The city of Monkey King

Chapter 806: Tangible

"It's really mad..."

"Looking at the posture of Song Yu walking, it is simply more than the mothers, the men of the Miaoyinfang, it is just a long eye."

"It is disgusting."


Song Yu twisted his waist and walked toward the center of the square. The coquettish posture attracted many monks to turn a bit of appetite, but many female monks could see it and even felt that Song Yu’s posture was very beautiful.

Sure enough, the difference between men and women, extraordinary and immortal can be bridged.

Stepping on the lotus step, Song Yu came to the center.

Tiger dragon, hovering quietly on the left side.

On the right side is the floating Dan, the sky is the handle of the '钧雷' long gun, the blue thunder swims away from the gun body, it is unreasonable, if it can be such a half-step innate treasure into the bag, what will be Fortunately.

As usual.

This Song Yu stood in the center of the square, once again facing the helper, and then bowed to the monks, using the voice of the mother gun: "Three kinds of treasures, the family is not welcome."

Just turn around and turn around, squatting on the robes and sitting cross-legged before the long piano.

"Mom! Can this girl roll down? I have a long eye!"

"It’s simply... unbearable!"


The monks have shouted, and almost one-sidedly, Song Yu has to go down, but Song Yu is not affected by these words, or that... it is a habit.

With both hands raised, the ten fingers are like a woman, white as a thin onion, falling on the strings.

Slightly dial...

Standing high!

The strength of this plucking string, as well as the subtlety of this outgoing piano sound, is a difference between the moment and the former Pu'an old man. It is a dross and an essence.

It was also at this moment that the voices of everyone stopped suddenly.

Everyone is holding their breath and looking at the center of the center, want to see if this Song Yu can not take the half of the piano perfectly.

At this time, Qin Feng’s side, Nangong Yiren’s face tangled and shouted.


However, just shouting a ‘last name’ means that he did not continue to shout.

"Well? What happened?"

Qin Feng slightly turned his head and looked at the Nangong Yi people. He actually saw it early. The Nangong Yi people had something to worry about, but they never said it, and Qin Feng was not good enough to ask.

"No, nothing..."

The Nangong Yiren quickly shook his head, and then he lowered his head, and the small mouth ate the fairy fruit on the jade platform. The things she had entangled were nothing more than Chu Wanqiu and the Fang xylophone in the underground palace.

She knows that these things are extremely important for Qin Feng, and she wants to tell Qin Feng about it all.


Whenever she wants to say this, the kind of heavenly oppression is coming to the whole body, but whenever she continues to spit out a word, this day of oppression will be like crushing an ant and crushing her into a powder.

"There is something hidden in my heart."

Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled and said.


The Nangong Yi people looked up at Qin Feng and showed a sweet smile on his face and nodded his head.

Later, Qin Feng stopped looking at the Nangong Yi people, and looked up at the Song Yu in the center of the square. On the other side of the cloud, he smiled at the moment.

"Qin brother, guess if Song Yu can pick up that piece of music."

Between the words, move toward Qin Feng.

Qin Feng with a toast, just a faint phrase: "I don't know."

I don’t know if I say it. In fact, Qin Feng’s heart is clearer than anyone else. Under this lyric and universal, only one person can bounce.

That is... the fourth world of 'Su Ze'!

That is him, Qin Feng!

"I think that this Song Yu can't."

Yunxiao smiled and said.


Qin Feng looks calm, this Song Yu is a person of Wonderful Sound Square. From a minor practice, it is a dance with musical instruments, which gathers in the repairs of this fairy weijie. Song Yu's piano art can be ranked at least in the top ten.

"Although it is tangible, there is no soul."

Yunxiao looked at Qin Feng and said these six words.

The wine glasses in the hands of Qin Feng, when the cloud said these six words, a slight meal, but in an instant is to restore the usual, the wine in the hands of the wine, a drink.

"Qin brother, you are not, is it?"

Yunxiao is also following, drinking the glass of wine.

"Yun brother's discourse is mysterious, Qin is dull and unobtrusive."

Qin Feng is still calm and open, but my heart is cautious, this cloud... strange!

Actually, even the words "though tangible, but no soul" are spoken.

A song "Yu Meng Yu Yi Feng Qiu Huang" has a soul, and this soul is Qin Feng!

Someone in the world can imitate the lower half of this piano, but no one can have the soul of the second piano!

"Qin Xiong praised."

Yunxiao’s words stopped at the end, and did not continue to say, but the smile at the corner of the puzzling.

Just at this time.

Song Yu in the center of the square, at this moment, his face has a confident and proud smile, call ~!

Taking Song Yu as the center, the emptiness of the sky, a stock of spiritual power, actually has a note emerging from the void, even behind this Song Yu, there is a huge illusion of the long piano.

"Miaoyinfang uses the musical instrument as the spirit soldier and the temperament as the offensive and defensive. Today, when you see it, it is really like a rumor!"

"The rumored disciples of the wonderful sound square, everyone in the practice, will choose a musical instrument as the soul of the soul, this Song Yu's soul repair music ... is not the piano?!"

"Look at the huge guqin that condenses behind him, maybe... really!"

"How can this be the case! If the piano is the main repair, this Song Yu has a quasi-sacred product, and the probability of perfecting the next half of the piano..."



When I saw the illusory guqin that appeared behind Song Yu, many monks were sucking in the air, and even many people were already red eyes, it was a bonfire!


At this time, Song Yu’s hands and fingers began to move the strings quickly, and the time... the wonderful music of the music, the former Pu’an old man and the Song Yuqin sound at the moment, is simply a rough tea, a fresh fruit wine!

Whether it is smooth or beautiful, there is simply no comparability between the two.

"This this…"

"A beautiful piano sound!"

"It is a perfect match with the first half!"

"These three treasures, I am afraid I will be taken away by the sissy Song Yu!"


The ten fingers are like a dream, the notes are around the body, and the huge guqin phantom is even more flowing. Song Yu closes his eyes and plucks the piano, and wholeheartedly puts it into it, and perfectly plays the remaining half of the piano.

Qinyin, even if it is the helper sitting in the first seat, the sound of the earphones at this moment is a slight opening, looking at the Song Yu in this, the brow can not help but wrinkle up.

'Yes or no. ’

He whispered in his heart, and he was also attracted by the grace of this piano. He couldn’t help but judge Song Yu, whether he was the one he chose. 2k novel reading network

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