The city of Monkey King

Chapter 949: Amazing change

The giant spirit of the phoenix tortoise exudes an astonishing breath. Even though it is the strength of Tan Jin to the holy five-way Chinese product, it feels like this sigh.

Taking a deep breath, this Tan Jin knows now, how strong this is, I am afraid that even if you do not use the sullen gas, it is enough to clean up yourself.

Mo blame the foot of the phoenix turtle, and laughed wildly, looking into the eyes of Qin Feng, full of ... contempt, disdain, in his view, even if this new helper is how powerful, It is also impossible to overcome the spirit of this phoenix turtle that I have shaped.

The spirit of this phoenix turtle that has been shaped by itself has been integrated into its own grievances in Dantian for thousands of years. The power of these grievances...

Converging in one place.

It is enough to make the spirit of this phoenix turtle reach the highest level of the Holy Six. If there is no strength to the top of the Seventh Avenue, it is the spirit of the phoenix turtle that can't cope with it.

And the people in front of you...

He Moqiu is a loose man. From the first day of his cultivation, he knows the importance of the news, who can provoke, who can... can't afford it.

After all, he is just a part of the area, if it is provoked, it will be finished, and he has no strong backstage to wipe his ass.


This habit is that even though he has practiced to the most holy, even if he is now in the Middle Five, he has become a horrible mob, still maintaining.

The only difference is that his collection of news has been from the glimpse of the year to the entire world.

Among the heavens and the kingdoms, the repairs have reached the highest ranks of the Seventh, and even the Most Highly, the people of Moqiu are clear.

Besides, those who are trained to achieve that level of realm are not famous people, but their names are shocked, and no one knows who is unknown.

As for the person in front of you, although it is strong, you can't confuse him, but you won't put him in the top of the Seventh Seventh or the top of the Holy Mountain. At most, it is the best of the Sixth.

Although it is also very difficult to deal with, but after condensing the spirit of the phoenix turtle, Mo blame in the heart... has an inexplicable confidence.

This plan, he has not known how many times he has been in his heart, and he is familiar with it.

According to his original plan, he created such a powerful spirit of the tortoise, and then... by himself, he swallowed the spirit of the tortoise, so that he could stop the 100,000-year-old breakthrough of the Holy Five and reach the top of the Sixth. .

just now…

For Mo Lao, it’s just a little change of the plan, a little ahead of time.

"When you kill these two people, this seat will come and devour the spirit of this phoenix turtle..."

Mo grotesquely screamed at the corner of the phoenix turtle, and there was a fiery color that could not be concealed. As for Qin Feng and his evil body, there was Tan Jin.

It was in the subconscious mind that Mo was blamed as a dead body.


It’s just in the subconscious.


Mo Laoque looked toward Qin Feng, faintly opening, the spirit of the phoenix turtle at the foot of the cockroach, the body is already completely solid, surrounded by gray and cold haze, and there are many grievances around.


The spirit of the phoenix turtle, with greatness, rushed to the Qin wind, where it passed... This emptiness of the endless Tianyu is full of bursting sounds, shocking!

Zhao Qing, the woman’s soul caught in the hands of Mo, is shocked to see the scene in front of her. The impact of the spirit of the Phoenix Turtle is beyond her imagination.

hard to believe…

Under this shock, can you survive? !

Not only is Zhao Qing’s face stunned, but Tan Jin, behind Qin Feng’s body, is also horrified to see the spirit of the phoenix turtle rushing to the side, subconsciously mobilizing all the remaining holy forces in his body. .


Trembling in my heart!

Looking at the back of Qin Feng's first body and the second body, Tan Jin couldn't help thinking, if the two couldn't stop it, the spirit of the Phoenix Turtle rushed to himself, then... How? !

Are you dead, are you dead? !

If he survived, he might survive in this shock, but now he is already seriously injured. Under the impact of these, it is categorical that it must die.

In the eyes, it reflects the rushing spirit of the phoenix turtle, a despair... rises in the heart

The closer the spirit of the phoenix turtle is, the more intense the impact is, and it is enough to cover all the giant phoenix turtles. Tan Jin... is no longer able to lift the slightest.

And at the moment...

Qi Linger, the first body of Qin Feng, looked at the phoenix and the spirit of the phoenix turtle. He was scared and quickly blinked and could not continue to read it.

Only Qin Feng, the first body and the second body, are calm looking, watching the coming of the spirit of the tortoise, looking at the distance, is crazy and crazy.

The first body has no action at all.

The second flesh of Qin Feng, the eyes of this time... When you have eight deep stars, you will light up!

Between the moments when it lights up, before the two bodies of Qin Feng, there is a huge purple swirl appearing!

God Luo... whirlpool!

From this vortex of the gods, there is a very strong suction, and it appears in this world!

Call ~!

It is also at this moment that the spirit of the tortoise with the arrogance of the turmoil is already rushing toward the Qin wind, the body is extremely huge, reaching the giant tortoise of thousands of feet, the moment is Qin Feng and others will be submerged.

The moment of drowning...

Mo blame, laughing and looking up, the eyes have a proud color.

"This seat thinks that it is a powerful role, I did not expect it to be so weak, boring, boring!"

Said Zhao Qing, who was also caught by him: "Chick, don't think about someone to save you, you will become a food in your stomach, and you can help this place break through new realms. This is for you. For the sake of it, there is no glory."

This is said to be exported. If Zhao Qing’s temper is used, it is natural to go back.

But at the moment...

Her eyes were stunned and looked at the emptiness of a million miles in front of her. She was already afraid to re-export.

In the view of Mo Laogui, it is also in this Zhao Qing's view that the impact of the previous one...Under the impact of the spirit of the Phoenix Turtle, both Qin Feng and Tan Jin are completely annihilated.

"Ha ha ha!!"

"Ha ha ha ha...!!!"

Mo blame smirked and got the utmost.


His smug smile, in the next moment, is solidified.

Amazing change, it happened!

I saw it in the eyes of Mo Mo and Zhao Qing, the spirit of the phoenix turtle, which was extremely huge in its original shape. At this moment, it was reduced at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.


Although the phoenix turtle died early, the spirit of the phoenix turtle still has a shallow consciousness. At this moment... it is a miserable mourning. 2k novel reading network

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