The city of Monkey King

Chapter 547: Send you to hell! [four more]

The five golden monks, each with a golden stream of light, are connected to each other and constructed into a huge ‘word.

At this moment, the word '' is still motionless. The five parties are all cold and sweaty, and the sweat is slipping from the golden skin color. It is very obvious.

So nervous, just because they are in the sky above, the side of the ‘ghost prison tomb,’ a strange atmosphere.

It is like a mouse that knows the cat's breath and is full of trepidation.

This 'burial tomb' is a cat, and the five sides are a mouse.


This is also the first time that the five parties have been exposed to such a strange atmosphere. It is naturally not a panic.

Outside the 90,000-foot ban, thousands of demons are watching this scene at the moment, and watching the eyes of Qin Feng one by one is not the color of reverence. The five powerful Buddhas are so simple. It was cleaned up by his own sage.

The sense of pride starts from the bottom of my heart.

This is their god!

There is no support, no seven, and there are a lot of golden demon, mysterious demon, this time is a doubtful color, because they can not feel a sense of threat from the side of the ‘ghost prison tomb.’


It is very strange to feel a close look.

Ghost prisoner's tomb, Xianfo hell, demon paradise.

Qin Feng constantly receives the strong desire from the burial tomb. It seems that if Qin Feng does not open the tomb, this ‘burial tomb’ is to open itself.

Of course... this situation is impossible.

Although this magic-type supernatural power has its own partial consciousness, his control is absolutely in the hands of Qin Feng. After all, in the end, it is not a living body, but a supernatural power that has been displayed.

If there is no Qin Feng to display it, it is nothing!

"It's so eager, that's what you want."

Qin Feng mouth reveals a chilly smile, his hand lifted slightly, and time...the ‘Ghost Prisoner’s Tomb’ hanging over the ‘’ word center, a tomb door appeared from the tomb.

The purple light of the soul of the soul shines out from it, almost the same moment when the tomb door opens. The light of the five souls can't wait to rush out, and it is the fall of the five sides.


The five parties were shrouded in the light of the soul of the 'burial tomb'. Their golden body was actually faded at the speed seen by the naked eye, but the three-dimensionality was restored to the original skin color, and the breath was dropping at a rapid rate. It is a realm of falling into a realm.

Each face has a painful and struggling color, apparently resisting the power of the soul of this 'burial tomb'.

"Magic monkey! You are so guilty, there will be a karma coming!"

Capricorn’s look at Qin Feng reveals the hatred and unwillingness of the day.


Qin Feng slightly stunned the eyes of the land, and laughed, and laughter laughed in this field.

"Well, wait for the Buddha, and make a sound of the world, hate the virtues, but this is the case... Now why do you hate me?" This is the compassion in your mouth?!"

The sound is caught in this laughter, but there is no trace of happiness. Instead, it is the ultimate coldness, and the people who listen are cold.

In this remark, the saying that the Capricorn was revealed and the other four were uncovered, I was stunned and I didn’t know how to pick it up.

Because... can't refute.


If it is according to their Buddhist circles, hate not to enter the heart, resentment, but this is the case... then why do they hate this predecessor.

Buddhism has always said to others.

The so-called education of the world is to let the people of the world obey their words, act according to their wishes, the code of conduct they set, and obey is right, wrong is wrong.

This is...Putdu sentient beings.

The laughter gradually stopped, and the voice of Qin Feng was cold again.

"Buddha said, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell."

"This sentence is the only reason I think your nonsense story is the same."

"Because... you should all go to hell!"

The words have just been finished, and the five parties are all in the heart. From the ‘Ghost Prisoner’s Tomb’, there is a light with five souls.

The power of the demention contained in it is superimposed twice as much as before.

This time...

The five-party revelation is finally unable to hold back.

When the silver head was revealed, the first one could not hold it. His soul... When he was stunned, he was taken away by the light of the dementor. He was immersed in the 'burial tomb' in a scream, followed by his golden body. It was actually under the cover of the light of the soul, and it was turned into a golden light to dissipate. Then it disappeared into the 'burial tomb' along the path of the light of the soul, and became a nutrient to nourish its growth.

"The demon monkey, my Buddha will never let you go, you will know the regrets!"

It’s obvious that Polo’s unveiling is unstoppable. After shouting this sound, like the previous silver head, the soul is taken into the 'burial tomb', and the golden body is transformed into the light of the soul. A little bit of golden light dissipated.

"Magic Monkey!!"

Just after another breath, the Golden Head was also the same process as the silver head and the Balo. After the anger shouted, the golden body and the soul disappeared.

Since then, the smoke has disappeared.

The only thing left is that Boluo’s revelation and Capricorn’s revelation are relatively pure, and they are still reluctant to resist the power of the murder of the tomb.

At this moment, both of them are trembled under the consciousness, biting their teeth, and their eyes are all screaming at Qin Feng.

That posture...

If Qin Feng is at their mouth, they will be able to tear the swallow into the belly.

At this time, they did not have the kind of Buddhas who were worshipped by all the people in the world. They were so kind to the Buddha statues they built. At this time, they are full of embarrassment and hatefulness, whether they are eyes or expressions!

"Ugly Buddha."

Qin Feng just squinted and looked at these two people. For these people... he has a little bit of good feelings.

Even though... He knows that this evil feeling in his heart comes from Sun Wukong, but also because he has most of the memory of Sun Wukong, he is more aware of the disgusting faces of those in the Buddha world.

The Buddha world was born at the end of the flood era, and it has its roots since the era of Wanjie. These things have been done for countless years. In the end, they want to control the rights of the world from the doctrines that dominate the world. For this purpose, these Buddhas can do anything.

What kind of compassion, what is righteousness, go to his mother's shit.


From the 'burial tomb', there is a second tomb door open at this moment!

From this second tomb door, there are two fascinating lights that are several times stronger than before, and they rush through the vast boundaries of the world, and they are looming over the waves and the capricorns. under! 2k novel reading network

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