The city of Monkey King

Chapter 747: The nine lines are in one, the road is boundless

The heavens and the earth were robbery and stopped.

"It has finally changed."

Above the desert, the wind whistling.

Qin Feng volley in the middle of the air, slightly looking up at the robbery of the nine lines of robbery in the robbery cloud whirlpool, before the annihilation of the soul, when the robbery to the eighth round, the robbery is Stop roaring down, but choose nine in one.

Therefore, at the beginning of the nine-line robbery in this world, Qin Feng realized this. This time, the world’s nine-line robbery... will also be nine in one.

More accurately said...

It is a nine-in-one.

And this time it is not from the eighth round, but from the seventh round!

In the whirlpool of the robbery cloud, the nine-color ray and the nine-line robbery began to flow at a rapid speed. In the mutual integration, a sigh of hundreds of times stronger than before, from which it came out, people can not help but suddenly glimpse.

A ray of light represents the power of a line, Jin Mushui Huomu, Feng Lei Yin Yang, these nine hijackings accompanied by the robbery cloud vortex, the speed of circulation is getting faster and faster.

Beyond the coverage of the robbery, the many monks who watched the robbery suddenly changed their faces at the moment, and they were all looking at the power of the nine lines that were being merged in the whirlpool.

The horror to the point of indescribability, the eyes are all rounded, revealing the meaning of disbelief.

"The nine lines are one, the road is infinite!"

"This, this is this... how is this possible!"

“It’s just amazing!”

"Is this guy going to really be a world of nine robberies?!"

"Impossible, impossible... absolutely impossible. How can there be a nine-in-one in the world?"


The nine lines are in one, and the avenue is infinite. This is what happened to the innumerable robbery of the Holy Power. At this moment, it happened in the Qin Feng’s quasi-holy robbery. How can it not be alarmed?


Qin Feng looked at the sky and robbed the cloud whirlpool, and the Jianmei was wrinkled. From the whirlpool of the robbery cloud, he had a bad feeling. After the nine-in-one robbery, he did not necessarily hold it.

The huge aura of the palms condensed in the sky above the two, from all directions, still with a steady stream of aura to be captured, the entire land of Zhangzhou ... aura surge.

We must know that today's cloud water industry is already the tenth fairyland. It requires tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Heavenly Soldiers, which requires a lot of aura.

Therefore, it has been transformed since the establishment, and the aura is not comparable in the past.

The entire Tenth Immortal World is implanted in many fairyland soils. After twenty years, these fairy soils have begun to be perfectly integrated into the Yunshui Kyushu, even though they are not comparable to the fairy world, but also three or four. Cheng is still no problem.

And the aura of Cangzhou is already extremely terrifying.


The Nangong Yi people leaned on the Qin Feng Huaizhong, slightly looked up and opened their eyes to look at Qin Feng. I don’t know why, since the pictures in the memory have been discovered one or two, after knowing the existence of 'Zhou Changqing' and 'Lioruoyan' In the heart of the Nangong Yi people, it seems that they have put down the mustard.

Accurately said... It seems that I have let go of the shame that I can’t pass.

For Qin Feng, it is no longer cautious, and that love is full of richness in both eyes, because she knows that she is always his own.

For the rest of my life, this life...will be.

Whether it is Liu Ruoyan or Nangong Yiren, the men they love are the same man.


Qin Feng originally wanted to say something to the Nangong Yi people. The next three rounds of robbery will be extremely powerful, and even very likely... the two will be together in this place.

However, when I saw the eyes of Nangong Yi people, when I saw that thick love and love.

In the mind of Qin Feng, I flashed the picture of 'Zhou Changqing'. I don’t know why, his heart... has a strong rise.

Perhaps, in that world, among those memories that have not yet been remembered, he used to owe a lot to her.

Since the last life, I owe you.

That world...

I won't let you suffer that pain again.

There is a firm color in the eyes, Qin Feng looked up at the sky, the hands of the long cloud sword scattered, shelved in the ear, with an ancient golden embroidery needle, falling in his palm.

That is... gold hoop.

Anyway, it’s a fight, it’s better to get out, even if it’s discovered... how about it!

On the edge of the robbery, the flowers were not eating tears. When I saw the action of Qin Feng, I stopped to eat melons and smiled in my eyes: "It seems to be going out."

Then he yawned without tears, and as he inhales, the wind and sand of the entire desert actually poured into his mouth.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

A fierce sneeze hit, and all the sand was sprayed again.

"Oh, my mother, I am so pungent, I am sneezing."

I don’t know how to look at it without tears. I wipe my nose and continue to eat melon.

However, the re-emergence of the sand, the situation is completely different, overwhelming, and full of spirituality, shrouded the coverage of the entire world of nine lines of robbery, surrounded by a circle.

A wall of sand is formed, and the rest of the monks are blocked. Whether it is the naked eye or the gods, they are completely blocked.

On the side of Tian Yu Shangzong saw flowers without tears, the brows were slightly wrinkled, and the eyes had doubtful colors. Once again, the Qin wind under the nine lines of robbery, the pupils... slightly congested.

He understood why he had to make this wind wall without tears.

"The big needle."

Tian Yu Shangzong muttered to himself, he recognized the ancient gold iron rod that appeared in the hands of Qin Feng, but his name is not a pinnacle, nor a golden hoop, but a big pin.

This is the name of the flood years.

Because the first owner of the golden hoop is the leader of the human race in the late flood season, the emperor!

"Sun... Wukong."

There is a trace of surprise in the eyes of Tian Yu Shangzong. Although he was seriously injured during the floods, he has been hiding in the past, but he is not a fool in the days of the world, secretly controlling the immortal Tianmen Tianyu of the fairy world. Xianzong is also a natural understanding of the situation in Wanxiang.

The name of Sun Wukong, he naturally knows, but he did not expect... will meet here, and in this way.

The brow gradually wrinkled, but it was also a lot of understanding.

It is no wonder that the nine-line robbery in this world has changed so much. It is more powerful than the ordinary nine-line robbery. Even the nine-in-one that appears in the innocent robbery has appeared.

Sun Wukong’s temptation to rob nature is different from ordinary people.

It’s just that Tian Yu’s heart is still incomprehensible...

Sun Wukong is what the world is like after the collapse of the floods. What does it have to do with the demon world of the ruins? ! Not to mention... let the Devil of the Devils intervene in such a resurrection. 2k novel reading network

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