The city of Monkey King

Chapter 911: Two-way cooperation

The seventh world, the autumn border.

In the clouds above, the surrounding body is surrounded by black and white, which is the innate temperament of the calculation of the heavens. At this time, the body of the cloud and the figure of Jun Jun appear.

Nothing to disturb, but waiting here.


After a tea time.

Feng You opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Jun Jun.

"How? Have you found out?"

Yan Jun asked with a smile.

"It's still very vague. This sinister world has been very strange since the floods broke down."

The cloaked voice snorted and shook his head. He had tried his best to find it, but it was still difficult to make a big breakthrough.

It’s like...He always felt that something was missing.

However, it is unclear. In the end, it is missing. He counts countless times. He always feels that there is a layer of mist that is shrouded. In any case, it is impossible to solve the fog.

"Nothing, anyway, it’s not anxious."

Jun Jun took a deep breath and his face was very worried.

"What do you want me to say? Look at your appearance. There is nothing good to see at a glance."

Feng You saw the appearance of this monarch, and laughed and laughed.

"You count as the fifth world."

Jun Jun did not say it, but said the fifth world, and the secluded, just a flash of eyelids, the thing that happened in the fifth world was calculated by him, and his brow wrinkled.

"The bones came here this time, I don't know what to say."

Yan Jun took a deep breath, and for today's Yaozu, it can only move forward steadily, even if it is a wrong step, it will be a catastrophe.

To know…

The strongest sage...

In fact, there is no peak in the past. Other demons don't know. He is a clear brother. Now Qin Feng's strength is not enough to compete with the peak of Xiandao Buddha.

In addition, the strongest of the demon kings was sealed by the bones, and it was also the power of loss.

Although he has the strength of the highest peak, but his dream fox family is not good at war, his fighting strength, at most, is a level with the Jiuyilong and Xuehuang.

As for the seal, it is the ancient spirit, there is no ability to fight.

In this way, in today's Yaozu, there is absolutely no fighting power to the holy peak, such a state... extremely dangerous, once the end of the world war broke out.

Any party's forces, if they are bent on destroying the Yaozu, can do it.

"Talk about cooperation."

Jun Jun had a lot of troubles, but the secret was a loose eyebrow and laughed.


If you don't doubt the words of the secluded secrets, you will not be able to say anything if you are not sure about the secrets of the wisdom and the innate gods.


The seal nodded and the corner of his mouth showed a playful smile: "The guys of the bones are playing a good calculation."

"what for?"

You can have no innate calculations, and you can't understand the meaning of the words.

"The bones talked with Zhang Bairen."

Feng You looked at Jun Jun, just a word...

Everyone is a wise man. There is no need to seal the secluded and say the second sentence. You are completely aware of the various doorways.

In the eyes...

When it was time, it showed a cold light.

"This bone family is also a good hand to play, really not afraid of eating a fat man, but is to kill yourself."

With a cold scream, Jun Jun’s extremely uncomfortable opening.

"Whether the bones have the ability to eat, I suggest to cooperate with them. As far as this situation is concerned, cooperation with them may be risky, but it can keep my family stable for a while."

"When the strength of the Holy Spirit is restored, there is no need to worry about it."

The secluded voice said and said his suggestion.

Although it is a suggestion, in fact, the seal is a sentence to export, and Jun Jun will not object, but the previous Qin Feng said it... He wants to retreat, and everything can be decided by Jun Jun and Feng You.

The matter of cooperation with the bones should be... this is the case.

Yan Jun took a deep breath and was extremely upset. From the heart, he definitely didn't want to cooperate with the guys of the bones. These guys...when they appeared, they took the Yaozu to open the knife. It was obvious that the Yaozu was bullied.

However, as Feng said, this is also a good opportunity for the Yaozu who is weak in power and has not recovered.

The bones first made a good relationship with Xianting, and then made good friends with the Yaozu, and made good relations with the Jade Emperor... That was because the Xianting 斩Sendai battle, the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen needed external help, and he would definitely agree with them. Family cooperation.

This time, I came to find the Yaozu, which is also the frailness of the Yaozu, and the ancient 饕餮 is still in their seal.

If you are sure to eat the Yaozu, you will definitely agree.

Once the alliance is reached, the bones become a bridge between the Yaozu and Xianting. The two feuds will be briefly calmed down.

"So, I will go first to prepare."

Jun Jun nodded. Since the bones want to talk about cooperation, they must choose to make the regulations clear.

"It seems that you have no time to prepare."

At this time, Feng Yu shook his head and smiled. As soon as the words of the secluded confession had just been finished, Yan Jun looked up and looked forward. There was a whistle in the void.

‘The king of the bones, want to see the Holy Spirit. ’

This is the voice of the Emperor Jiuyilong.

"It’s really anxious."

Jun Jun was cold and cold, and then he was going to break into the fifth world. At this time, he had been kneeling in the gap between the clouds, and he received the innate temperament of the whole body and stood up. Said the opening.

"This, I will go with you."

"Don't you continue to count the world?"

Jun Jun was slightly surprised, to know that this time, in order to measure the location of the meditation world, it is almost in a state of crazy konjac, and all day and night are measuring the secret.

Even if you just want to find a secret, you don’t dare to bother, or wait until you close your eyes.

"There has been no effect for a long time, maybe it will be put down for a while, and the rationale will be more discoverable."

Feng Yu shook his head, obviously also very helpless, so long ... he still stayed in the initial clues, it is difficult to take a step forward.


"Then go together and tell the truth. I am really interested in this mysterious bone."

Jun Jun smiled slightly, then raised his hand, and when he was in front of the two, the void emptied, and suddenly there was a void door.


The seal nodded, and then the two directly stepped into the door of the void. After the two entered, the door of the void was dissipated.

at the same time…

Outside the boundaries of the Fifth World, the atmosphere at the moment is already tense!

Because over the long river of that age, the long-lost bones of the people began to move! 2k novel reading network

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