you can't make it."

The seven lizard men who were ugly to the depths of their souls, the one headed by them, were also the heads of the top ten warriors. Their name was one, and they screamed low at the moment.

Obviously, this is awe-inspiring, and the foot that was stepped out was collected and forced to take back the already-killed heart.

"A no need to worry, this world, after all, is our lizard, blasphemy, will not forget the contribution of Aqi and Aji to the ethnic group."

From the wellhead, there was a hoarse voice, it was a lizard king!

When the sound came out of the sound, the eight people all turned around and turned to the well at the knees, and the hands were lifted to the top of the head, and the palms were facing the sky.

"Welcome to the king!"

Shouting in unison, the voice is incomparably respectful.

In other places in this secret room, the lizards and squadrons who are condensed out are also devoutly adoring the same attitude as the eight people, worshipping this well.

The cloud of water on the wellhead is locked, and at this moment, there is still a faint glow of green gold. I want to make the final struggle, but this blue gold light just lights up.

A black mist hit the lock of the clouds and the blue light was completely broken.

Together with this cloud-sea lock, it was also completely shattered together.

The rich black air, in the pilgrimage of the public lizards, surged out of this well.

This is the lizard king!


"One hundred years, one round and one round."

In front of Xia Yurou's tomb, the ancient robes, black-haired swords, and face-cuts, if the stars, snow, and whistling.

This is Han Xiu who has recovered to the youth.

"Occasionally, I may be able to meet you this time."

Looking at Xia Yurou's tombstone, Han Xiuxing had a gentle smile.

At this moment, the western peak of Kunlun has a towering mountain peak. At this moment, the whole mountain is violently shaking, and the rock begins to roll. In the center of the mountain, there is a huge crack.


A sword that slams nine scorpions, pierces the heavens and the earth, and screams at this Kunlun peak!

From the crack, the golden golden sword light, instantly bursting into the sky, a fold in the air, went straight to the peak of the sky.

Han Xiu, his eyes are full of tenderness, looking at Xia Yurou's tomb, the screaming Qingjin Jianguang, when it is about to fall on Han Xiu, suddenly stagnate.

Jianguang scattered, it is a long-handed sword with a whole body, the sword body is covered with cold, and the sword is engraved with extremely mysterious patterns.

This is the real Kunlun Shangqing sword.

Kunlun Pavilion, the sword of the inheritance of the ancient cabinet owners.

The sword, quietly floating outside the right half of Han Xiu, is waiting for Han Xiu.

And at this time.

The horizon, with a morning light, through the thick clouds, spilling the sky.

The dawn of dawn is here.

Han Xiu, also at this moment, raised his right hand.

Suddenly grabbed and grabbed the hilt.

A scream, coming from the sword body.

"wait for me."

This is... an agreement.

Looking at Xia Yurou's tombstone and finishing the words, Han Xiu turned around and stepped on the snow, step by step... toward the main peak of Kunlun.

His eyes were no longer warm and jade, and there was no mercy.

Some, only endless killing, only blood dyed Kunlun.

That is the killing of aliens!

Eyes, looking at the peaks of this Kunlun mountain, the lingering black fog covered the snow of the peaks, and there was a lizard screaming in the dark fog.

These lizards came from the conquest of Yunshui Kyushu and the enslavement of Kyushu.

The Kunlun Shangqing sword in the hands of Han Xiu slowly lifted up.

Standing on the edge of the peak of the day, the wind raises the black hair, and the sword in his hand is the armpit, the golden sword of the thousand-footed, immersed in the black fog, destroying the dead, but all the lizards that touch the sword Family.

All of them are made into powder in mourning, and there is no resistance!

The rest of the lizards are aware that this sword is from the peak of Tianzhu, and they are looking toward Tianzhu Peak, a pair of triangle eyes...

And in these triangle eyes, it is a figure, a pair of... cold eyes full of chilling colors.

Whoever commits my family, kills, innocent! 2k novel reading network

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