The city of Monkey King

Chapter 563: Leaving alone.

Supreme, Xianting Heaven.

With an old man in a blue robes, the white whiskers swayed and rushed into the imposing Lingxiao Temple.

However, it is the effort of ten people, but the old man is folded back.

An old face is full of doubts...

This old man is the immortal officer of Xian Xianshi, who is the guardian of the immortal engravings of Xianting. The grade is very high, the right to the fart is not, and the thing to be done on weekdays is to keep a broken stone.

Other than that, there is nothing in Mao.

This kind of official...

Generally referred to as the pensioner.

At this moment, the old man walked on the jade step outside the Lingxiao Temple, and looked back and forth to Lingxiao Temple in one step and three. The more he walked down the stairs, the more doubt he was, and the old face was full of puzzles.

It is reasonable to say that his official who guards Yan Xianshi, although he has no power and no power, can be good at the high grade. When visiting other Xianjia, he will give a few faces, prepare a banquet for dinner, and eat and die every day. It is very good.

However, just now... He suddenly discovered that the celestial stone had changed, and a large number of names disappeared.

This is not surprising, after all, it is now fighting, and it is normal to die.

But what shocked him the most was the disappearance of one of the names... Ling Yazi!

This is the palace!

Even though the thirty-sixth day belongs to the end of the heavens, these fairy officers in Xianting look at it, that is a group of local officials who do not enter the stream, but anyway...

That Lingyazi is the prince of the dynasty...

It’s just like this, it’s a big deal.

Therefore, the old man even the dynasty did not change, and the fire rushed to the Lingxiao Temple, and saw the Jade Emperor.

However, the answer given by the Jade Emperor was even more convincing, and he was six words and concise.

‘I know, let’s go back. ’

The old man lingered on the jade steps outside the Lingxiao Temple for a long time. He couldn’t figure out why the capital was stunned. The Jade Emperor did not move at all. Finally, the old man sighed and turned away.

Although he is not low in grade, he can only be a guardian of the immortal stone, the insignificant fairy. These big things... I can’t take him to worry about it. He still comes back to the fairy house and the two wines.

at the same time.

The first world, the eastern edge of the land.

Here is already the limit of this world, and then the tianyu barrier, can not step out of the half, this barrier is not holy.

Here, there is a man in a green robe who walks out of the bounds of the void, looks calm, but is a sharp-eyed monkey, and it is not a good person at first glance.

One of the eight chambers of Xianting, the sacred part of the **** Lu Yue.

The death of Ling Yazi, lost in the 36th day, the Jade Emperor could not be angry, but the anger was also angered, and the dark hand he had laid down had already been laid.

Because it is a dark hand, of course, you can't get it on the bright side. Naturally, there is no more words about the old fairy head of the fairy stone.

Lu Yue looked straight ahead, and with his cultivation, the realm in front of him was naturally different from what others saw. It was an invisible but real barrier.

The screen of the celestial domain... is the barrier that separates the thirty-six days.

"Magic Monkey..."

He whispered a word, Lu Yue’s face showed a smug smile, and the Tianyu barrier in front of him was actually cracked when he was squatting, and then his body was shaped into a green smoke, directly from the barrier of the celestial domain. The cracks left.

After Lu Yue left, the crack was instantaneously restored, and the slightest abnormality could not be seen.

The heavens are bounded by the world and the thirty-two worlds.

On the bank of the boundary river, there is a vast army of demons marching. The big holy flag flutters and looks at it... the first is not seen.

Already, I don’t know how many demons have joined the army.

But when the road passes by one day, there are a large number of demons rushing from the Tianmen and joining the demon army.

And at this time...

The Tianfufu soldiers of the heavens did not dare to block the slightest.

On the thirty-fifth day, the thirty-fourth day, the thirty-third day, and the thirty-second day at the moment, the prefectures in the palace were very tacit and unified and kept silent.

Let the demon of their respective worlds rush out of the gate, and did not send a soldier to go to the resistance.

after all…

There was no order to let them stop the demon.

Another one... The news of the thirty-sixth day when Tianfu was broken and the palace Junlingzi was killed was already passed to the heavens and the world. After the news came out, no one dared to block the stars.

Notice: Even if it is Xianting, there are dozens of sacred monks who listen to the dispatch. These big shackles are either in important positions, or they are arrogant, and they are busy with wild cranes and enjoy the fireworks. A prosperous life.

Naturally, I won’t eat too much. I have nothing to do to do the work of the local government. Therefore, in the days of the heavens, I will be the priest of the princes, except for the first day, the second day, the third day, and the fourth day.

With their strength, even if it is stronger than Ling Yazi, there is no such confidence to dare to provoke the 'magic monkey'.

For your own life, it is better to be a small transparent silent, completely as you can see.

Because they are afraid that once they send troops to intercept, they may be in the midst of the mighty army of millions of demons in the field. Turning their heads is pressing against them.

They can't be confident that they can keep this billions of demons out of the gates.

You know... stepping into Tianmen is Tianfu, they don't want to play this kind of heartbeat.

Before the river, the front of the mighty demon army.

Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled, and stunned the army of the mighty demon behind the eyes, these demons are marching in the family of their respective families, but this speed...

It is too slow. If it is at this speed, even if it is the 18th day, the twelfth hour is already over.

I also looked at the direction of the Tianmen in the 32nd day. I want to come to these places and I am afraid to take the lead.

Qin Feng mouth angle slightly moved, a voice...

Falling into the land not far from his side, no support.

Not yet waiting for no support to slow down from this voice, Qin Feng has already broken through the emptiness of the sky before the sky, and directly through the void.


There is no support and gaze to see where Qin Feng has left the void and want to say something. However, the word '哥' has not been said yet but it has been forced to collect it.

For the decision of the Holy Spirit...

Only obey!

Behind the unsupported, the demons are all amazed at the disappearance of Qin Feng, especially those who are quasi-classified, who want to know why.

The riots... It’s time to get up.

At this time, there is no support and a sigh of scream: "What is chaos?! The Holy Spirit has to go ahead, pass on the various races, and speed up the march!"




The demon kings are all big claims.

When Qin Feng left, they naturally listened to nothing.

After all... This is one of the 18 emperors who followed the Holy Spirit and the heavens and the earth.

And there is only no support...

I know what Qin Feng’s voice said. 2k novel reading network

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