The city of Monkey King

Chapter 869: Jade Emperor!

Welling is a great general.

The house is shattered and ruined, and the ruins of white gold illuminate the entire mansion, and the elite soldiers are waiting for it. But the slightest movement in this house will inspire the strongest force of this law!

In the underground palace.

Five lines of swords, vertical, in the dark underground palace, a pair of eyes... exudes amazing purple awns, bang! The five-line sword that whizzed past, fiercely burst!


The chains that bind the sides of the cheekbones are also broken at the moment, and the footsteps sound slowly in the palace, which step by step and walks toward the gate of the palace.

The door, with a heavy boom, slowly removed.

From the crack of the door, the light shines on the body, and it stands tall, dirty hair, broken clothes, and a brow.

This is the body that has been around for thousands of years, the first time it shines under the sun.

Break the chain, break the five-line sword, and walk out of the underground palace.

For the 万 吒 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉 玉! In the eyes of the cockroaches, there is a raging flame burning in the sky!

Play for years of hatred, insult the father's hatred...


Feet, lifted forward and stepped out of the palace.


斩 Sendai.

At this moment, the Sendai Terrace, Wanxian gathers together, facing this land of Sendai, there is a towering Sendai, the top of the Sendai, is the place where the Jade Emperor is seated.

Surrounded by this Sendai, there are dense and large gods, and all of them are looking at the center of Sendai.

Yang Lan, holding his hands around, standing on the bank of the Jade Emperor, looked at it lightly.

Since the Jade Emperor appeared, the Jade Emperor personally monitored, and he did not need him to intervene in anything. He looked at him at the moment... The eyes looked at the other direction of Xianting.

Where is the place.

In fact, it is not only him, the jade emperor at the moment, the eyelids are also slightly flashing, where the ban in the palace, whether it is the five elements of the sword or the two chains, are the Jade Emperor personally set.

When the five elements of the sword collapsed and the chain broke, the Jade Emperor knew what was coming out.

In the eyes of a cold color, he naturally predicted it for a long time. Let the Emperor Changsheng be stationed in the place where the house is located.

In his view, where he was imprisoned for 10,000 years, he was drawn by himself for a thousand years to revitalize the existence under the Temple of Lingxiao.

In the tens of years of time, where the repairs are already 90% of the loss, even if there is a longevity emperor with the perfection of the Holy Spirit, it is definitely a storm.

The command of the Jade Emperor to the longevity, from time to time to kill which, but ... to capture it.

Because it is in the plan of the Jade Emperor, but it occupies an extremely important part. Only by grasping which hand is in the hand, and by which force, it is possible to recover the person under the Temple of the Temple, and... Call it your own one!

By then...

Even though the Buddha world has a ‘fight,’ he is also fearless!

In the land above Sendai, Xianting has a strong ban, but this prohibition is forbidden. For Donghua Emperor, it is obviously the same as the existence and non-existence.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the Emperor Donghua looked at the scene below the Sendai Terrace, and his look could not help but dignified.

On the side of the nine-day mysterious woman, the temperament is cold and elegant, and at this moment is also Emei micro-condensation: "Brother, this hundred-bearing has capital, dare to break with the road at this time."

"I don't know."

The East China Emperor shook his head slightly, and this is where he can't figure out.

It is reasonable to say that the power of the Buddha world is now flourishing. Over the years, the Buddha’s world has been cultivating its own strength, and it has been secretly cultivated its own strength. I don’t know what secrets Sakyamuni got, and the Buddha’s world has always been the leader of the Buddha. It is also the most holy.

The big Buddha that is now shown, according to the estimates of the East China Emperor, should be less than 50% of the total.

With so many big Buddhas, the two sides of the Taoist and the Xianting can add up to it, and it is possible to match it. Plus, the ancient relics above the Buddha world will wake up, even if they are only three or four, but they can also be powerful... Enough to reverse the entire battle!

Under such circumstances, the Jade Emperor still has a heart-breaking thought to break with the Taoist circles, and it is puzzling to break with the way of Li Jing.

"Brothers can have plans to save people. If the elder brother wants to save Li Jing, the younger sister is willing to die."

The nine-day mysterious woman meditated for a moment and said.

She even has the character of Donghua Emperor, in her heart... The East China Emperor, the ancient heavens and the Heavenly Emperor of the Five Realms, should truly become the masters of heaven and earth.

These heavens and the world, she dare to say that no one has the East China Emperor is more worried about the stability of the Wanjie, more worried about the life and death of Wanjie.

For example, the three schools of Xiandao Buddha nowadays are all born in the world. In fact, they are all for their own forces, and their interests are smoldering.

At the moment, Li Jing is a node.

Li Jing was desecrated, and Xianting and the Taoist circles were completely broken. If the people of the Buddha world were not stupid, they would choose to launch a chaos at this time, because... this is their best chance!

As a result, the world is in chaos, and it happens in an instant. This is what Donghua Emperor does not want to see. The nine-day mysterious girl is of course well aware.

"Do not."

Donghua Emperor shook his head.


The nine-day mysterious woman asked, and the Donghua Emperor at this moment was slightly looking up, looking at the sky above the Sendai, looking at the sky above the fairy, the eyes... penetrated the fairy world, penetrated... One world.

"Because someone has come to save."

In one discourse, the nine-day mysterious woman is also a condensed look. The spiritual sense subconsciously follows the eyes of the Emperor of Donghua, and the scorpion and fierce condensate.

All the heavens.

The first, second, third, and fourth worlds, the sky above the first world, is where the mainland of the Tao is located, and at this moment... below the continent, there is a huge array of yin and yang gossip.

With the emergence of this squad, the first world of heaven... is actually a huge vortex of the world, and the coverage of this vortex is also a picture of yin and yang.

In the first world, it is the fairyland, and there is also a yin and yang gossip figure. Above this yin and yang gossip, there is a very strong spatial fluctuation.

That is…

Transfer the array!

Xianting, 斩 Sendai.

At this time, on the passage of Zhu Xiantai escorting the prisoner, there was a footstep sound, with a team of people walking on the channel, the moment when they walked out of the passage...

One of the most forward-looking people has attracted the attention of countless people in an instant. Many of the eyes of the gods, especially the gods who work in the heavenly army, have a respectful color in this look.

This person is Tota King and Li Jing.


He will be the protagonist of this Sendai! 2k novel reading network

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