The city of Monkey King

Chapter 946: The body of evil, to!

"save you?"

Mo blame grinning, the third sword caught in the hands of the elders, the speed is shrinking, and in the end is actually the size of the palm, was pinched in the hands of this old monster.

Looking at the smile on Mo’s face, this third sword is too elder to the whole person’s face is very white: “You, you, what are you doing?!”

At this moment, his body has been shattered, and the soul is filled with sullen gas. His life and death... All of them are held in the hands of Mo’s strange.


If you can die directly, it is a blessing.

It’s a pity... I’m not gonna let him annihilate as simple as that.

Zhao Qing looked at this scene, watching the third sword in the hands of Mo blame, too elders, it is hard to imagine, a sacred four-way mastery, will be pinched in the hands, but also the eyes The pupils are shrinking, I don't know... how to deal with this.

"doing what?"

Mo blame and laughed: "Don't you know the origin of this haze?"

When the words came out, the third sword was too elder to think of something, and the look became extremely frightened: "No, don't!"

Just at the moment when he just exported, Mo blame a piece of the soul of this guy into his mouth, chewing a few times, actually swallowed it directly.

The haze of his body, in a flash, swallows the swallowed soul, and at the same time, the soul that remains in the soul is gathered into the ridiculous Dantian.

This scene…

When Tan Jin looked in his eyes, his look was anxious. He could feel that his sanctity was already faintly supportive.

The only way now is to escape from here at the fastest speed and return to the Seventh Sword Zongshan Gate of the Immortal World to suppress the haze of the body.

He... don't want to die here.

He died here. The former third sword was too elder to be the end, the body was broken, the soul was suffocated, and the spirit was imprisoned in this strange old Dantian, never in the first day.

So the end of the game, it is better to be self-destructive, but also to be able to end the free end of the spirit.

Most fearful...

Zhao Qing, who was caught by Mo Laoguai, was far away from her, and looked at Mo’s blame and swallowed the soul of the third sword.

That kind of visual impact made her timid.

"It's not bad. You are the soul of these immortals, and the haze of tempering is the high quality."

Mo blame swallowed the soul of the man, a satisfied expression on his face, and then... another raise hand, when the other two were frozen.

The flesh of the Qiqi was broken, and the mixed batch was caught in the hands.


Tan Jin saw this scene, raised his feet subconsciously, and wanted to move forward, but he told him rationally... hold back! The raised foot was taken back.

"Big Brother! Sovereign!"


This is the only two people left in the soul, in desperation, is also swallowed into the belly by Mo blame, this scene... The cold sweat of Tan Jin’s forehead is crazy.

At this moment, he has regretted the ultimate in his heart.

I knew this before, even if he didn't want such things, he would never follow up on this endless sky. But the world is unpredictable, who can know...

Originally it was a must-have pursuit, but now it has been turned into anti-kill.

Regret...self blame!

Because Tan Jin himself is also very clear, he is the same as the five sacred products. If he can be prepared for it, this haze will definitely not enter his own body. The current situation...will never in this way.

However, there is no regret in the world. At this moment, Tan Jin, his brows are tightly squatting, and the power of the Holy Spirit in the body is madly resisting the intrusive haze.


Mo blame seems to have no need to immediately take down the meaning of Tan Jin, but the face is a touch of banter color, time, in this Tan Jin's body, the rich gray cold gas dominant appearance, began to surge into the Tan Enter the body and pour in every pore of his body.

Tan Jin’s face is fierce!

If Tan Jin has just been able to resist the strength of his own sacred five-way Chinese product, now... there is no hope.

"Seven Jianzong, Tan Jin."

"Ha ha ha ha...!!"

"What is the right path of the sect, it is rubbish, and it is a shit."

"Today, this seat will kill you this lord of the sage, let the people in this world know, what... is the right way."

The smoldering gas became more and more intense, and Tan Jin, who was in the center of the center, was screaming at the moment, and his face was stunned. "Mo blame, you have no place to die!"

The voice is full of irresistible anger, but it is extremely helpless.

When this more intense haze appeared, Tan Jin knew that he had no chance of living.

This Mo Monster is still not killing him now, just want to use him as a mouse to play and to please.

For Tan Jin, this is more uncomfortable than killing him...

He is the owner of the Seven Swordsmen, the Lord of the Immortals, the Seven Swordsman... but only a step away from the Supreme Immortal Gate, and his Tan Jin is more famous throughout the world.

Even if I went to Xianting, I was able to get the Jade Emperor’s personal interview!

I want him to be Tan Jin, Wei Ming I, how can I fall to this end!

He can die!

But definitely can't be played like this!


Tan Jin, who is now smoldering into the body, even if he wants to die at this time, he has to be nodded and nodded to do it. In addition to making a few roars, he can't do anything else.

In this scene, from the beginning to the end, Qin Feng is in the eye.

There is no change in the look, the world... As Mo’s old saying goes, there is never any difference between right and wrong, the law of forever: the strong is respect.

This Tan Jin’s own intentions, in the darkness of the old blame, will be murdered, it is deserved, no wonder anyone.

It was also at this time that Qin Feng’s brow furrowed and loosened.

His first body, in this endless Tianyu, especially in the face of this eccentric killing, is extremely dangerous, always has a life worry.


If your second body is able to arrive, then everything will be no more dangerous.

With the power of the eight evil stars of his second body, even one of the four royal kings of the longevity emperor and the top seven of the seven priests was easily annihilated.

Such a district is a strange, a fart.

And this time...

Qin Feng slightly raised his eyes, in front of the left side, from the void, there is a figure appearing, quietly, slowly condensed.

A pair of deep purple eyes, lit up in this dark endless sky.

That pair of eyes...

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