The city of Monkey King

Chapter 801: Waste Sima Xiu!

"You, what do you want to do?!"

The cold sweat that couldn’t stop slipped from Sima Xi’s cheek, and Sima Xiu stared at Qin Feng tightly, asking for a word and a word. From the tone of this discourse, I can hear it. At this moment, Sima Xiu is already nervous. The ultimate.

I am afraid that he has never had such a nervous feeling in this life. He has always been used to madness, but at this moment he is afraid to export.


Qin Feng looked calm, and Sima Xiu, who was not far from the front of his eyes, was still arrogant, but at the moment it was like a dog looking for vitality, helpless.

"The ceremony is still going."

A touch of mouth.

The sword of the flames in the hand, a little forward!

A seemingly light glimpse, but it is a very crazy flame storm!

The flame will instantly cover up the five hundred square feet.

Hum ~!

Even the monks who were seated outside the five-hundred-square-foot square were fierce and stood up one by one. They were shocked and could not believe it...

This spiritual barrier covering a radius of five hundred feet is the power of the sacred law established by the helper, but at the moment it is a crack that is dense.

How can people be shocked!

"Section master!"



The quasi-sacred monks who followed Sima Xiu were all changed at this time, stepping forward step by step, but the raging fire from the crack in the barrier made them unable to help. Going back madly, I dare not approach.

Hum ~!


From this spiritual barrier, there are roaring sounds coming from one after another.

Sitting on the first seat of the helper, the brow slightly picks, the eyes look at Qin Feng, with a strange color, apparently the strength of Qin Feng, is already beyond his estimation of this holy monk.

The flame is slowly extinguished.

When the flame is completely extinguished, the scene in the field makes everyone feel cold.

I saw Sima Xiu, who was arrogant in the past, and his face was arrogant. At this moment, the ragged clothes and the jade crown collapsed. The whole person’s head was like a slap.

'Wow! ’

Screaming fiercely, a blood spurted out, and the whole person slammed his chest and slammed toward the front, facing Qin Feng.

"Section master!"

"Sima Zongzhu!"


His horses, at this time, rushed forward, came to Sima Xiu's side and held it firmly.

"Kill... kill... kill!"


Sima Xiu’s mind is almost in a coma, but the eyes of the mixed black are still looking at the direction of Qin Feng, and the word is constantly being spit out in his mouth.

And these quasi-sacred monks around him, several people are stunned white.

They first passed the spiritual power into Sima Xiu's body, but they found a thing...

That is the dantian of Sima Xiu, now it is completely empty! The slightest spiritual power is not left!

The fire that just happened, completely burned this Matthew's Dantian!

In other words, this is the third favorite disciple of the Emperor of the Emperor, the tenth priest of the Emperor of the Emperor, the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect, the monk who can motivate the law.

Since then...

Become a waste person!

Obviously, Sima Xiu’s thoughts at the moment are chaotic, and even he himself is not aware of this.


"I will wait to send the sect to the celestial lord!"


These quasi-sacred monks changed their faces, and they all lifted up Sima Xiu to get up and bowed to the helper. Then he quickly went to Sima Xiu in the direction of Jiejie.



Sima Xiu, who was being shackled, kept repeating this sentence, but after two or three interest rates, there was a fierce cough and blood rushing out, and the whole person fell into a complete coma.


"Just... I just didn't feel the power of Sima Xiu's body?!"

"Is it difficult?!"


Many monks are looking at Sima Xiu's Ma Zi who are leaving Sima Xiu. Some of the more sensitive feelings are found in advance.

Perceive the existence of spiritual power...

"Sima Xiu is abolished?!"

"I rely on...this, this is also..."

"If this kind of thing is passed back to the Emperor Shen..."

"The courage of this person is really big!"

"The daring person must have a strong background and backstage, that is, I don't know how strong the background of this person is, and which side is the backstage!"


Everyone looked at Qin Feng again, and nothing was trembled in his eyes. The concept changed completely.

It is easy to abandon Sima Xiu's cultivation, and these powerful people are really scary!

To know…

The sword that Qin Feng just had was already a mercy. He just annihilated Sima Xiu’s Dan Tian, ​​but he did not hurt his life.

However, the difficulty of this is more difficult than killing Sima Xiu directly!

As for the choice to abolish the repair of Sima Xiu, let Sima Xi a small life...

Qin Feng is really not afraid of what the gods are, he just left a few faces for the helper, after all, this is the tenth fairyland, if Sima Xiu really died here, for the helper, it will Get a lot of trouble.

At this moment, Qin Feng has to get some news and things from the helper. Naturally, it is not good to offend the Xianweijie commander in advance.

A sword abolished Sima Xiu, Qin Feng slightly turned and looked at the eye to help the child, the look calm and calm, then went to the empty Yutai, the Nangong Yi people and the pigs are busy with up.

The jade platform on the side where Qin Feng walked, there are large people who saw the Qin wind coming, all of them came from the seats, all of them were extremely ugly, and the look of Qin Feng was like watching Killing the gods in general, they are afraid to avoid it.


There are two people who are always sitting still.

That is the sky and the old man with green beard on his side. The cloud is calm, and the old man with blue beard is sitting on a needle. If it is not around, he has already got up and changed a place.

The sword of Qin Feng just gave him a strong sense of impact, and even now it has not slowed down!

"Daoyou is better to sit here, Yunmou wants to get to know friends."

Just when Qin Feng walked into a jade platform, Yunxiao stood up from the original place, his body was elegant and long hair scattered, and he sang in the direction of Qin Feng. The face of Shengmei Ruo Yao, the smile...

The fairy goddess is still worse than it is.

Qin Feng heard the sound of a stop, slightly tilted his head and looked at the clouds, do not look does not matter, this look...

The fierce look was stagnation, the whole person was kneeling in the same place, staring at the clouds, he didn't even believe the face he saw in front of him!

From above this face...

He actually saw the shadow of Yunling!

how is this possible!

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