The city of Monkey King

Chapter 473: White wolf, gray pig, black king eight!

Xiancheng continues to be in the midst of scuffles.

Blood, reddish the sky, hanging in the sun on the horizon, under this blood scarlet, became extremely dazzling.

However, everyone knows that this city’s killing, victory and defeat...

It doesn't really matter.

Because of all this, it is the old king who is determined to survive in Kyushu. It is the key to blocking the old king.

Lu Changyi held the sword in his left hand and crossed the sword. The star-students in front of him were all made into fly ash. With his strength, it was enough to be in this star.

Not far from him, the same is true of the Eastern Qing Dynasty. Wherever he goes, the Stars are avoiding the stalks. A silver-and-white sword is covered with cold, with blood, and slowly drips along the edge of the blade.

The two, this time are looking out of the city, looking toward the old king.

They are also clear about...

The old king is the main place.

It was only at this moment that both of them were eyebrows, because they all saw a scene, in front of the old king, more... a pig and a dog.

Dongfang Qing is not unexpected. Although he does not know how the specific strength of this pig and dog is, he is definitely better than him. It is hard to hear. He is worse than the two goods in the East and the ‘pig dog’.

However, Lu Changyi Qing did not know that Lu Changyi had never seen this **** dog and pig bastard. It was completely foggy. I thought that these two animals would only fly. What do you want to do? !

Just as he thought about it, from the Stars, there were three fake baby monks, all wearing iron masks, and they were killed by Lu Changyi.

Not that time to doubt the origin of a pig and a dog, Lu Changyi sword and these three fake baby battles in one place.

Outside the Qingmen, the clouds are on.

Huge, like a black scorpion floating on the clouds in a small continent, a pair of yellow eyes, coldly looking at the two things that appeared in front of him.

A black dog.

A white pig.

There is no understanding and disdain in the shackles. In his heart that is mad at the moment, a pig and a dog want to block this seat? ! wishful thinking!

"Oh, the big king, it’s enough to cook a pot."

The Pig Eight Rings licked the pig's nose, and there was a joke in his eyes.

"Speak in advance, leave your hind legs to me."

The **** dog is also grinning, with sharp spikes protruding from the corner of his mouth, a pig and a dog, singing and one, completely did not put Lao Wang Ba in his eyes.


The old Wang Ba’s gimmicks, the two guards suddenly drunk, in their view, the time for their performance is here, in the eyes of these two guards, this pig and dog appeared this time, it is purely funny.

Smashed them...

Can still leave a good impression in front of the Lord!

Moreover, you can bring back a pig and dog hot pot.

One left and one right, rushing toward a pig and a dog.

The **** dog, looking at the left guardian law that came to him, passed a touch of cold silver color in his eyes, and he whispered, and there was a silvery light between the moments!

The wolf screamed for nine days. In this white light, a mighty four-tailed white wolf appeared, fluttering long hair, cold silver and white eyes, and the wolf teeth were slightly exposed outside the mouth, grinning.

For this left-handed approach to his own, Tian Jiuyun’s mouth is fierce, and a powerful suction force emerges. The face under the left-handed iron mask is eclipsed.

However, there is no time to consider it. Even the time of screaming is not.

The whole person was swiftly swallowed into the mouth by Tian Jiuyun, and chewed a few times, and the scarlet blood slipped from the corner of his mouth.

This blood is the blood of the left guard.

At the same time, the right guardian rushing to the pig's eight rings, in his eyes, the little fragrant pig fiercely turned into a three-foot fangs, gray-black thick skin, all of them are big wild boars.

I haven't waited for him to react from this shock. The pigs are gray and black pigs flickering, the pigs are shaking slightly, and countless roots are flying out of him, and they pass through the body of this right guard.

What kind of body care is the shit, it can't stop it.

For a moment, this right guard was worn into a sieve, and Jin Dan burst, and the dead could not die any more. His eyes were dull, he lost all his vitality, and his body fell rapidly.

These two methods of protection of the Stars, I want to make a good look, but even the small life has been put in, and everything is gone.

"Two wastes."

For the death of the left and right guards, there is no fluctuation in the black scorpion look, just a cold look at the pig and the dog in front of you.


It should now be said that a wild boar is a white wolf.

"On the basis of both of you, you want to block this seat. This seat is a god, and you are like a pig."

A slightly hoarse voice echoed between the heavens and the earth.

The body size of Tianjiuyunyun and Zhubajie, in front of this giant body, is like an ant in front of an elephant. It is really difficult to proportionate.

For the black 鳌 这一 化 化 修 ’ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Why, do you think Laozi is too small?!"

The black dog's eyes burst into a cool color, and the body shape suddenly bloomed in white, and the body shape began to increase rapidly, ten feet! Baizhang! Thousands! Five thousand feet!

The pigs around him are also unwilling to fall behind.

I used the drama to say: "The old pig is coming!"

Then the shape of this porcupine is also rapidly increasing, ten feet! Baizhang! Thousands! Five thousand feet!

Both of them are at half the shape of the black skeleton.

Looking from afar...

This scene is extremely spectacular.

White wolf, gray pig, black king eight.

They are all huge in shape, and the arrogant momentum is scattered. Even the people killed in the fairy city, whether they are the Stars in the rushing, or the Kunlun disciples and the Xianmeng monks who are desperately resisting.

They all saw this scene in the distant horizon, and they couldn’t help but be stunned by this momentum.

Lu Changyi broke through a sword, and the three villains who were besieging themselves, the fake baby monk, gave birth to one, and this moment, felt the momentum from the distant horizon, and looked up subconsciously.

Unable to shrink, he did not think that this original black dog white pig, even with such powerful strength, feel this power, he asked himself to use his own strength, far less.

For a time, the appearance of the four-tailed white wolf and the giant porcupine raised the momentum of the Xianmeng monks. Before they were worried that the old king would come in.

Because if the old king eight is killed, then they will be completely defeated, there is no suspense defeat.

But now it seems that the old king will still be unable to do it in August and a half, and is blocked!

That is to say... they still have hope!

For the Xianmeng monks who have already fallen into despair, when the fire of hope reappears, they will all go crazy, and the madness in their hearts will be a more crazy counterattack towards those Stars. Press it off. 2k novel reading network

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