The city of Monkey King

Chapter 872: The land of Xianting, at the touch of a hair!


Outside the northern Tianmen, there is a figure that appears in the northern Tianmen Gate, and the figure flutters and flies directly into the North Tianmen Corridor.

"Well? Have you just noticed what has drifted past?"

The Tianbing, who was guarding the outside of this Tianmen, said with one person frowning.

"What is going on? You are afraid of being dazzled, and then, this day, the corridor is a ban on the immortal system. From the outside to the inside, how can it be quiet?"

The other Heavenly Soldier smiled and spoke.

The words were exported, and the first suspected Tianbing also nodded. "Maybe it’s really my eyes, oh... you said, what do you want to know about Li Tianwang?

"I estimate that there are ten **, but this time it is under the supervision, there is no reason to have other variables."

"You said... How can Li Tianwang be rebellious? Who doesn't know that Li Tianwang is bent on the court for Xianting and the East?"


"Cough, who told you to discuss these here?"

One day, the patrol came, coldly squinting at these few soldiers, scared that these soldiers were not in shape, they did not dare to have the slightest words.

at the same time.

Within the Xianting, at the end of the North Tianmen Corridor, a figure emerges slowly from the void, which is the second flesh of Qin Feng.

Call ~!

A white light flashed on the body, and the evil spirits of Qin Feng changed. When the white robe and the long hair were floating, the fairy air reverberated in the whole body, which was like the appearance of an old god.

Walking out of this day's porch, Qin Feng's evil spirits are quietly scattered and cover the entire Xianting. The evil spirits and the monks' sensations are completely different. Just be careful, even the Jade Emperor can't. aware.

However, in a short period of time, Qin Feng has touched the situation of this Xianting.

Today's Xianting...

There are two places, one at a time.

The first place is the land of Sendai.

This is the Sendai, the singer is Li Jing, the Jade Emperor and the group of immortals, surrounded by countless Heavenly Soldiers will defend, and above this is the top of the Sendai... The virtual circle of the Taoist circles is running, in an instant, the people of the Tao Will come soon.


It is highly probable that one of Sanqing came in person.

In addition... Qin Feng also noticed that there is another force hidden outside this Xianting, this power... Qin Feng is no stranger, because he once felt it.

When I was fighting the Sheriff, it was...the people of the Buddha.

Xiandao Buddha is paying attention to the Sendai, and there is a change, and the three parties move together.

The second place, where is the place.

The white gold circle will cover the ruins of the mansion, and around the ruins, it is all the elite of the heavenly soldiers, and the longevity emperor personally suppresses it.

As long as there is no movement from the ruins of this house, this law and the longevity emperor will all take their shots.


Qin Feng can perceive that it has already appeared.

In these two places, no matter which place has any movements, it will detonate each other, and the entire Xianting... will be in chaos.

Qin Feng’s nephew was slightly condensed, and he was also able to perceive that the Donghua Emperor was also in the land of Sendai, but at the moment... not his best time to shoot.

With his current strength and the hardship of the Emperor of Donghua, there is no possibility at all.

What's more... The remnant of the Nangong Yiren is in the hands of the Emperor of Donghua, and there is no threat. This is the point that Qin Feng is most reassured.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng identified a direction and stepped away.

The direction he went...

Where is the ruins of the mansion?

Enmity will be reported, this is the norm for the world.

At the beginning of the cloud water industry, which 吒 avatar led five million soldiers, in fact, Qin Feng is very clear, at that time, even if it is an incarnation, but if you want to enhance the power of this avatar, no one can stop.

However, there is no, but with the power of the incarnation of the end of the battle with Qin Feng, until ... defeated.

This is intentional and unintentional.

Moreover, Qin Feng also knows that even if it is intentional, it is also a self-review of Sun Wukong, which is a sentiment to Sun Wukong.

But no matter what, no matter what you think at the beginning, he has the grace for himself. This is an indisputable fact. With this point, it is impossible to sit back and ignore the dilemma that comes at hand.

Other than this...

Qin Feng at the moment is also very uncomfortable with the practice of the Jade Emperor.

On the one hand, you have to deal with Li Wei, while you want to marry Li Jing, one is the son and the other is the father. For the Li family, what kind of tragedy is this.

Qin Feng turned into a fairy-like appearance, and walked toward the temple. With his magical technique of destroying seven stars, the fairy guards in Xianting could not find it.

at the same time.

斩 Sendai.

At this moment, the atmosphere in Sendai is extremely oppressive. Except for the footsteps that Li Jing walked toward the place where Chen Xiantai was executed, there was no more noise.

Li Huanzhang and a group of Heavenly Soldiers also stayed outside the Sendai Terrace, watching the back of Li Jing’s walk, and a long sigh.


Li Jing and Mo Lishou went to the place where they were executed. They stood up and stood up. Looking at the Jade Emperor on the seat, Li Jing saw a lot... or, countless times, the Jade Emperor.

Every time the Jade Emperor is above the high seat.

But this time only...

He feels very special, because... here is Sendai, and this time... I don’t know why, Li Jing smiled.

For this high-ranking man, his heart can no longer afford the slightest respect. From the mouth of others, he heard the words 'bunny dead dog cooking'.


Li Jing knows, otherwise.

He is well aware of his existence and has not yet reached the point where the Jade Emperor is jealous, because his cultivation is not enough to cause jade imperial jealousy.

The Jade Emperor is jealous, but it is his third son, but it is...

And blame yourself.

What is done is not only a break with the road, but also... another purpose.

Among the people in the world, there are not many people who know this thing, and Li Jing, who is the father of the family, naturally knows this.

Raised, Li Jing’s eyes and the jade emperor’s eyes crossed in this air, four eyes, the former monarch and minister, the present jade emperor and prisoners.

‘Your Majesty, you really want to be like this, do you really think... Can you control the power in the body? ’

‘If you have your own way, don’t worry about the king’s heart, all the way... good to go. ’

The dialogue between the monarch and the minister has been passed through.

Li Jing...


When this is the case, it is nothing.

There is no timid appearance like other gods before the imprisonment. Li Jing looks calm and calm, and stands tall and does not have the slightest meaning. The same is true of the magical life around him.

The immortal execution, seeing Li Jing standing still, is also caught in the embarrassment, I do not know how to do it, can only subconsciously look at the Jade Emperor. 2k novel reading network

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