The city of Monkey King

Chapter 889: Eight stars!

"The king of evil!"

Almost at the same time, the word appeared in the hearts of the two, and the mind flashed over the past, which led to the sinister king of Hongjun’s ancestors.

But in an instant, they suppressed the shock in their hearts.

They are all very clear that the king of evil in the past was the day when they were killed by the ancestors of Hongjun, and they were killed as the pro-disciples and passers-by of the ancestors of Hongjun. The Tongtian Master and the Jade Emperor were also present at the time. ... saw that scene.

Seeing the system of tyrannical floods, at first glance, the king of evil spirits that let the hunger and the hunters fly, and under the powerful power of the ancestors of the wilderness, with an unwilling roar, the body 'Tianba Shenluo' is in the seal Under the seal of Tianshi, it is in no way useful.

The flesh is completely broken into ash between the heavens and the earth.

Naturally, this evil king cannot survive, since it is not the king of evil...

Being able to use the power of 'God Luo' must also be the blood of the royal family. This is also a surprise to Tongtian and Jade Emperor. They all know that the original ancestor of Hongyi had said: 'The evil family does not belong to this world, nor should it The existence of this world, the existence of evil... the destruction will be the balance of this heaven and earth.

Therefore, the ancestors of Hongjun annihilated the king of evil, and annihilated all the evil people in the supreme law.

Hongjun ancestors shot, how could there be residuals...

Regardless of what Tongtian and Jade Emperor think, they can all predict that with the appearance of these sacred whirlpools, the power of the gods on both sides is being absorbed by the madness.


what happened!

Standing on the side of the Jade Emperor Yang Lan, at this moment, the third eye has a bright light, watching the scene outside the purple flower, he... seeing it, naturally seeing the Qin wind!

To be precise, I saw the evil body of Qin Feng!

Outside the purple refining flower!

Under the power of Shura, it is already completely crazy, and the sky is roaring, and the fist in his hand is surrounded by the wind of white sand and purple flame.

This moment...Boom!

One punch, the middle of this purple refining flower, the biggest crack!

The entire crack, this moment burst open, the purple refining flower, it is a huge gap!

at the same time!

The giants of the Scorpio condensed by the Emperor of the Longevity, the huge feet that have been lifted, are already about to fall on the top of the Qin wind. The power of the arrogant Tianba and the feet of the giants of this day screamed fiercely. .

Qin Feng, slightly raised his eyes, watching this huge foot that fell towards himself.

Among his eyes, each eye, seven stars screamed brightly, and the seven stars were in a frantic rotation, the center of the rotation... the eighth star gradually appeared.

In the heart of the heart, there is a small purple whirlpool that appears when you look at it.

From this small purple whirlpool, there is a surging spirit, and it is madly rushing into the evil body of Qin Feng. With the influx of spiritual power, the breath of Qin Feng... is skyrocketing!





The giants of the Scorpio condensed by the Emperor of the Longevity, the giant foot that fell, was actually falling in madness, and the pieces that were dropped...that are the Heavenly Soldiers!

As the breath of Qin Feng skyrocketed, the power of the ‘Tianba’ that was scattered on him was also a crazy skyrocketing, and it was actually the smashing giants who gathered the longevity emperor to gradually collapse!


The longevity emperor also discovered this problem. The giant foot that only stepped down to the Qin wind was actually stuck in the sky above Qin Feng, and never went down.

Even though the longevity emperor condensed his own exclusive scorpio squad, he couldn’t help but scream at the moment!

Qin Feng’s eyes ran through the void.

It was actually the place where the time and the giants of the Tianzhu Giants were opposite to the four eyes of the Changsheng Emperor. At this moment, when the Changsheng Emperor saw the double shackles of Qin Feng, he saw the scene in the double shackles... the whole people were fierce. A trip!

Because he saw the scene that made him unforgettable in his life from the eyes of Qin Feng.


I witnessed the advancement of evil!

Witnessed the appearance of the eighth star belonging to Qin Feng!

Among the eyes of Qin Feng, seven stars are all the eighth stars that circulate around the center. This eighth star... this moment, when you condense!

When the eighth star condenses out of the moment!

Hum ~!

From the body of Qin Feng, the power of ‘Tianba’ is spreading!

"not good!"

The longevity of the emperor's face was shocked, and when he did not wait for his reaction, his scorpio giant, fierce and smashed!

Under the bombardment of this power of heaven.

It’s alive... it’s being shattered!

The sound of mourning of the Heavenly Soldiers resounded over the fairy court, and countless scattered Heavenly Soldiers fell down and fell down in the fairy court. Under the force of a heavenly hegemon, these Heavenly Soldiers were all stunned by blood, and repaired as poor. It was directly on the spot and died.

At the moment when the Tianzhu Giants condensed by the Emperor of the Great Life was broken, the power of the Tianba scattered from Qin Feng rushed toward the direction of Sendai.

The wall of the wind and fire that was transformed by the scorpion, under the impact of the power of the heavenly tyrant, was also dissipated, and countless heavenly soldiers were sneaky.


Finally, the power of ‘Tianba’ was directly vented on the purple flower.

It was already a smashed flower that had been blown up by a huge gap. Under this attack, it was like bending the last feather of a camel!

The whole purple refining flower is completely broken in the doctor's loud noise!


It was once spectacular.

A sacred sacred instrument, the internal attack of the celestial sect of the celestial celestial sect, the external power of the sacred sect, and finally the strength of the Qin dynasty that condenses the eight stars.

It turned out that life was collapsed!

Even if the sacred sacred device can be reshaped, it can take tens of thousands of years to re-extract the purple scented flower and restore it to its peak and power.

At least in this chaos in the world, there will be no possibility of seeing the purple flower.

The purple flower is broken.

Between the time and the time, the Sendai Terrace under the glory of this flower was also exposed. Originally, in the outermost circle of this purple flower, the immortal fairy, according to the plan, must be rushed up.

But this moment...

Whether it was the immortal fairy and the heavenly soldier who came later, it was the fairy **** and the heavenly soldier who had already entered the purple refining flower before, whether it was the immortal of the jade emperor or the immortal of the Tao.

Even the Buddhas of the Buddha who have been peeking out of Xianting, this time they are watching one by one. Everyone... looks at one direction and looks at one person.

only because…

The power from this person is shocking!

Qin Feng, took a deep breath, his eyes, at this moment... a total of sixteen stars flow! 2k novel reading network

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