The city of Monkey King

Chapter 864: At a glance, the million-day soldier collapsed!

The Emperor of Donghua and the Emperor of the Jade Emperor in the Xianting swords, and the other imprisoned, will soon break through the lock of the prisoner, the chaos of Xianting... at the touch of a hair.

However at the moment...

Beyond this Xianting fairyland, the land of the borders of the immortal world, including the ten-party fairy sect, is now cautious to the extreme.

In particular, the ten-party sect of Weifang, each side of the sacred Weijie community has a large number of Tianbing appear, defending around the square, completely enveloping the fairy world.

All people look at one direction.

In the void of the emptiness, one after another, the letter of the letter emerged from the crack of the void, and has not stopped for a long time.

Maple border.

Before the withered tree of 'The Tree of Heaven', the number of stars in Qin Feng’s eyes has reached seven.

The strong breath of the body is enough to shake the world!

The boundaries of his body are almost exhausted, including hundreds of squares around him, all pouring into his body.

Qin Feng knows that his evil power has reached a short-term peak and it is difficult to break through again.


Even if it is seven stars, Qin Feng feels the power of this body, but also has a sense of horror, if the incarnation of the East China Emperor is still here.

Qin Feng has absolute confidence and can crush it with a punch!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng’s mind has an unnatural appearance, which seems to be engraved in this evil body.

It is a huge figure, in the shape of the eyes, each eye has ten extremely shining stars, shining the night!

Qin Feng knows that it is the father of this evil body, that is, the king of evil who once dominated the flood!

Ten stars are the ultimate.

At that time, the kings of evil spirits each had ten stars, and the power they possessed was enough to overcome all the peak powers of the flood, was a victory!

Qin Feng stood up and lifted it slightly.

Seven stars are twinkling, bang!

At the top of the void, there was a huge void crack, and Qin Feng had already left his mark on the remnant of the Nangong Yi people.

Even if the remnant of the Nangong Yiren was taken away by the Emperor of Donghua, Qin Feng was able to trace the place where the remnant was in the first place.

Without any hesitation, Qin Feng’s body shape turned into a purple and long rainbow, and rushed into the void crack.

Fairy world.

Beyond the third sacred border, millions of Heavenly Soldiers are here. This is an inevitable thing. The first world has a big movement. The Heavenly Soldiers in these celestial worlds are naturally going to appear for the first time. Wei Xianjie.

Many Heavenly Soldiers are horrifying at the moment when the first world is anomalous, because even now, there is still no accurate answer, in the end... what happened.

Even the many letters that came from Xianting, the things they said were ambiguous, but the boundaries of power and the interface would be broken, and there was no news.

Call ~!

It seems that there is a gust of wind blowing.

These millions of Heavenly Soldiers are all looking at each other, in the realm...what is the wind? !

It was at the moment of their horror that in front of their eyes, there was a huge void crack of tens of thousands of feet in this boundary.



When I was awkward, it was a big drink. All the Heavenly Soldiers were horrified watching this huge void crack. From there, there was one person coming out.

Black robe, wearing a hat, but there is a point that can’t stop...

That is, those eyes!

There are seven stars in each pair, and a total of fourteen stars, even if they have the fog, they still can't cover the light!

This third celestial celestial soldier outside the border, is the moment to be surrounded by the people who came out of the crack, one can not help but swallow the swallow, the people in front of them ... brought them too much shock.

"This, what is this glowing?!"

"Who?! Dare to rush to the fairy kingdom!"

"Stop at a speed, otherwise..."


Leading the paramount day of this Heavenly Soldier, he will not finish his words.


Qin Feng’s eyes are slightly raised.

When his eyes were lifted up, from his body, the power of ‘Tianba’ slammed open, bang~!

As if it was a gust of wind, as long as it is within the coverage of ‘Tianba’, the number of Heavenly Soldiers is turned into fly ash, no matter how hard it is!

But for a moment, there are millions of Heavenly Soldiers annihilated.


"how is this possible!"


The rest of the Heavenly Soldiers, now look at Qin Feng, all eyes are shaking, they have never seen such a strange person, have never seen ... such a powerful person!

Just a glance, it is a collapse of a million soldiers!

Qin Feng did not pay attention to the trepidation of these Heavenly Soldiers. He turned into Changhong and went straight to the fairyland. Nothing was dare to stop.

These Heavenly Soldiers are not fools. The death of the millions of Heavenly Soldiers happened in front of them. If you rush to block them at this time, don’t you make fun of your own life.

Although they all say that the soldiers are not their own lives, but no one wants to go to death in vain, not to mention... so far, there has been no immortal to send them to the army.

Can not die...

Nature is not dead.

Qin Feng’s body shape broke open, and behind him, even the void was left with another crack, which was shocking.

This is because Qin Feng has just lighted the seven stars in his eyes. For a moment, the body has control of the powerful force, but it is unable to retract freely. This leads to this.

Qin Feng was the first to appear in the third world. The millions of soldiers who collapsed also belonged to the third world. Naturally, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Third World did not dare to block. .


The third world does not dare to block, does not mean that the remaining nine major fairy circles do not dare to block.

As soon as I saw that there was a long rainbow going straight to the gates of the fairyland, the nine celestial celestial beings were all shocked together, and there were large tracts of heavenly soldiers coming.

Every fairy sect, at least three or five million Heavenly Soldiers are coming!

These three or five million, also in the absence of the immortal conditions, the highest force of defense, one side of the world may not be much ... but if the nine side of the fairy kingdom together, there are as many as four or five million!

Layer by layer, more than 40 million Heavenly Soldiers, the door of the fairy world is surrounded by impenetrable winds, unreasonably exaggerated, not to mention a person, even if it is a fly, has been a mosquito, it is not May jump over these tight defenses.

The array of Heavenly Soldiers and the silver armor flicker in this dark realm, dazzling.

"Hey, I am alone, and I dare to marry me in the fairy world. I really don't know how!"

Before the more than 40 million Heavenly Soldiers, there were nine people, all of whom were deputy commanders of various Xianwei circles. One of them... Meng Junxian. 2k novel reading network

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