The city of Monkey King

Chapter 849: ‘dry’!

"It is the breath of the ancient sister!"

In the first world, an ice crystal Changhong breaks through the boundaries. No matter what it is, even if it is a void, it is frozen.

And behind this ice crystal Changhong, there is a large piece of red light, this piece of red light is before the ten red awns, it is the tomb of the day.

In the ice crystal Changhong, it is a beautiful snow phoenix, the phoenix's eyes are condensed, this breath from the fairy world...

She was able to determine the atmosphere of Qinggu, but what surprised her is that this breath seems to be shaking the world, but actually it is telling the Wanjie Yaozu, the disaster is coming!

A phoenix, Xue Huang did not hesitate any more, began to cross the void, she did not immediately escape the first world, because of the existence of Qinggu, in her view, as long as Qinggu wakes up from the sea, It is possible to slap everything.

But now... she has to escape!

Can't escape, she can only fall to the end of the game captured by the bones!

And in another precinct.

Lu Wu has been completely captured by the bones, surrounded by thousands of bones, and his sacred power, 10 to 10 are sealed!

In front of him, the bones left to watch the cold and cold, without the slightest expression.

At this time, Lu Wu’s expression changed fiercely. He also perceived the breath of Qing Gu and felt the meaning of Qing Gu.

In addition to Lu Wu and Xue Huang, at this moment, the Emperor Jiuyilong also sensed the atmosphere of Qinggu. The Jiuyilong Emperor, who is struggling with madness, has an incredible color in his eyes.

He didn't think of anything...

The king of the sacred peaks of the Holy Summit will be forced to the point by the bones!


Also at this moment...

The nine wings of the dragon, the emperor, Lu Wu, Xue Huang, the ears of the three emperors, all have a voice across the void, the master of this voice... is Qinggu!


The seventh world, the autumn border.

Above the Wangtian Tower of the Dachu Palace, the Fourteen Emperors, this moment... Qi Qi looks suddenly wrinkled!

"It is the old sister!"

"How can the ancient sister be in distress?!"

"From the flood to the Wanjie, the ancient sister has always stood at the peak, who can make her fall into danger?!"


Fourteen demons, there is a horror in the eyes, but this breath is absolutely no fake, indeed, their ancient sister... in distress!

At this time, the style of Qin Feng descended to the center of the crowd, and the fourteen emperors, including the monarchs, all marched toward the Qin wind.

"See the Holy Lord!"

Just a moment ago, not only the fourteen demon kings noticed that Qin Feng was able to detect because of Sun Wukong’s thoughts in the body.

not to mention…

The ‘古’ word he saw in the top of the Tongtian Building is indeed black and entangled. This also shows that the Qinggu at the moment is indeed in trouble.

However, it is just a sleepy, but the word 'risk' is not.

"No need to delay, open up."

Qin Feng did not have any more ink. If it is delayed, I am afraid that the four emperors will not be able to recover.


The demon emperors Qi Qi led the life, and in the most central place, in addition to the Qin wind, the seal is also appearing, the seal is very clear, the Qin Feng repair at this moment is insufficient, it is difficult to maintain the formation.

To open this array of void transmissions, the most important thing is not the actual strength of the real thing, but more importantly, the control of the void, this point... Under the sun, I am afraid no one can break the secluded.


Qin Feng condensed his voice and sipped his time. The fourteen demon emperors of the whole body sacrificed their own holy powers. The time and the void of the whole autumn squad began to tremble, and a emptiness was shaking.

The land above the demons, with a huge hollow vortex began to form slowly.

奕君, 黑魔凤,帝江, 冰翼白虎,赤炎金猊, 无支祁,八爪火璃,九婴,杌,九尾狐,越天狗,五行麒麟,鬼铮,牛魔王.

Bring together the sacred demon power of the fourteen demons, plus the control of the power of the void to open the barriers between the heavens and the heavens!


Fairyland, above the Bohai Sea.

Huge blood-golden singular runes, only 30,000 feet from the Bohai Sea, and Qinggu is a 10,000-foot volley, behind the ancient shadows, earth-shattering, ordinary people just look at it, it is Enough to scare the soul.

Below the Bohai Sea, the sea water flies back.

Qinggu's frown is slightly wrinkled at the moment, and she can feel the power of oppression.

Between the heavens and the earth, she can feel that the power of oppression is already too little and too little, and this chaotic **** Baofeng Tianshi is one of the rare ones.

In any case, this Tianshi is the ritual of Hongjun's ancestors. Just the words "Hong ancestor" can interpret the power of this instrument!

"The ancients respect, waiting for this world to become my bones plaything, then the king will let you appear."

The bones of Wang Biao’s laughter continued, and at the moment he said with pride.


Qing Gu whispered to himself, sneer: "You bones have been crouching for so many years, is this the world?"


At this time, there were not many words of the bones of the big sacred priests, the sound of husky and ice-deep, even... with some excitement, open their hands and raise their hands to look at the gods: "We don't want to win this." The world, for the sake of giving this heaven and earth to the supreme 'dryness'!"


Even though it is the vast experience of the ancient times, I don’t know what it means to be a 'dry' in the mouth of the big bones.

After all, even in the era of the wild, the emergence and disappearance of this bone is a mystery. Some people have said that even this bone has a wind.

The bones of that year were at the same time as the evil people, but...

Qing Gu was very skeptical about this. When she was curious, she had checked it for a while. Although she did not reach a conclusion, she always had her own guess...

She believes that this bone family should appear at the beginning of the flood, or even... beyond the flood.

"You don't need to know the supreme 'dry', you just need to sleep well."

The bone king laughed loudly, and the pair of pickpockets rushed to the next pressure: "The ancients respect, feel the power that you can't resist in your life!"

At the same time, the Bone Sacrifice and the hundreds of millions of red robe bones around them were uttering a very strange spell, and even the ancients could not understand.


More and more cold.

Qing Gu looked at the falling runes, and introduced those cursing spells to his ear. For the first time in this life... he was helpless.

"You three, you must protect the Holy Spirit and tell the Holy Spirit, the danger of the bones, not to the Fairy Buddha."

A dignified voice, passing through countless void barriers, fell into the first celestial ‘land’ ‘烬’ ‘snow’ three demons. 2k novel reading network

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