The city of Monkey King

Chapter 866: Destroy and ruin, and be invincible!

"How is it possible! How could this be!"

"Heavenly soldiers kill, you can be easily broken, this person...who is this person sacred!"


In addition to Meng Junxian, the nine deputy commanders of the Wei dynasty are all shocked and screaming. Looking at the whole body of the purple and purple rainbow, there are hundreds of purple whirlpools with dazzling white gold rays shining toward this day. Killing is coming.

At the same time, the Platinum Light Pillar above the killing line is still rushing toward the faint purple rainbow, so that... it is an infinite loop!

"Stop! Stop!"

Fang Hao has been drinking, he is clear, if it is to let the Tianbing kill, this has continued, and finally... just ruined themselves!

The Heavenly Soldiers killed, and the numerous platinum gilts that had been illuminating at the time were faintly fading at this time. However, there was no killing in killing, so let’s talk about the word 'kill'.


What's more, at the moment, they have no other choice, and tens of millions of Heavenly Soldiers are looking at the faint purple rainbow that roars.

With the killing of the Tianbing killing, the whirlpool of Qin Feng’s body is also dissipated, and the eyes are slightly condensed, sweeping the 40 million soldiers in front, and there is disdain in the look.


Fang Hao and other deputy commanders of the Wei dynasty are all amnesty. In this time, the formation of this squadron has changed. In the forefront of these 40 million soldiers, there is a huge and huge celestial phantom. At most, these huge Tianbing phantoms are formed in an array of arrogance!

"Give me all the power you have!"

"Not at all!"



The deputy commanders of all parties are dying to order their own celestial soldiers, and the surging spiritual powers are gathered together. The millions of Heavenly Soldiers are illusory, and they all have a solid shadow.

And there is only one person...

Always silent, this person is... Meng Junxian.

Because in his opinion, everything... is in vain.

He doesn't know why he thinks so, but he... has such an idea.

Also at this time...

The purple purple Changhong that Qin Feng has made, and the shadow of the soldiers on the day... hit together!


The body shape of Qin Feng has not yet waited for the shadow of this day, and his power of ‘Tianba’ is automatically released, and it collapses and blasts! Wherever he went, the shadows of the Heavenly Soldiers were broken, and the power of the counter-attacks rushed. Those Heavenly Soldiers were all spurting blood, and their bodies fell down!

Destroy and ruin, and be invincible!

The Tianying giant shadow array was suddenly crushed, and the tens of millions of Heavenly Soldiers lost their standing in a blink of an eye. Fang Hao and other nine deputy leaders of the Wei dynasty, all of them had a scared face at this time, but they had to go on. !

"Knot, Scorpio!"

Including Meng Junxian, these nine people are all in the hands of the seals, the soldiers of the various parties they belong to, the same is the seal, the time...these deputy commanders and their Heavenly Soldiers have a connection.

The white light is intertwined, and it is a huge heavenly force that has formed a strong atmosphere. Each of the heavenly soldiers has reached the highest level of sacrificial offerings, even the one of Fang Hao, and the faint power of the Holy Spirit. .


It’s a big bang!

It is also the killer of the Jade Emperor. He has hundreds of millions of soldiers, for this... it’s a big day!

With the quasi-holy peak, it is the power to bear the best of the Holy Spirit!


Fang Hao, who is in the center of the giant Tianbing, feels the vigorous power. At this time, he also showed a fearless and fearless meaning, and rushed up.

Nine giant heavenly soldiers, rushing into the wild.


They didn't think of it, this faint purple Changhong, just the original trajectory, fierce... From the giant Tianbing Center where Fang Hao is located, the force of 'Tianba' collapsed this giant Tianbing, and it was there. The Fanghao in the center is also in an instant... the smoke is gone!

The rest of the eight, seeing this scene is not the look of horror, but ... want to go, it is too late!

boom! Bang! Boom!

One and the other giant squadrons were smashed and scattered into millions of Heavenly Soldiers, screaming and screaming.

Only... the last one is left.

The giant Tianbing, which was condensed by Meng Junxian, was kneeling in the same place, because it was just... the dark purple Changhong swept past him, and did not break it if he had treated the other eight.

But... spend it safely.

Meng Junxian, who is in the center of this giant Tianbing, is now slightly trembled in his eyes, subconsciously turning his head, toward the purple and long rainbow that has already passed, he seems to see the eyes.

The fourteen stars, and through these fourteen stars, he...had seen a touch of his eyes.

This kind of gaze, he, is no stranger.

"It's him!"

I don’t know why, he thought of a person... that, in the tenth fairyland and the helper!

Such conjectures appear in the heart, and he is more and more shocked. In such a short period of time, that person has become so powerful, and... this fleshy breath is obviously not the original one.

Consternation, doubts, and joy after the robbery, three kinds of moods in the heart at the same time, the Tianzhu scatter, the giant Tianbing returned to the original millions of soldiers.

These Heavenly Soldiers, all of them are panting with no big mouth and mouth, subconsciously looking at the Heavenly Soldiers of other Xianwei circles, and seeing those other Heavenly Heavenly Soldiers under the seven-eighth, eight-eighth, scattered world, are not fortunate in their hearts.

"Deputy leader?"

There was a person who came to Meng Junxian's side and whispered slightly. His meaning was obvious... Is it still going to stop?

This has not been exported yet. Meng Junxian gave him a look and blocked it. ! Can't see the situation now? What is the blocking, is it because the head is kicked? !

Taking a deep breath, Meng Junxian did not intend to continue to manage, not to mention... Jade Emperor has never given the immortal purpose to block them, they are blocking the duty, no one can blame them.

"To rescue other fairy sects, send people to send letters to other nine cemetery, and... Xianting."

Meng Junxian said that he could not continue to block, but the news... must be reported to Xianting, or he would have to arrange a crime for him at that time.

At the same time.

At this moment, Qin Feng, a quiet purple Changhong, went straight to the gates, and the gatekeeper of the gate of the fairyland saw the scene just now.

Even the 40 million soldiers in the Tianwei area can't stop it. What's more, they have tens of thousands of people in this area. They are simply hitting the stone with an egg. If they turn around, they will run without any slight resistance.

Call ~!

Qin Feng did not stop at any point in this boundary. The shape of the body suddenly disappeared into the door of the fairy world and disappeared.

Beyond the gates, it is broken.

At first glance, they are all mourners.

It is hard to imagine that this is what one is doing. 2k novel reading network

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