The city of Monkey King

Chapter 804: Piano sound

"The rhythm?!"

“It’s as simple as a single half of the piano?! As long as you can pick up the second half of the piano, all three treasures will be delivered?!”

"It's incredible..."


The monks were all shocked and almost couldn't believe what they heard in their ears.

Tiger dragon, Wuliang Dan, half step innate to treasure ‘钧雷’.

These three things, just throw them out, are enough to cause a storm, but now... but only need to hear a piece of music, you can put all three treasures into the bag!

How can I... not excited!

Especially for those monks who have a superb piano sound, they are more confident on their faces!

In the eyes of these people, these three treasures are already their own!

At the moment, Qin Feng...

The scorpion is slightly condensed and looks at the square xylophone at the center of the three treasures. From this xylophone he has a very familiar meaning.

If there is no guess, this xylophone must be based on the prototype of the fourth-generation ancient wooden long piano.

Next to Qin Feng’s side, the moment when Nangong Yiren saw this guqin, the whole person was slightly white, and she saw the ancient wooden long piano in the underground palace. It was natural to see it at a glance...

In addition to the different atmosphere, this appearance is almost exactly the same as the ancient wooden long piano in the underground palace.

at the same time.

The monks in the entire square are all excited. The helper has a glimpse of the soul.

Below the Xianwei Palace, in the dark underground palace.

Fu Tong appeared in this palace, looking at a woman in the center of the palace, and the ancient wooden long piano floating in front of the woman.

"You... what are you going to do?"

When Chu Wanqiu saw the helper appear, she suddenly changed her face and subconsciously approached the Guqin. She could feel an inexplicable sense of security from this guqin.

And this guqin is also a bang, it seems to be warning the helper, don't mess!

Fu Tong didn't talk, but he slowly raised his hand. When he was in front of him, there were countless wind knives. These air knives appeared...

Suddenly the guqin was the voice of 铮~’‘铮~’.

Hand, a slight wave.

These condensed wind knives are rushing toward the Chu Wanqiu, and this moment... the sound of the piano!

The same moment.

In the square in front of the main hall of the Xianwei Palace, the child is faint.

"You, listen well."

For a moment, the entire square became silent, and from where I knew, there was a singular sound that came out, and everyone looked a glimpse.

The beauty of the piano sound and the depth of the artistic conception are beyond their previous expectations.

Especially those who are proficient in the rhythm, this time is the eyes of the light, for this sound of the sound, like crazy...

"So dreams of feathers..."

"Feng Qiu Huang."

Qin Feng’s fierce glimpse, when this piano sound fell into the ear, ‘Su Ze’, ‘寒槿’, the dynasty of the world was emerging in the mind.

How can he not know the sound of this piano, this sound...

This is what he did for her!

He remembers...


The man looked up and saw the invisible eye, but it seemed to be watching the woman.

"The girl wants to listen to the song."

"You will be a song."

"There are a lot of songs in the bottom, but the girl is here, and there is only one song in the heart."

"What song is that?"

The woman’s uncontrollable eyebrows tightened and looked at the blind man in front of him. I don’t know... what the rest is.

The mouth of the man... is slightly up.

The hand, the string, the clear and gentle sound, slowly sounded.

"The girl listens, so the dream is feathered and phoenix."


Qinyin 袅袅, the Nangong Yiren and Yunxiao on the side of Qin Feng are all able to detect the abnormality of Qin Feng. The Nangong Yi people are worried about their faces.

The sky is full of dark colors in the eyes, just calmly pick up the wine glasses on the jade, and take a light meal.


The sound of the piano is slowly settled.

Among the palaces, the helper's avatar is also dissipated, and countless Lingrui's wind knives dissipate, and the sound of the protector Chu Wanqiu is also a stop.

The reason why Fu Tong wants to launch an offensive against Chu Wanqiu is to arouse the guqin guardian to pass on the piano sound. If not... no one can play this guqin, naturally no one can pop the melody .

Main Hall Square.

Although the piano sound has dissipated, but the monks of the various squares have already fallen into the beauty of the piano sound, and they have been unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

"You are."

The voice of the child is faint.

Inside it is a mixture of the power of the Holy Ghost, and instantly awakens all the monks.

It was also at this moment that these monks only woke up, and they all took a breath of cold air. The beauty of the piano was just to let them indulge in these powerful monks.

Really... too horrified!

"The piano is in it. If anyone can pick up the second half of the piano, Hulong, Wuliang Dan, and Lei Lei are all owned."

After the helper calmly finished the passage, he sat down and calmed down and talked without a word.

However, at this moment, the helper’s speech does not speak, it is not important...

The excitement of these monks has been mobilized, and all of them are glowing with both eyes, all of which are eager to try.

at last…

Three seconds later, among the monks, there was a white-bearded old man, who was dressed in white, and looked like a good man. He stood up and bowed his hand to the helper.

"The big commander is willing to give it a try."

The helper heard the voice and glanced openly at the old man: "Good."

"Thank you for your big command."

Then the old man walked toward the center of the square, and the waist was quite straight. When he walked to the center, he looked around and held his beard and smiled.

"The friends of the Tao, who are at the age of three, are at the age of three, and at the age of ten, they have a melody. For tens of thousands of years, the piano has never been interrupted. I will try it today, and I hope that you will be a friend."

Said so nice, but the face of the chicken thief smile exposed the nature.

It’s nothing more than saying, ‘You’re waiting to play soy sauce, the old man took it away, hahahaha! ’.

"Mom! This is the old man of Pu'an!"

"How was he robbed first!"

"This old man is a nameless mess, relying on the identity of Xianweijiekeqing to sneak around and swindle, it is dead and dead!"

"Although it is very uncomfortable, but I really heard that the old man's piano is exquisite, these three treasures, shouldn't it really be taken away by this dead old man?!"


Pu'an old man was full of chicken thieves smiling, sitting in front of the square long piano in a self-conscious manner, looked up and looked around the ‘Tiger Dragon’, ‘No amount of Dan’, ‘钧雷’, and the eyes were already laughing.

He has a confidence of 10,000 percent in his piano art!

Wannian's study of the piano!

Half of the music in this area...

How to hang your teeth! 2k novel reading network

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