The city of Monkey King

Chapter 816: A shot!

Wind and thunder!

In the hands of the helper, the ‘Thunder’ rifle, the gun tip has a raging wind and thunder, and the thunder and scent from the helper’s body is enough to shock the world!

A large fairyland, with the help of the child's breath, the aura is motivated, the wind and thunder condenses the sky, the world's potential, shocking world!

The gun in the hands of the child, at this moment, turned slightly, actually left in the hands of the helper, hovering in the air, like a whirlpool, suddenly... ‘钧雷’ a long shot.

The tip of the gun pointed to Qin Feng.

Also at this moment...

In the dark clouds of the sky, there is a whistling wind and thunder slamming down the entire Xianwei Palace, bang! Bang! Boom!

The smoke and smoke swept up and covered everything.

The land of five thousand feet in the square has one after another, and it is shocking and shocking.


Almost at the same time, the ‘钧雷’ rifle, with a very shocking wind, is whistling away toward the Qin wind.

Where the pikes pass, the void is broken!

At this moment, everyone is wide-eyed, watching this rifle, anyone can feel it, help the child... to make his strongest force!

To make such a force is not a good heart, but a respect for your opponent.

Fu Tong will be Qin Feng, as his real opponent.

Therefore, he used his strongest strength to express his admiration for Qin Feng.

The whistling wind and thunder are reflected in the eyes.

With blood, sliding down the eyelids, Qin Feng looked at the rifle that was spurting toward his heart with a very fast speed. In his hand, there was a strange force in the long cloud sword.

That is…

Qin Feng exhibited a sword in the heavens and the earth.

With the display of the sword of heaven and earth, in his eyes, everything has become extremely slow, including the coming of the '钧雷' long gun, which is also very slow, even Qin Feng It is possible to see the changes in the wind and thunder above the tip of the gun.

The sword of heaven and earth, the reason why this supernatural power is used as a powerful secret skill by Qin Feng is because once this trick is displayed, it is easy to see through the flaws of the other party, as long as one of the flaws is caught, and then a sword is used to smash it. .

The winning rate is very high!


Qin Feng’s heart could not help but smile. Even though the sword of heaven and earth has such power, it is useless.

The squirrel of the 钧 ’ ’ , , 已 已 已 已 已 已 已 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Because that is the absolute crush of the contrast between forces.

The strength of Qin Feng at this moment, compared with the help of the child, the two are completely not a level, even if Qin Feng can be invincible between the quasi-holy, but it is still not the opponent of the Holy Two.

This shot has many guns and flaws, but Qin Feng is unable to start.

Sword, when you mention it.

Even if I know that I can't get the gun, Qin Feng is still going to do it!

The sound of the wind and thunder, piercing the human ear, can be at this moment... When Qin Feng is ready to pick up, suddenly... a figure appears in front of him.

It was too late to take any measures. When Qin Feng reacted, it was already a **** splash with a slap in the face. The '钧雷' long gun, piercing the heart of the Nangong Yi people, rushed with the Nangong Yi people and crashed into the Qin The embrace of the wind.


The tip of the gun from the back of the heart directly passed through the heart of Qin Feng, but the power was weakened by 90%. Almost all the power was given by the Nangong Yi people.

At the moment when ‘Thunder’ pierced her heart, she used the characteristics of her goddess to absorb the violent power of ‘Thunder’.

Blood and splashes fly on the face of Qin Feng.

Did not take into account the pain of the heart, Qin Feng eyes stunned, slightly looked down at the woman in the arms, he ... he ...

This scene…

It is reflected in the eyes of everyone, and it is reflected in the eyes of the helper.

The blessing of the child's brow, he did not think, will be at such a last moment, the Nangong Yi people rushed out, he is very clear that the power of his shot just enough to annihilate anyone under the holy!

Even if you have the spirit of the goddess, it is mortal!

The helper at the moment...

The heart is like the peak of Taishan. One is because of the wrong killing. The other is... the killing of the Nangong Yiren and the killing of the nine-day mysterious disciple. It is hard to imagine how he will face the revenge of the Xuan Nushan!

The anger of the nine-day mysterious woman will burn out the entire Tenth Immortal World.

"Nangong sister!"

Pig Ba Jie was on the jade platform. He saw this scene, a pair of pigs licked, and then a pig head was directly mounted on the jade platform. His face was full of heartache.

"This Nangong fairy is actually blocking the gun for himself!"

"This gun, which was led by Fu Da, is afraid that it will kill the Nangong Fairy!"

"This is a big deal..."

"Nine days of mysterious female pro-disciple disciples are destined to the tenth sacred borders, the tenth sacred borders have good fruit to eat?! Fingers may be directly destroyed!"

"When I waited for the Xianwei Palace, I will immediately report to the main sect, and all the disciples will be removed from the 10th sacred world!"


The voices of various arguments are endless, and some people have panic colors on their faces. They are afraid that they will not leave the Tenth Immortal World before the return of the Xuan Nushan.

Yu Ya, Meng Junxian.

The two deputy commanders of the Xianwei area, at this moment, are also very ugly, and what kind of storm will be brought about by the death of the Nangong Yi people.

Both of them are clearer than anyone else.

The two looked at each other and saw the dignity in their eyes, but now... things have happened, there is no way to turn back.

What can be done is only waiting.

In addition to the five thousand square feet, there is one person, standing calmly.

Yunxiao looked at this scene, the look is still as calm as ever, in fact... just the rune of the Nangong Yiren Dantian, did not completely condense.

The reason why Nangong Yiren was able to rush forward at such a crucial moment was because of Yunxiao. At the last moment, he actively untied the imprisonment of the Nangong Yi people.

No one knows what the purpose of Yunxiao is.

"Yun Zong, the squad of the helper of the great boy, contains the power of the heavens and the earth, and I am afraid that the high school of this mysterious woman is afraid of this."

At the side of Yunxiao, the old man with green beard shook his head and sighed and said: "The goddess of the heavens, this is what is precious, and it has not appeared several times in thousands of years, but it is so fragrant." ”

"Unfortunately, it is a pity..."

While sighing, shaking his head.

Yunxiao did not speak, but with a slight smile on his face, looking at the center of the square.

The wind is roaring.

At this moment, it feels that there is a bit of miserable sorrow. People can't help but raise their coolness. The helper did not continue to take the shot, nor did he take back the ‘钧雷长枪’, just standing in the same place and watching it all. 2k novel reading network

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