The city of Monkey King

Chapter 954: Outside the law

"you are mine!"

The grievances used in madness are all absorbed by the body of the Qin dynasty. The existence of the sacred vortex is the barrier that these grievances cannot cross.

Even though...

Some of the grievances are lucky enough to escape the sacred sacred sacred whirls, but they have escaped from the sacred whirlpool, and there is a 100% coverage of the power of the tyrants. Under the scope of the power of the tyrants, these grievances are all turned into fly ash. !

And at this moment, the grievances with the strength of the Seventh Seventh Road are actually whispering, and the two gray eyes are cold... There is a hot color!

This discourse is naturally falling into the ears of Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng did not care, even if the strength of the Seventh Seventh Road, even the Changsheng Emperor is not an opponent of his own evil body, a grievance in this district, what is counted.

Qin Feng’s intention at the moment is only the purple gold light in the body of this grievance.

He has been able to determine...

This is a treasure.

It can make a grievance, keep the mind for thousands of years, and abandon all the wild violent anger and resentment. These treasures are not extraordinary.

Most likely it is the sacred device!

That grievance, a pair of gray eyes, watching the evil body of Qin Feng, the hot color in the eyes is self-evident, just a little thought, you can know the fiery color of this grievance , what it stands for.

He wants to occupy the evil body of Qin Feng!

From the mouth of this grievance, a ‘魇’ word can be known, and this grievance must recognize the identity of the evil body.

Just because I recognized it, I am so excited.

The essence of this grievance is still the spirit of the spirit. It is not blamed for resentment. Instead, it uses the treasures in the body to turn the accumulated resentment and the violent anger of these years into its own power. With the strength of the Seventh Road.

If not, an ontology, even if it was the highest peak of life, there is no way to make such a powerful strength.

It is even more impossible for a spirit to occupy the flesh of another person.

Everything in the world, if there is no soul, then it is impossible to store the spirit in this flesh, and the spirit into the flesh will only pass through into the air.

Everything between the heavens and the earth is carried out in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth.

In accordance with the law of law.

The soul of the soul should be in the flesh.

And Ben Ling is between the souls.

Between these three, it is a layer of progress, strictly abide by the laws of heaven and earth, and must not cross the hierarchy.

Therefore, even if this grievance has seen other people in this endless Tianyu, there is no hope of any resurrection.

The soul wants to resurrect, can be won.

But this spirit...

Under the limitations of the laws of heaven and earth, even the flesh can't touch it, so let's talk about resurrection.


There is no absolute thing in this world.

Since it is bound by the laws of heaven and earth, and the spirit cannot touch the flesh, it is impossible to resurrect, then... find the flesh that can be controlled by the laws of heaven and earth.

And between this world, it can be free from the limitations of the laws of heaven and earth...

Only... evil people!

At one time, when the ancestors of Hongjun came to the floods and destroyed the evil people, what they said was that the evil people should not exist in this world.

This is very obvious, that is to say, the evil people are beyond the scope of the laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the king of evil who opened the power of ten stars can fight against the family with one force and crush the numerous powerful people of the family!

At the moment... in the eyes of this grievance.

As long as he wins this evil body, he can let his own spirits be stored in it. However, he slowly breeds the soul with the spirit, and finally fits with the flesh.

Such a face, when you resurrect, you can have a body of evil.

These abacus, but the beat is louder.


This grievance is wrong, that is, overestimating his strength.

At this moment, he looked at the body of the Qin Feng evil, as if looking for flaws, this grievance... obviously familiar with the evil people, knowing the power of this day, the use of each time will be extremely short interval.

Although short-lived, it is enough for this grievance.

And Qin Feng... is also watching this grievance.

The first body's eyes are blinking, for a long time... Still not judging the body of this grievance, what is the saint.

In this case, there is only one way!

Can't see through, take it out and see it!

The scorpion, a little condensate.

At this moment, Qin Feng’s sinful body, his face deliberately changed slightly, and the power of the scattered Tianba Shenluo was actually...the moment weakened.

In the meantime, countless grievances passed through the whirlpool of the gods, and even... many of them forcibly passed the scope of the power of the heavenly tyrants and rushed to the Qin wind!

This is a flaw!

In the eyes of the grievances, this sinister short period is here!

In the eyes of the gray and cold eyes, when they were embarrassed, they showed a very excited color, and they made a shout of sorrow and sorrow. This grievance rushed to the body of Qin Feng.

The speed is too fast to respond at all.

at least…

The first part of Qin Feng’s body is Mo Laoque. This has Moqiu, the strength of the five-way Chinese product, and it’s hard to find out.

His face changed dramatically.

But...when he saw everything that happened in front of him, he was even more shocked!

I saw it in the land of the body of the Qin dynasty, the grievances appeared here, the expression on the face was extremely embarrassed, and the eyes were filled with anger and anger.


His body shape was banned.

The body of the Qin dynasty, the look on the face has long been restored to calm, double eyes, eight stars circulating, looking at this to the seven seven grievances, the stars ... speed.

In the void of this grievance, there is a black and purple streamer, and it is useless to surround this grievance. It is useless to let this grievance struggle.

"You, you dare to swindle!"

This resentful anger screams, the mouth vomits, and the voice of anger is echoing between the heavens and the earth of this endless heaven.

However, Qin Feng did not have that time, nor did he have the interest to talk to the grievances. The body of the evil spirits raised his hand. When he was in the palm of his hand, a whirlpool appeared.

At the moment when the palm vortex appears, the land of this grievance is also a whirlpool of purple.

This whirlpool of purple is actually... to open the body of its spirit!

"no no!!"

This grievance perceives what Qin Feng wants to do, subconsciously looks at his own heart, and madly screams, this snoring... with, fear!

In the land of this grievance, with the appearance of the purple whirlpool, there is a very dazzling purple gold radiance, and there is a very strong scent of anger!


Qin Feng eyebrows a condensate... This grievance body is really a holy sacred device! 2k novel reading network

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