The city of Monkey King

Chapter 701: Live to swallow! [12 more]

The fireworks are silent and pass by.

The effort of only four or five interest, accompanied by the igniting of the fire in the realm of the field, everything is once again restored to calm, but ... the interface of the previous party, now disappeared without a trace.

There is an empty front, as if this world has never appeared.

"Yes, General, just, what happened just now?"

The group of patrolling Heavenly Soldiers looked at the front interface with a look of horror. They were all ugly, but they were not stupid. Who knows what happened.

The interface is exploding.

It’s just... no one can believe that there are people who dare to have such a bright and smashing interface. This is a felony that is pushed to Sendai.

"Look, someone!"


Suddenly there were Tianbing pointing to the front and shouting. Others followed the direction of the Heavenly Soldier, especially the Cheng Yuan, who was the highest and naturally the most clearly seen.

There is a purple ray of light, and it is breaking away, and the location where it is broken is the interface of the blast.

As long as there is still a little brain to determine, it must be this person who broke the realm.

"Small repairs, but also dare to destroy a world!"

Cheng Yuan looked cold, he was originally surprised, but after he noticed the breath of the purple purple light, his face was horizontal.

Destroy one world, especially the small world.

It doesn't need a strong monk. Generally speaking, it is enough to have a fairy tale. Even with some other special methods, the Mahayana and even the robbers can easily destroy the world.

Just now Cheng Yuan did not feel any strong breath from the ink stream, so he concluded that the guy who destroyed the world was categorically under the fairy.

Because it has reached the realm of the fairy, there will be fluctuations in the spirit of the spirit, but Cheng Yuan... did not feel the existence of the fairy power.

"It is a big sin to ruin the interface!"

"Go, stop me!"

In the eyes of Cheng Yuan, he was picked up by the twilight. He was originally named to patrol the world and was unhappy with the stomach. Now it is a good idea to pull someone to scatter, naturally it is to come to Chad.

If the process is not round, the words are shouted out. The thousands of Heavenly Soldiers behind him are not alone. They just dared to go forward. The interface just collapsed in front of them. Now let them go. This is not to let them go to death. Heavenly soldiers are not so stupid.

After all... you are always a fairy, we are not.

"How?! What do you do one by one?! Rebel?! My words don't listen?! Give me up! Or I will cut you now!"

Cheng Yuan’s eyes are glimpsed toward these heavenly soldiers. The so-called military order is like a mountain... If Cheng Yuan really slashes a few people by defying the military order, Cheng Yuan will be subject to a few sentences at most, and the loss of these soldiers is a fate!




Seven or eight participants will carry dozens of Tianbing squadrons and a group of Heavenly Soldiers, all of which are rushing toward the ink stream.

Ink purple streamers, breaking through the boundaries of the stars.

However, these Tianbing obviously have a special way to speed up their own speed, but the time of half a cup of tea is to block the ink stream to the group.

The streamer is scattered, showing a person's body shape.

A black robe with a top cover on the head, and the purple-haired long hair scattered behind him, because the face was covered by the brawl, and it was impossible to see what the person looked like.

"It’s really daring, kid, don’t you know that tampering with the interface is a big sin of smashing souls?!”

Before Cheng Yuan stood in front of the Heavenly Soldiers, he looked at the black-faced man in front of him with a proud look: "Well? Give this talk!"

Seeing that the black man didn’t pay attention to him at all, even ignoring him, Cheng Yuan suddenly felt that his face could not be pulled down, his face was angry, and he thought that the **** in the army would look down on themselves, and what is your mother’s? What? ! Also dare to ignore Laozi in the soldiers of Laozi? !

A fierce wave of hands, when a wave of waves passed over the black man, he flew the black man's head.

Fighting flying, ink purple long hair flying, covering half of the face.

But cover half azhang, and the other half... This other half of the face is reflected in the eyes of the heavenly soldiers. These heavenly soldiers are all stunned by the pupils, and subconsciously go back half a step.

The scars of the sword, all over the face, the purple pupils, like a deep whirlpool, is even more impressive, people dare not look directly at them.

This is... Qin Feng's second body, the body of evil.

Although it is the second body, in fact, the second body is the same consciousness as the first body. The consciousness on both sides is completely connected. At this moment, the first body of Qin Feng is crossing the strange magical thunder, and The many doubts brought by the blood-blooded woman, these things made the Qin Feng whole people unhappy.

The first body is unhappy, and the second body is naturally uncomfortable, because the two bodies are the same person and have the same emotion.

Covering the cheeks of the purple and purple hair, with the wind, slightly moved, the hidden purple eyes hidden under the hair in the eyes of the soldiers.

"I still wear garlic with me here?!"

Those Heavenly Soldiers are somewhat afraid of it, but there is no fear of this process. In his view, as long as there is no fluctuation in the spirit of the goods, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"I will let you know today, what is desperate! Don't dare to face Laozi!"

Cheng Yuan snorted and raised his hand fiercely. He wanted to seize the second flesh of Qin Feng, but it was useless. The evil body of Qin Feng did not move at all.

When the eyes were fierce, and Cheng Yuan had not responded, suddenly there was a strong pressure on his body. Under this pressure, Cheng Yuan could not resist.


In the heart of a fierce jump, Cheng Yuan raised his head subconsciously, but suddenly found out... Qin Feng’s evil body is already a stone's throw away from him, and the purple pupils are clearly and clearly reflected in his eyes. .

This... has also become the last scene he has seen in his life.

The evil body of Qin Feng, the hand directly covered on the top of Cheng Yuan's head, a deep purple light appeared from the palm of his hand, pouring into the body of Cheng Yuan.

Everything in Cheng Yuan’s body, his cultivation, spiritual power, flesh and blood, and the soul of the soul... At this moment, they are all absorbed, and they become a pure force, and they are pouring into the evil body.

Cheng Yuan’s body trembled fiercely, and then a glimpse of his eyes, his eyes were round, his mouth was wide open, and the whole person was thinned at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the effort of two and three is from a strong The sky will turn into a decaying firewood, and the atmosphere will never be.

Qin Feng’s sinister body, swallowing it... live! 2k novel reading network

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