The city of Monkey King

Chapter 567: Should be!

The seventh world, the autumn and the autumn.

There is no end to the sea and the sea of ​​flowers.

In the vast territory of the billion-dollar, the white light of the fog shrouded it completely, and the powerful pressure was filled in this misty white, and no one dared to approach it. .

Over the top of the center of the light, Yan Jun folded his eyebrows and wrinkled, overlooking the place below...

A mysterious meaning, invisible fluctuations echoed in this world, causing a wave of heaven and earth vision.

That is... the power of innate calculus.

The black and white life and death floats in the land of the flower sea, and the shackles on it are changing at a fantastic speed. One after another, the mysterious runes appear and disappear.

At the center of life and death, the secluded knees sit and knees, and the eyes are closed. The black and white life and death surround the whole body. This life and death, echoing the seven petals of purple flowers in the sea of ​​flowers.

The corner of the mouth...

The blood of the black and white spirit can't stop falling.

His wounds have reached an extremely serious level, and the power of innate calculations has been used over and over again, and his spirit has long been overdrawn.

At this time, Feng Yu Meng opened his eyes!

The left black and white white color is scattered.


A black and white blood, violently spit out, his breath became frantic when he was stunned, even the life and death of this body, but also disillusioned at a very fast speed, on the verge of collapse.

Almost at the same time, the monarchy above the clouds in the Jiuyi, appeared in the body of the secluded body when he was in the shape of a shackle. When he appeared, he actually had three ‘less ransoms’ in one hand.

For these peerless treasures, there is no slightest resentment, a fierce grip... The three ‘less wastes are all made a little bit of aura, and they have not entered the body.

With the demise of the three ‘less wild ginseng’, the secluded solitude slowly slowed down.

The life and death that continued to be illusory dissipated was also stabilized.

"Where are you coming so much?"

After the stagnation of the stagnation, with a little surprised look at the side of the 奕君, even as the identity of 奕君, there are precious treasures of these heavens and thousands of worlds are not unusual.

However, this ‘less ridiculous participation’ is not something that can be obtained with identity and status, but more by luck and patience.

If you don't bother to search for three or five thousand years, you can't find traces of ruthlessness.


Sealing is a spirit, not a soul, nor a flesh and blood.

Everything in this world, rare people can hurt him, Dafa, magical powers, magic weapons, can not.

And once it hurts, it is rare that there is something that can heal him.

This ‘less wild ginseng’ is one of the few strange things.

"This is for you."

Jun Jun did not say much about the origin of ‘less wastes,’ just a smile, and then the look was cleaned up.

"how about it?"

Looking up at the flower of the seven petals in the center of the flower sea, and then looking at the seal.

Feng You knew what Jun Jun asked, took a deep breath and shook his head.

"I use the power of innate calculus to measure this flower twice with the previous image. The result is not, this flower... is not the first line of life."

When you say this, Feng is very sure.

His divination skills...

Maybe... the first time there is a possibility of error.

For the second time... it’s not wrong!

Feng You has already concluded that this seven-petal purple flower, this woman... is not the first line of vitality.

"Since it is not her, who is it? Who will be involved in the word "flower"?"

Jun Jun's brows were wrinkled, but he just asked this, and his face suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Seeing that the face of the secluded face has changed dramatically, Jun Jun is also asking for a sound exit.

The faint brow was locked and looked at the eyes of Jun Jun. One word and one sentence: "The Holy Spirit is to be shackled."

When I heard this sentence, when I was in the face, I was as earthy...

The meaning of the so-called 卦

That is to say, the fierce sorrow that was calculated from the previous calculations must be fulfilled!

And after they... discharged the ‘seven purple flowers,’ there is no time to find the ‘flower’ word!

So come...

Life and death, all in destiny.

The seventh world, Tianmen.

A golden stream of light rushed away, Jinguang scattered, stayed in front of this Tianmen, is a man in a gold armor.

Qin Feng looked at the mirror-like Tianmen, brows and wrinkles, he could clearly feel...

The subconscious mind left by Sun Wukong, the kind of idea that wants to enter the seventh world, wants to go to the autumn and the world, to the endless sea, to go to the woman called ‘紫霞’ is getting more and more prosperous.

Take a deep breath... Qin Feng is about to step into this gate.

But at this time...

A sense of vitality crisis, when the time comes to the heart, almost out of subconscious, Qin Feng figure violently back hundreds of thousands of feet.

In the place where he was originally stationed, that is, the seventh day door, there are tens of thousands of green and flowing streams, and these streamers appear without any pause.

When I was all rushing to Qin Feng!

‘Holy! ’

From the moments of these streams, Qin Feng is aware of the degree of power, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit.

With a sway in his hand, the golden hoop appeared in his hand and swung in front of him.

Boom! !

The gold crowbar breaks up the streamer.

The entire celestial universe is empty, and the sound of tremors is heard. A void of voids appears in this celestial domain. It is extremely horrible, and it has a burst of green light that envelopes the land of billions of feet.

However... at the same time.

A laughter echoed in the heavens of this Tianmen: "The devil is in the sky... but it is!"

The sound just settled, and Qin Feng’s brow wrinkled.

In his dantian, I don’t know when there was a green gas. This green gas, with a strong suction, actually wanted to force the film of the wind to the Dantian.

If this is the case, then Qin Feng will not be called Qin Feng, and find a common small world to buy sweet potatoes.

When the golden hoop in the hand is horizontal and the ten dragons are screaming, the sound of the dragon screams, and the dragon soul rushes toward the green gas.


In just one moment, this green gas was washed away by the dragon soul.


Qin Feng has forgotten a very important thing!

His dantian...

Except for his dantian, there is still something in it!

Cloud water world...!

When Qin Feng realized this, it was already late...!

The cloud water industry has already been photographed!

A fierce look up, in front of the 100,000 feet, that is, before the day of the door, a sharp-nosed monkey in a green robes, with a wry smile, raised his hand to attract something.

The center of Qin Feng and Lu Yue is a thing that exudes a white light group. It is the cloud water...

At this moment, in this world... under the force of Lu Yue, swiftly rushed toward it.


Seeing the moment when Yunshui was taken away, Qin Feng’s face suddenly violently angered... He was really angry! 2k novel reading network

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