The city of Monkey King

Chapter 571: Wanjie pursues killing, nothing storms! [Three more]

The person who chased...

It is not just the Tianfu side under Xianting.

There is another stock.

In this seventh world, among the three thousand interfaces, there are some second-class circles that can be ranked, and even some three-category.

There are countless streams of light coming out of it.

Among these streamers...

It is a bald Buddha.

Their purpose is also very simple, grab the magic monkey.

As long as you send it to Lingshan, you can enter the Lingshan Mountain and give it a small role.

The words "positive fruit" are the pursuit of a lifetime for the monks of the heavens and the world.


Xitian Lingshan, nowadays, does not intend to hide in the past, but chooses to be the same as the Xianting Road.

At this moment, Qin Feng... In their eyes, it is a piece of fat that is about to come to the mouth. Whoever starts quickly, who is this fat!

The seventh world, the northern domain.

A golden light whistling, behind this golden light, is the inexhaustible stream of light, chasing up crazy.

This demon of the sky... has long been in the front of the world, gathered in the first world of the king of the demon king, at this moment is strangled with the army of Lei Zhenzi.

"Monkey brother, can you still hold it?"

The pig's eight rings are still the appearance of the little sweet pig. He is on the shoulder of Qin Feng, and he is very worried about the opening.

"To shut up!"

Qin Feng screamed and screamed, and scared the pigs to shut up.

The sword eyebrows are crumpled...

His heart, although the sword has healed, but the injury is not so easy to recover, the body's blood is rolling.

Lu Yue pointed to the sword of the sword and the heart, and the blow of the Sheriff.

These two guys are all the most powerful, Qin Feng can not until now, all rely on a belief in the heart.

"Oh shit!"

The scorpion with the golden fire slightly looked back and saw the celestial soldiers who were chasing after the madness. Qin Feng’s eyes showed violent temper.

This time...

His hate is not from Sun Wukong.

But his own hate!

Holding a golden hoop in one hand, and slamming backwards, the golden hoops turned into a million feet, and the army that came to the chase was suddenly smashed.


Under the huge ancient gold iron bars, hundreds of thousands of people annihilated into ash.


Such a **** scene, still does not block the madness of these people who are chasing and killing, one by one is still not afraid of death toward the Qin wind rushed up, one by one screaming vibration boundary.

Don't kill the madman!

Suddenly, Qin Feng’s body shape suddenly stopped.

The gold hoop in the hand did not show the slightest omen to the front.

as expected…

From the void in the frontal domain, where the golden hoop fell, a sword slammed up and slammed into the golden hoop.

When the force of the quasi-sacred peak came back, Qin Feng gave the master of the Jianguang to the earthquake, and he was also fiercely leaning in one direction and galloping away.

"Jun Shang!"

The main body of Jianguang is condensed, and it is the moon of the seventh world. It is unstable at the moment, and his face is somewhat white. It is obviously a shock to the heart.

"No problem, keep chasing!"

Han Song did not have the slightest fear, but instead looked at the direction in which Qin Feng left, and his face showed a smirk.


Sure enough, like the immortality of Xian Ting!

This ‘magic monkey’s heart’ has already been hit hard. Although he can’t take it with his own, he still has a large number of Heavenly Soldiers, and the mill can also kill him.

Just take it down...

He will become the North Heavenly King!

The one that most worried about Yu the Buddha who is also pursuing.

If these Buddhas were allowed to succeed, he would not say that the promotion of the house would be promoted by the Jade Emperor.


The men have got orders, and they are going crazy and continue to chase them up.

Golden streamer whistling...

Qin Feng’s mouth and blood can’t stop falling.

"Monkey brother, you can't do this."

The pigs are full of fears, and continue to do so... Qin Fengbao is arrested.

"Let you shut up!"

Qin Feng is also a drink, drinking pigs have no temper, can only shut up.

At the thought of Nangong Yiren, Yunling, Qi Linger, Luo Qinghan were arrested by Lu Yue and Sheriff, Lin Yuexi fell into the boundary river and did not know how to live and die. The **** dog took Qin Shixue into the endless Tianyu, and it was a trap inside...

The heart of Qin Feng... is like a wound that is cut off.

Even people who care about it can't protect it, and what face is in this world!

He has never had the turbulent impulse of the moment... the urge to dry the celestial Buddha!

Not the hatred of Sun Wukong, the anger of Sun Wukong.

It is the anger of Qin Feng and the hate of Qin Feng!

‘There are three quarters of an hour. ’

At this time, Qin Feng’s heart and Sun Wukong’s voice echoed again.

At this moment, this sound sounds extremely weak. It seems to be sleeping but it is normal. It seems that this heart of Sun Wukong is really hard to hold on, and I am going to sleep.

"Monkey brother, look at that!"

The pig's eight rings on the shoulders of Qin Feng suddenly shouted loudly, and lifting the left front hoof was pointing toward the front.

There is a boundary there, and there is a black storm around the interface. The black wind and black thunder roar and it looks extremely awkward.

‘No storms’!

Qin Feng's scorpion fiercely shines. The conditions for this kind of storm are extremely harsh. Generally, there are a lot of void cracks appearing here, from which a large number of black winds emerge, and then such storms are formed.

It is often found in the land of the celestial domain, and it is extremely rare in the precinct.

Not to mention such a small interface...

How could there be such a storm!

And it also appeared so evenly and unbiasedly wrapped this interface.

However, at this moment, there is nothing to control. Qin Feng took a deep breath and rushed into the small interface.

Did not enter the virtual storm, the black wind black thunder split the whole body, Qin Feng sword behind the shoulders, the mother who protects her back, no matter what else.

And after the ten interest.

Beyond this small interface, Yu Song brought his chase to come here.

"On the king, there is no storm."

A few people on the side of the body are obviously not very good-looking. Obviously, they did not expect that they would encounter a virtual storm.

This kind of vain storm... is the ordinary quasi-holy, and there is no return to entering.

Not to mention the flow of Jinxian Xuan Xian, I dare not approach.

And there is only one person who has rushed in, but he is not stupid...

As the old saying goes, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention that he has also taken a stick before, knowing that he is not an opponent. It is the best way to use the army to encircle.

"Through the order of the princes, encircle the community, wait for the emptiness of the storm to disperse, listen to the command of the lord to kill! Live the monkey!"




A large number of Tianfu Tianbing began to surround this small interface and lay down a big battle! 2k novel reading network

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