The city of Monkey King

Chapter 411: eye for eye! Destroy the dead! [二更]

The 80,000 Kunlun disciples, scattered in all directions in Kunlun, are heading towards the main peak.

At this moment, it has already spanned hundreds of thousands of feet.

However, at this moment...

As the sound of the three dragons rang through the mountains, all the Kunlun disciples subconsciously stopped their bodies, one by one looking at the direction of the main peak.

There, there are three giant dragons, which suddenly appear in this world.

On the left, it was red and red, and there was a candle in it.

This is the candle dragon.

On the right, the pale dragon scales are born with a pair of huge wings, and the wings spread out to cover the sky.

This is, Ying Long.

In the middle, the black ink is incomparable, and at first glance, it seems that the soul is taken away.

Black dragon!

Three Dragon Souls come out!


"It's a real dragon!"

"It’s really a dragon!! How could a dragon appear!"

"It seems... is the dragon soul!"

"Who called the dragon soul?!!"


The 80,000 Kunlun disciples, all of them were red-eyed to the main peak, but this time they stopped, and looked at the three dragon spirits that appeared in this world, and even the mouth was shocked.

The cloud water industry is only a small interface, so small that no dragons will come to the waters of this world to be dragon kings.

Down to the ordinary disciples, up to the fake baby elders.

When I saw these three dragons, I was embarrassed...

'who is it? ! ’

This guess, in everyone's heart, who is it... called out these three dragon souls!

And knowing this, among the Kunlun people, only the wine madman is clear.

He knows that it must be Qin Feng!

Originally full of confidence, the three dragons who saw this appeared suddenly suddenly changed their face. From these three dragon spirits, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression, even his half-step spiritualism. For this time, even breathing has become difficult.

"How is it possible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The tyrant whispered to himself, watching the black light group that fell, but the eyes were filled with a twilight: "Dead! Will die!"

He is full of confidence in the glory of this glory.

Qin Feng, holding a golden hoop, three dragons behind him.


A whisper, a left hand pull, homeopathic Nangong Yi people into the arms.

The Nangong Yiren's face was slightly red, and she had not waited for her reaction. The Qin wind was like an arrow from the string, and suddenly rushed toward the black light group that fell on the sky.


He also saw this scene, his face is very ugly.

Three dragon spirits, accompanied by Qin Feng, holding Nangong Yiren with one hand, with ice and cold in the middle, and the right hand golden hoop suddenly swayed toward the falling black light group.

Roar! !

Long Xiao Kyushu!


The light group that had been suffocated with suffocation was bursting at the moment when the golden hoop was waved!


A violent wave of air, scattered throughout the Kunlun Mountains, originally shrouded the black light of the Kunlun Mountains, this moment is like a mirror, all broken.

The 80,000 Kunlun disciples who walked on foot, at the moment when the black light dissipated, the spiritual power in the body was revived, and the surprises were revealed in one eye, followed by the crazy killing color.

Among the 80,000 disciples, in addition to practicing disciples, tens of thousands of streams flowed straight to the main peak.

"how is this possible!!"

The tyrant looked at his own hands, and the black light on his body turned out to be scattered at this time.

However, there is no time for him to be surprised, because an old gold iron rod has already been smashed toward him, along with the three souls of the soul.

"Do not!!"


The golden hoop sticks down on the left shoulder of the tyrant. Under the powerful impact force, the squat is like a shell, slamming down, bang! On the ground there was a huge pit full of feet!

And this... not finished yet!

Qin Feng was volleyed in the air, and his eyes burned with flames.

eye for eye!

Holding the end of the gold hoop stick in the right hand, suddenly lifted it up, the front end began to grow rapidly, and the whole golden hoop became a long-lasting, three-dimensional dragon soul behind him.

Candle Dragon, Ying Long, Black Dragon.

At this moment, the three dragons are all in the sound of the dragon's whistle, all of them are going around the Wanzhang gold hoop, and the three dragons are all immersed in the golden hoop.

The dazzling three-color ray blooms from the golden hoop, and the three dragons are engraved on the bar of the golden hoop, lifelike!

When the three dragons were engraved into the golden hoop, a devastating pressure from the heavens and the earth was released from the giant hoop.

This scene…

The tens of thousands of Kunlun disciples who came here also saw it all.

I saw Qin Feng and saw the huge ancient gold iron rod. I saw that the three dragon souls were integrated into this huge iron rod...

Because of the previous involvement in the battle for the sword, most of the disciples of the entire Kunlun Mountain recognized Qin Feng, and all of them were on the spot.

Is this so strong? !

Especially Fu Yuanchao, he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. This person holding a big stick in his hand and a powerful man was actually the Qin Feng who participated in the ceremony that day.

Disciple of the wine madman? !

They are stunned by this scene, and the tyrants are completely scared!

In the face of the momentum of the golden hoop, he found that he had no resistance at all. He insisted on a hundred years of obsession and instantly collapsed. If he was chosen again, he would not choose to come to death. One world.

The previous arrogance, the previous one can not be a lifetime, this time all turned into ridiculous.

Qin Feng, the right hand to the next pressure, Wanzhang Jin hoops provoke a strong sound explosion, toward the Baizhang deep pit in the pit is smashed down.

The tyrant stunned his eyes, his eyes were timid, and the subconscious slammed his head and shouted in the direction of the main peak of Kunlun: "Hey God save me!"

When this sound fell, the main peak of Kunlun trembled!

At the bottom of the mountain, at the gate of the wellhead, suddenly there was a very bright black light shining from it, and a black mist rushed out from it, directly smashing the main peak of Kunlun to the body of the tyrant.

At this moment, the black robes of the whole body are released again.

at the same time.


The golden hoop, with an unrivaled power, fell sharply.

What protection... Destroy!

Throughout the Kunlun Mountains, under this stick, it began to violently tremble, and the rocks rolled up like an earthquake.

Millions of lizards, 爻一, 爻四, 爻6, 爻八, this time are closely watching the Baizhang deep pit...

Want to know their king, how is it now?

Is life or death? !

And just the next moment!

From the main peak of the Kunlun Mountains, from the gate of the boundary, there was an angry roar.

That is the ‘阜神’ in the lizard population.

But it was just a roar.

after that…

No more sounds.

Wanzhang Jin Hoop, the three engraved dragons on it slowly disappeared, from Wanzhang back to the original half-foot size, and the original Baizhang deep pit...

There is nothing in it.

The lizard king smashed the tyrant. 2k novel reading network

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