The city of Monkey King

Chapter 459: The old king is back! [seven more]

Yunshuijie, Penglai Island.

The aura of the island has become more and more intense, even... it has reached a point where the 300,000 monks on the island can't believe it.

Since the rapid increase in Aura, there have been people on the island that have broken through.

From practicing the gas to building the foundation, from building the base to the middle, from the top to the peak.


With ten people, with a strong aura, from the foundation of the foundation to the end of the knot, in one fell swoop will break the bottleneck of a hundred years.

The entire Penglai up and down, can be described as joyous, all the monks are smiling, and there is no light lanterns hanging red lanterns.

However, there is only one woman, at the moment, full of heart, watching the smiles of Penglai’s current monks, but there is nothing to help.

This woman, Tang Suzhen.

The volley is above the surface of the sea, with a long skirt, and the sea breeze is light.

For the joyful situation on the island at this moment, Tang Suzhen naturally looks in the eyes.

However, she is not happy at all. This source of aura is too strange...

Thousands of thousands of years, there has not been a change in the center of the sea, suddenly a large number of aura burst, the fool feels normal.

The misfortunes and the two depend on each other, and it is impossible for heaven to drop a pie out of thin air, but it has been given to Penglai.

It is a pity that the 300,000 monks on Penglai Island were almost fascinated by the joy and became fools.

Moreover, Tang Suzhen is more worried that her Wanli notes, as well as those who sent out to Xiancheng to report, have not heard a bit of news, and she is not at ease.

“Su-Yi, the island’s recent aura is prosperous, indicating that my land in Penglai does not lose the first holy place in Kyushu. In time, my position in Penglai is not necessarily beyond Kunlun. These things, you and me, as deputy island owners, should be happy. That's right, why are you still frowning?"

At this time, Peng Deng came to the air and walked to Tang Suzhen’s side, laughing and laughing.

Looked out, this goods are also very happy.

Such a vigorous aura, for his own help is not small, the whole person is several times more spiritual than before.

"Blessings and blessings depend on each other, there will be no food in this world."

Tang Su's eyebrows are wrinkled.

"No, too..."

When Peng Deng heard this, he smiled and opened his mouth. This words just said two words.



The entire Penglai Three Islands, without warning, began to violently tremble, and breathe, two interest... three interest!

This trembles into a violent shaking!

The peaks on the Three Islands, suddenly fell and fell into the rocks!

"what happened?!"

Peng Deng's face changed greatly, and he looked around in horror, and asked him out of the subconscious.

"It’s not a good thing, misfortunes and blessings, misfortunes, come."

Tang Suzhen whispered to himself, and did not pay attention to Peng Deng. In fact, she couldn’t look down on this guy who would only look at the three-footer, who could sit on the position of the deputy islander and sit on her side. For her, More like a shame.

Looking at the center of the sea...

Tang Suzhen can feel that the aura that was originally exported from this sea area has come to an abrupt moment just now!

"The lord, it seems that Su 娥 is to live up to your expectations."

A long sigh in the heart, Tang Suzhen did not panic because of the sudden changes, she just felt that Qin Feng named the important task of delivering to her.

But she...

It has been clearly found that there is something wrong with the waters here, but it is not sent out in time.

In her view, the current situation, this news, will never be sent out.

"Yes, what happened?!"

Peng Deng shouted in panic, watching Tang Suzhen, wanting to get some answers, responding to her, but Tang Suzhen's contemptuous eyes.


The Three Islands of Penglai, the trembling is getting more and more intense, and the rich aura is dissipated into empty space, and even the original aura is completely disappeared together.

For a moment, it is like falling into heaven from heaven.

The 300,000 Penglai monks were all shocked. For this aura change, the shaking of the three islands was flustered. Many people subconsciously chose to flee Penglai...

However, it is a problem!


Can not get Penglai three islands!

It seems that there is an enchantment that will seal the entire Penglai!

In this way, the hearts of the 300,000 Penglai monks are even more frightened.


This word appears in the hearts of every monk.

The previous joy was swept away, and 300,000 monks were panicking...

The bottom of the sea, has always been super Lao Wang Ba, but it is a ridiculous laugh, he just opened the enchantment on his back, and took the aura in the enchantment.

A huge hoe, a pair of yellow-eyed turtle eyes, watching a black air floating in front of him.

This group of black gas gradually condensed, turned into a person with an iron mask and black clothes. This is the left guard of the Stars. At this moment, the voice is a little excited.

"The Lord, the mouths of the various places in Kyushu, have all gathered together on the edge of the sea, waiting for the Lord to return."


From the gimmick, a hoarse voice belonging to the Lord of the Stars came out, silent for a moment.

"That Qin Feng, where is it now."

In the eyes of Lao Wang Ba, there is a touch of twilight...

The things of Xianling College and Qixingmen, he still remembers clearly! He recovered in kind, the first thing to do is to kill Qin Feng!

This kind of kid who doesn't know how to be tall and thick is used to vent the resentment accumulated in the previous heart!

"The line report came, and Qin Feng came out of Yuzhou Xiancheng, and I still don't know where to go."

When the star left guardian said this sentence, the voice shook slightly, apparently afraid of the old king eight angry.

And the truth...

He did not guess wrong!

A powerful pressure, the moment of falling on the left side of the star, the left guardian law raised his eyes, but also saw the old king eight that seed yellow turtle eye, suddenly scared fiercely on the ground, all over the body Trembling.

"Yes, subordinates, once sent people to chase, but, then Qin Feng speed..."

"But let's go back."

Lao Wang Ba did not wait for the left guard to finish, but it was a faint opening. He also knew very well that at the speed of Qin Feng, it was not the **** that his men could catch up with.

"Yes Yes!"

The cold sweat of the left guardian method quickly got up and stepped back a few steps. Then he turned and turned into a dark mist and broke away. I feared that the Lord had changed his mind and turned himself into a ash.

Wait until the left guardian law leaves, the eyes of the star gods pass a touch of twilight...

Qin Feng, he is going to kill, but before killing, he still has to kill some other people, such as... These use his huge body to nourish and give aura, and the survival practice has been passed down for 10,000 years.

That, still.

Between the moments!

Above his back, that is, the Three Islands of Penglai!

A powerful plundering attraction, which is uploaded from the enchantment of the Three Islands!

Come crashing! 2k novel reading network

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