The city of Monkey King

Chapter 542: ‘Flower’ word guess, Jade Emperor’s plan!

Hundreds of flowers and peaks, the wind smashed with a burst of floral aroma, smelling the heart and soul.

The life is dead and dying, and the elephants change and slowly flow over the peaks.

A ‘flower’ word interlaced by black and white is quietly suspended in front of the two ancestors, and the ‘thinking’ is ‘flower’.

"This word, how do you look."

The secluded secluded is already sullen, and the whole person's body is more illusory, and it seems that a gust of wind can blow away.

The monk who was beside him was not only awkward except for the blood falling from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he was also frowning and looking at the word 'flower' floating in front of him.

Seeing the subconsciousness of the word 'flower', he thought of a flower in his mind, accurately speaking... one person, one woman.

Not only 奕君...

Jun Jun and Feng You, both of them looked at each other at the same time, they all saw the answer in their respective eyes.


that flower…

The seven-petal purple flower that sleeps in the seventh world and sleeps in the endless sea of ​​the autumn...

That...the holy woman who loves.

The battle of Nantianmen in that year was because this woman was held in the hands of Xianting, which led to the choice of Qitian Dasheng in the vertical and horizontal, and the battle of the fairy devil was ended with the endless demon being slaughtered as the ending.

In addition to linking the word 'flower' to this woman, Feng You and Yu Jun have not thought of any other connection about the word 'flower'.

after all…

Before the word "flower" is connected to people and things, the first thing is that this thing has to be related to their holy people.

"You are too much of a rebellion by the heavens, and you first healed within the boundaries of my family. I am going to go there."

Jun Jun said, the meaning of this is very obvious, he has to go to the seventh day of the autumn.

"No, I am with you this time."

Feng Yu took a deep breath and the words were decisive.

He is the measurer of this image. In the end, the first line of vitality is whether the seven-petal purple flower is the woman. If he is on the spot, he only needs a scent to detect it. .

"it is good."

Yan Jun stared at the seal and looked at the closed-faced body, which was already almost transparent. Originally, he wanted to refusal, but he thought about it, but if it was decided, the world could change it except the Holy One. Besides, I am afraid that no second person can persuade him.

It will not continue to block, after all, there are people who go in person, plus the life-saving technique of the secluded, should not be a problem.

He is very clear.

Although the seal is a scorpion, there is nothing to be repaired, and there is no strength to fight against others.

However, his technique of concealing and escaping, even if the Taoist Sanqing and Xitian Rulai are the most sacred peaks of the world, they will not be able to grasp the secret.

From the beginning of the flood, the life and death of the shackles, the years of survival of the secluded secluded, even surpassed the ancestor of the eternal life of the 10,000-year-old.

The unique means he possesses is not something that other people can understand and understand, and absolutely others can display it. Even if it is holy, it can't be done.

Since the two have decided, the situation in the world is extremely tense, and naturally there is no time to delay.

The time, the life and death that existed in the center of the Baifeng Center was instantly dispersed.


The face was slightly condensed, and he took a deep breath and was about to leave. Suddenly, the monk who was beside him was a brow, and the eyes were white and the body shape stopped.

For this scene, Feng You did not say anything, but also stopped.

Because he knows that this is Jun Jun who got some news, and is an urgent report, if not, he will not jump over dozens of levels and report directly to him, the Dream Fox family.

"What is it?"

Waiting until the misty white color in the eyes of Jun Jun dissipated, he asked, and he could see from the look of Jun Jun that something must happen again.

In fact, with his power of divination, if you want to know the things of this world, you only need to raise your hand and you can know that one is seven seven eight eight, but the previous 'innate calculations' cost too much of the spirit. Adding the above-mentioned heavenly path, he has not had too much power to confess this matter.

"The Holy Spirit has already emerged from the cloud water world, and destroyed the incarnation of Li Nei. At this moment, he is leading the 36th Heavenly Demon to go to Tianfu. It seems that he wants to attack Tianfu and break the Tianmen."

Jun Jun said, in fact, these are all in the previous expectations of the two.

However, for Qin Feng's strength at the moment, it is beyond their estimation. After all, the strength before Qin Feng is really making them both worried.

However, it is not the same now. Since there is the ability to be able to indulge in the lotus, it is enough for the current battlefield.

"The relationship between the Taoist Buddha is getting worse and worse, and this is the power to sacred the Holy Spirit. As long as we do not take the initiative to ignite this line of fire, there is no sacred shot, so that the strength of the sage is not needed. Worry too much."

The face of the secluded face reveals a touch of looseness. At least there is nothing unexpected about the current happening. Nothing can be shot by the Holy Power, and the most powerful sages belonging to the demon are also informed by Yu’s dreams. Seal, but choose to continue to crouch.

This is to maintain the tacit understanding of the forces in this area, because once the holy battle is ... the final battle of extinction, the art of death and injury will be stacked ten million times.

"I want to say that is this thing."

Yan Junmei is wrinkled: "According to my spies in Xianting, Zhang Bairen is likely to use the Holy Power."

When this is said, the seal is also a scorpion that is slightly condensed.

In fact, this ‘the power of sacredness’ needs to be understood, not simply to send a holy monk.

Li Nian, Yang Lan, these are the most powerful, only they are strictly unable to use the power of the Holy Spirit, are using the avatar to lead the army.

Including Lei Zhenzi, who is assembling the army on the first day and preparing for a new wave of troops, he also used his Thunder incarnation to lead the army and did not use the Holy Body.

And the phrase "using the power of the Holy Spirit" is meaningless.

That is the representative...

The Jade Emperor has the intention to use the power of the Holy Spirit to deal with Qin Feng.

Feng You took a deep breath, his eyes... This moment has a dreamlike starlight, and in his whole body, there is a mysterious atmosphere.


In the strong action, use the power of the spirit to divinate.

A moment of rest, two interest, when the third interest comes.

The dreamy starlight in the eyes of the eyes collapsed, and the body swayed. A slamming black and white blood of ‘Wow’ spouted out... This is the blood of the spirit.

His breath ended with the divination, and even more, he cut the number. 2k novel reading network

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