The city of Monkey King

Chapter 699: Nine Lei in one! 【十更】

Hey, bang!

Ink black thunder, flashing in this night, the distinctive black... into the crowd, horrified soul!


Qin Yun’s long cloud sword was originally intended to be a sword in the sixth round of the magical thunder, but it was discovered that the long cloud sword in his hand was actually a retreat.

This is the innate spirit, and it is actually shaking at the moment!

Qin Fengjian's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. This long cloud sword is a congenital spiritual treasure. If the magical thunder of the sixth round is unstoppable, it is naturally impossible.

The reason why it trembles is because it is a congenital treasure.

It has a very high spirituality, so this long cloud sword is afraid.

Fear of the breath that came out of the magic mine, that is... the atmosphere of the devil!


In the hands of Qin Feng, Chang Yunjian dissipated and retracted. At the same time, he whispered and sipped... In his whole body, the tens of thousands of scorpion swords smashed in front and condensed into a huge sword of greatness.

The huge blade is covered with blue light and lingers in this dark night.


The sixth round of robbery bombardment on this vast sword, the first, second, third... The blue giant sword under the bombardment of this magic thunder, constantly broken, but the broken part is in Constantly condensing.

Collapse, condensation, re-cracking, re-agglomeration...

Such repeated turnover, the entire sky is not a large-scale collapse, and always maintains the original form, resisting the magical thunder that falls from the sky.

The whirlpool of clouds above the sky, the roar of the roaring down, is also like anger at the moment, for this how the sly is a smashing blue sword, is already in anger.

From the whirlpool of the robbery cloud, there is a silent roar of roaring, the sound of roaring, and the horror.


Along with a violent shock, a magical mine that was stronger than before was bombed, and this was still the sixth round of robbery.

I have never heard of... The robbery between the same round, the degree of power of the thunder that can be reduced, can be several times, or even more than ten times the gap, is simply unheard of, unheard of!

The sixth round of robbery, this time has already reached the sixth.

At this time, from the whirlpool of the robbery cloud, there was a black light, and two magic thunders that cut through the night, coming at the same time with the thunder.

This time, it is like two magical thunders at the same time, the seventh and eighth of the sixth round.


Two black magic mines, each falling from the side of the giant sword on both sides, between the moments... between the huge sky, there are huge gaps on both sides, and a large area collapses.

A large expanse of the sacred sword phantom dissipated under the power of this thunder, and it has not waited until the scorpion sword continues to differentiate into new swords to fill those broken parts.

The ninth magic thunder in the sixth round did not give the Cangjian sword a chance to breathe.

Breaking through the night, the Thunder slammed toward the tip of the sword.

boom! ! !

After the resounding sound of the ninety-nine, the entire vast sword, under the ninth magical thunder, finally can no longer support, completely collapsed, the original sword that turned into a thousand handles, at this moment... Returned the original nine handles.

The screaming sound of the sword and the great loss of spirituality, the swords of the nine handles are disappeared into the body of the Qin wind.

And also at this moment...

There is still no slight break, and the magical thunder of the seventh round has already fallen with a more powerful arrogance.

Qin Feng's nephew was cold, and the flames of the eyes looked at the sky, watching the whirlpool of the sky, he was sure... in the whirlpool of the clouds, in the piece of the devil.

Be sure... have the answer you want!

The magical thunder of the sky, in the eyes of Qin Feng, the speed of this slamming seems to be slower and slower... but in fact, it is stronger and more violent than before.

In the seventh round, the first, second, and third roads, the three magical mines fell at the same time. The power contained in it was already beyond the golden ninth.

"So the enmity is like the sea, that one... what happened between you and me."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and lifted his hand. The golden hoop stick in his ear floated out. When he was in the palm of his hand, he turned into an ancient gold iron rod.


Qin Feng’s fierce emptiness stepped around, and the golden stream of light surrounded him, and the whole person rushed up.

At the same time... The great magical power of the Fa-rectification was carried out, and the body shape of Qin Feng was turned into a tall man in the golden light, and the golden hoop in his hand was also transformed into a masterpiece.

The huge ancient gold iron rod slammed into the black mine that had come, and the three black mines suddenly burst into nothingness, and bang! Qin Feng's body shape did not stop at all, shattered and thundered, letting the magical thunder that fell from the sky, could not shake the body shape of the whirlpool of the clouds.

The seventh round... seventh, eighth, and ninth magic thunder, each magical thunder is roaring down with a slap!

However, all the way is the same as before, directly by the golden hoop.

And then... the whirlpool of the clouds in the sky, but at the moment it has changed.

No longer, as before, the next round of robbery continued, but the rare silence, but the silence is silent, the thundercloud in this sky is not a sign of semi-distraction.

The black robbery cloud is still tumbling, and the whirlpool of the cloud is flowing at a very fast speed. It is clearly visible... In the whirlpool of the robbery cloud, the magical thunder that is completely dark and inky is moving.

The eighth round of nine magical thunders, already...all are clearly visible in the whirlpool of the robbery.

However, the nine magical thunders that have already appeared are not falling together.

These nine magic thunders are more fusion!

Nine in one!

The nine magical thunders are intertwined and one by one.

This eighth round of robbery is to combine the nine magical thunders into one place... The powerful power contained in it is already earth-shattering!


The sound of the thunder snake wandering in the air is faintly visible... The nine ink-colored magic thunders are now a fusion of the majority.

There is a devastating breath from the whirlpool of clouds, from the fusion of the magic thunder.

Call ~!

The arrogant tyrannical atmosphere emerged from the thunder in the whirlpool of the clouds, and scattered all over the land.

All the flowers and trees, everything... are under the raging and ruinous atmosphere, withered and ruined.

Hum ~! Bang ~! Booming ~ Bang ~!

The thunder sounded non-stop, from the sky, rolling between the heavens and the earth.

The body of the body and the golden light flowed, and the Qin wind volleyed and stood up, looking up at the sky, and the eyes were cold and determined. The golden hoop in the hand, the body of the ancient gold began to have a carved dragon pattern, and began to appear. The sound of the dragon and the dragon screamed from the golden hoop.

Ten dragons in it...

At this moment, they are all waking up! 2k novel reading network

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