The city of Monkey King

Chapter 879: Qin Feng shot!

Nine turns to the exquisite pagoda, the ancient Austrian runes scattered from the eight sides, where the place of the center of the rune, the surrounding white wind and purple flames are shrouded, and again ... can not go out!


The power of Shura, which has been scattered from the scorpion, has already begun to weaken. At least within a short period of time, it is impossible to reinforce it. It is already a situation that has been pinned by the nine-turned tower.


The longevity emperor is naturally clear and incomparable, and his hand is changing. The power of the nine-turned tower is even stronger.

An invisible wave of air scatters, this moment...the power of Shura in the whole body is broken.

It is not that the strength of Shura is not strong, but that the current one is too weak, plus... even if it is the past, he has never manipulated the power of this Shura.

There is a powerful force in the air, but it cannot be controlled.

If you can control the power of this Shura freely, even if it is the weak body of the present, it will never be so easily suppressed by the Changsheng Emperor.

Seeing that the nine-turn Linglong Tower is almost suppressed by the suppression, the longevity of the Emperor feels relieved, the next time is the problem of time, one by one to kill the strength of the whole body of Shura, and finally... to earn it into the exquisite pagoda.

Then... Jade Emperor has already prepared a cage for the cricket.

It is under the Lingxiao Temple, coexisting with the **** of killing, completely awakening the **** of killing!

The longevity emperor looked up at the direction of Sendai, and was about to send a message to the Jade Emperor to report the situation here.

Just at this time…

A very overbearing and powerful force rushed to the ground and slammed into the nine-turned tower. The long-lived emperor, who had already relaxed, was not careful, but did not control the nine-turned tower.

The runes that have been controlled by the enemy, under the power of this overbearing, instantly collapsed!

Nine turns under the exquisite tower, the rationality of recovery under the suppression, without the slightest hesitation, is immediately out of the control of the nine-turning tower, fiercely rushing toward the direction of Sendai.

"Want to run?!"

The longevity emperor has no time to think about what happened just now. The subconscious is to point in the direction of where to leave. When the time goes, the square will turn to the exquisite tower.

But at this time, a black shadow appeared in the middle of the air.

I punched out and punched the exquisite pagoda back in the air.

"who is it!"

The longevity emperor Mei Yu was condensed. In his eyes, this black shadow man, wearing black clothes and wearing a fight, could not see the face at all, and the smell of the body made him feel very surprised.

At the same time, the shape of the scorpion has already rushed out of the ruins of the mansion.

The Heavenly Soldiers who are guarding outside, this moment is completely chaotic!


"The sky is big!"


All kinds of sounds and sounds have been set up, and there is a huge and unique Tianbing formed outside, and there are many killings coming out.

In the fairy temple of Wanli, all the fairies were scared and screamed and hid.

The wind is blowing through.

In the sky above the ruins of the house, the wind raised the fog of the fight, this moment... The longevity emperor saw the appearance of the coming.

That is a...

Indescribable face!

Knife and sword marks, covered with the entire face.

However, the most shocking thing for the longevity emperor is not this face, but the eye of this face, which is a pair of eyes that make the longevity emperor worry.

Because, he is no stranger to the existence of these eyes.

As the strongman of the top five in Xianting today, he naturally came from the floods. The era he experienced was naturally an era of ruin and tyranny.

When I saw that pair of eyes, when I saw the fourteen stars in those eyes, the longevity emperor thought of the first time... the king of evil!

I can't help but tremble.

However, it is only a matter of moments. The longevity emperor knows what his mission is. He must not let him go to Sendai, just when he wants to move.

a fierce glimpse...

In his whole body, there is a whirlpool of purple and one after another. From this vortex, there is an extremely powerful force that comes out of it, all of which are shrouded in the body of the longevity.


From this sky, at the same time, there is a powerful force to suppress, bang!

The emptiness above the longevity emperor, there is a dense void crack, here... but Xianting, it will be shattered.


Mumbled and whispered, the long-lived side resisted the force of the whole body, while resisting the oppression force above it, there is no more time to catch the one that has left.

Even the nine-story Linglong Tower has no way to manipulate it. This Fangling Tower can only be dripped and swayed over him.

Qin Feng.

He looked down at the longevity emperor below him. At the moment, he also did not dare to relax.

With the power of the gods, the power of the tyrants is oppressive, and it is barely possible to control the longevity emperor here. This is also the choice that Qin Feng has no choice.

The fourteen stars in his eyes, each with seven at a glance, are obviously not the opponents of this longevity emperor, thanks to the power of the seven stars.

The power of the seven stars is not the opponent of the Seventh.

It should be in the middle of the six holy and seven.

If you want to overcome the Seventh Avenue, you will need eight stars, and you will have to overcome the peak of the Eight Diagrams, which is now the strongest cultivation of the heavens.


Need nine stars.


Qin Feng remembers that the picture that flashed in the previous mind, the king of evil in the past, in the eyes... each has ten stars!

Nine stars can be beaten to the peak of the Eight Diagrams, and ten stars... that is simply crushing, no wonder that in that era, evil can make a flood.

When Qin Feng knew this thing, he only used it as a legend, but now he has this power.

He only felt...

Strong and powerful, shocking and fearful!

Ten stars...

Qin Feng's nephew is awkward, he can hardly imagine, until his ninth love reunion, the evil body reaches ten stars, and he will be strong!

However, it is also a matter of the future. At this moment, Qin Feng, the first thing to do is to delay the longevity of the Emperor, to provide time for the outrights.

Looking at the longevity emperor in the middle of the ruins, this longevity emperor does not lose the position of the emperor, and it is not the loss of the number five in front of Xianting. I don’t know what secret method was used, but it is the **** vortex that Qin Feng casts out. The force involved is weakened.

As long as the longevity emperor holds the power of this heavenly hegemony, he will be able to get out of trouble.

Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled, subconsciously looking at the direction of the scorpion, the power of Shura... swept the entire Tianbing! 2k novel reading network

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