The city of Monkey King

Chapter 939: Wraith king

Outside the gate, the thunderous sound blew, so that Yu Feng, who was barefooted outside the city, couldn’t help but jump and looked up at the gate. He just wanted to speak out...

The fierce hands clasped his mouth, but he knew...

This month, I was really provoked by myself. If I open my mouth at this time, I am afraid that the Queen will really come out and cut her tongue.

Yu Feng seems that a tongue is nothing, but the relationship with the New Moon is noisy, that is because the small lost!

Standing in the same place, Yu Feng bowed slightly, looked at the shoes on the ground, his face... a smile, squatting down, picking up the shoes, muttering.

"I have touched my Yu Feng's shoes, you can't run away."

In the city, standing on the main road of the female city this month, the long skirt dragged the ground three feet, high and cold, delicate face slightly tilted, looked at the direction of the city gate.

These cold and noble eyes, awesome... have a look that is not noticed by others.

That is... complicated.

Among the complex looks, there is a glimpse of joy.

Even the moon is not knowing why, why do you feel that this annoying guy has an unspeakable expression?

And just because of myself... actually some like this feeling.


Endless Tianyu, the grievances made a burst of roaring sounds, which sounded extremely horrible and infiltrated, listening to the human ear, people feel a burst of cold.

The number of grievances around is simply countless, but when you look at it in front of you, all the places you see are the crying grievances, and at this time...

These wandering spirits gathered around Qin Feng’s body suddenly separated from the middle, and there was a very strong and resentful spirit. Following this road, this breathable and resentful spirit came straight. The most central place of grievances.

Those eyes full of anger and anger, looking at the Qin Feng in the center of the center!

This piece is the area he occupied, he is the king of grievances in this area! I absolutely don't allow such a guy who doesn't know where to come from!

'Roar! ’

The king of grievances, its form is very strange, not a human, nor is it a common stream of beasts, only one face and eyes on one face, in addition to the birth of eight feet, the figure is illusory.

At this moment, a loud bang, straight to the Qin Feng, the brow of the center of the place ... tightly!

He was originally immersed in the love of Yu Feng and Yue Lu, only when Fang Fang learned that the opening of this story was awakened by the king of the spirit of resentment.

In my heart, I am furious!

Qi Linger, who looked up at the top of the eye, opened his eyes at the moment. After all, the awakening of this memory has always been carried out on both sides.

Qin Feng was awakened by the king of grievances, and naturally Qi Linger also woke up from that memory.

The fierce raises his hand and grabs it. When he is at the top of Qi Linger, he is unprepared to be photographed by Qin Feng. The surprised Qi Linger can not help but scream.


When she fell into the arms of Qin Feng, looking up at the moment of Qin Feng, her eyes... it was extremely complicated.

The love tokens have not been completely activated. Before Qin Feng’s ninth memory has not completely returned to his home, these mutual awakening memories will be extremely vague.

The moment that Qi Linger woke up, the memory that was remembered was the removal of the ten.

But even if she went to the tenth, she still remembers some, such as... simple names, such as simple locations...


Under the subconscious mind, Qi Linger will shout out the name, not waiting for her export, the surrounding grievances are already completely violent.

With the emergence of the king of grievances in this area, these grievances also seem to have the backbone of the heart, one by one, once again restored the previous arrogance.

The fierce snoring, these grievances are crazy to the Qin wind.

However, as before, these grievances are simply not close to the Qinfeng Zhoushen area, the ghost prisoner's tomb under the soles of the feet, and the nine doors are already open.

Any grievances, once approached, are directly sucked into the tomb of the ghost prisoner and become the nourishment in the tomb of the burial god.

This scene falls in the eyes of the singularly sorrowful king of grievances, so that the eyes of the king of grievances are filled with anger, and the unstoppable shackles continue to make the grievances of his knees continue to impact.

Qin Feng Jianmei microcoagulation, he can feel...

This is only the strength of the first grievance, about the second sacred product, which is to show that before becoming a grievance, this grievance is at least the power of the Holy Three or four.

If not...

After the floods collapsed, the silence that has been wandering in this endless sky for so many years has weakened, and it is impossible to retain the power of the Holy Two.

As soon as he raised his hand, Qin Feng’s ear, the golden hoop was turned out and turned into an ancient gold iron rod in his hand. Now he has no way, and there is no chance to make the second body’s evil. Force is transmitted to this first body.

The cultivation of this first body is only the strength of the sacredness of the sacred, that is, the strength of the sacred.

In the hands of the gold hoop, feel free to swing forward, when the ancient gold shines, these close grievances, have not had time to be absorbed by the ghost prisoner's tomb, it has been broken into powder, thoroughly... dissipated on this day Between domains.

Just at this time…!

A very strange and harsh sound sounded, as if to wear a broken eardrum, only to see the king of the spirit of grievances, the illusory singular shape directly disappeared in place.

When the next moment appeared, it was already in front of Qin Feng! This king of grievances has directly passed the power of the nine gates of the tomb of the ghost prisoner!

This further confirms the speculation of Qin Feng, this is the first grievance... strength is not simple!

The face with only the mouth and the eyes, one mouth... grows extremely big! It seems that you have to swallow Qin Feng in general!

Almost at the same moment, the golden hoop in the hands of Qin Feng, with several sounds of dragons and screams, the soul of the dragon, the soul of the dragon, rushed out from this golden hoop, directly hit the grievance Above the king's body.

The powerful impact force will directly retire the tens of thousands of feet of this king of grievances! That big mouth opened, making angry arrogance!

The rest of the surrounding grievances, this time is completely crazy, in general, like the tide, simply ignore the existence of the tomb of the ghost prisoner, rushing away!

Even if there are nine gates with ghosts and prisoners, there is no way to absorb these grievances. The number is really too much!

In the Qin Feng Huai's Qi Linger, at this moment watching the wandering spirits around, could not help biting his lip, the eyes have the color of fear.

And in this scared look, there is still...

A trace of doubt, a trace of entanglement, a trace of ... seeking meaning! 2k novel reading network

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