The City of Terror

Chapter 996: Don't die, don't die - nuclear explosion

Send a chapter again, the poor road is in good shape today, and strive for more updates.


After the massacre, the remaining cavemen scattered out and desperately searched for the trail of Weibei.

As for those flying dragons who are not as honest as the Tauren, they see that their own kind are poisoned by poisonous mist, and they turn and flee, and they will not appear when they flee back to those woods.

Wei Xiaobei, who escaped from the encirclement, did not stupidly cast his own net. When he saw the dragons returning to the woods, they began to shoot the dragons in the woods with ink and big bows.

Although these dragons have reached the four-star level of biology, their defensive power is not much stronger than that of the Tauren.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei changed into a flame arrow this time!

After these fire arrows were shot by the big ink bow, even if Wei Xiaobei attached the power of the dragon's blood, it was only a fire, but after flying dozens of meters, it turned into a fire dragon about several meters long, suddenly accelerating. I plunged into the woods.

Wherever the fire dragon passed, the trees were ignited.

It is said that the dragons are not afraid of the flames of the trees burning, but as long as they are hit by the fire dragons, they will die, and they will burn all over the body and turn into a ball of fire. It will soon be burnt into a pile of dead bones.

The flames of the burning of the trees are only three or four hundred degrees, but the temperature of the fire dragon is more than one thousand eight hundred Baidu, plus the enormous force carried by the self-fired, for those flying dragons, it is called lethality. Amazing.

The woods fired, and the dragons grabbed the dragon eggs in the nest in an attempt to escape the sea of ​​fire, but Wei Xiaobei did not give them this opportunity. A rocket was fired to shoot the dragons.

However, these dragons are always four-star ordinary-level creatures, and the rockets shot by Wei Xiaobei are not likely to hit.

Therefore, when the dragon has more than ten heads, the flame arrow has been shot by Wei Xiaobei.

But it doesn't matter. Before shooting the rocket, Wei Xiaobei just cleaned up the inventory.

When the more advanced dragon fire is placed on the bowstring by Wei Xiaobei, the surviving dragons seem to be aware of the extreme danger. When they flap their wings, they want to escape. The dragon egg does not matter, just drop it, let it go. It smashed the egg yolk on the ground.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have the slightest kindness in his hand at this time, and the right hand gently put it, and the dragon fire instantly turned into a fire dragon and rushed out.

Unlike the rocket, the fire dragon that this dragon fire has changed is about ten meters long. It catches up with a dragon. It is not directly shooting the other side, but the body is wrapped around the dragon.

The temperature of this dragon is probably more than three thousand degrees!

As soon as he approached, the dragon screamed in pain, and the body smoked green smoke. As the fire dragon entangled, the dragon became a ball of fire, and then fell down. It has become a dead bone without falling to the ground.

At the same time, this dragon fire vector is much more convenient than other arrows. When the dragon falls down, the fire dragon dissipates, and the dragon fire vector flies back and is caught by Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, the arrow like this can't be used by ordinary people. Even if it is the body of the arrow, the temperature is over a thousand degrees!

If you change something like an ordinary person, I am afraid that the palm of your hand will turn into coke.

But let Wei Xiaobei quite strange is that until the last dragon was burned into a bone by the dragon fire, the green dragon did not appear!

This is totally abnormal.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the dragon fire that flew back, and his eyes looked at the nuclear power plant.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward is that at that time, the green dragon actually opened up the outer shell of a nuclear reactor, and the heavy water inside leaked out, while the green dragon opened its mouth and bite into the nuclear reactor inside.

At this point, at least dozens of nuclear fuel rods were bitten by most of them. After that, they could clearly see the green dragon pipe creeping and swallow a large group of nuclear fuel.

Your sister!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised. This green dragon is too bold and daring.

Even Wei Xiaobei did not dare to swallow nuclear fuel directly into his stomach like this.

It should be known that if the nuclear fuel is gathered together and there is no heavy water control, it is easy to reach or exceed the critical mass, triggering a violent chain reaction, and thus slamming into a beautiful mushroom cloud!

This is also possible even when the concentration of nuclear fuel is relatively low, but the amount gathered together is sufficient.

What's more, this green dragon has already taken a nuclear reactor before, and the nuclear fuel that is now swallowed is already the second.

Ok, well, there are more than 300 nuclear fuel rods in a nuclear reactor.

Wei Xiaobei did not study nuclear physics, but I also know that this is probably dangerous.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's gaze gazing over, the green dragon seemed to worry that his food was robbed, speeding up, and the remaining nuclear fuel rods were swallowed up in a few mouthfuls, and then rushed to another nuclear reactor.

When the dragon claws flew, just a few times, the shell of the nuclear reactor was skillfully opened, and then the nuclear fuel was swallowed wildly.

This scene shows that Weibei feels a little hairy on the back.

Your sister! You want to die, don't pull me!

In the mind, he quickly balanced the possible consequences, and Wei Xiaobei finally chose security.

Eat, eat more!

Wei Xiaobei stunned the green dragon and ran for a long distance. After rushing into the woods, he threw himself on the ground, took out two shovel and sneaked it out.

There is no doubt that it is dangerous to be too close to the Green Dragon at this time!

If Wei Xiaobei excavates the tunnel in front of the green dragon, I am afraid that after waiting for a while, the green dragon will fly over to see the nuclear reactor, so that the danger is doubled.

Therefore, hiding in the woods, using the woods to avoid the green dragon sight, is more secure.

In just five minutes, Wei Xiaobei dug a deep pit over 100 meters, then turned and slanted down to continue digging.

At this time, the roar of the green dragon has been heard in the woods.

Obviously, the Green Dragon has swallowed the nuclear fuel rods from the four nuclear reactors and flew over.

For Wei Xiaobei, this time, considering where the green dragon is, what state is no longer useful.

In his mind, dangerous premonitions are getting more and more intense, even reaching life-threatening levels.

Digging and digging!

Dig as much as possible! Keep yourself as far as possible from the ground.

At this time, the woods have been destroyed by the angry green dragons. The dark green poisonous mist is like clouds covered in the woods, constantly eroding everything that comes into contact with trees, soil.

The little guy escaped! !

At this point, the green dragon did not notice that the temperature in his stomach seemed to be increasing rapidly.

Due to the intense digestive movement of the green dragon stomach, those nuclear fuels are squeezed together and further compressed and compressed under the action of the stomach movement.

Not long after, the green dragon that came back to God felt the pain in his stomach.

At this time, the heat released by nuclear fission has been terrible.

The horrible stomach acid of Green Dragon quickly corrodes other substances other than uranium 235, which is equivalent to purifying a part of uranium 235. At the same time, the green dragon's stomach becomes a natural neutron reflection due to natural magic resistance. mirror!

At this point, the Green Dragon has already noticed the horrific changes that will occur in his body, and he wants to spit out the things in his stomach.

But it is too late at this time.

When the nuclear chain reaction exceeds the criticality, only one result will appear, that is, in a tenth of a second or less, the bomb!

This green dragon is at this time, and its stomach can no longer restrain the nuclear material that continues the chain reaction. In a blink of an eye, its stomach rapidly expands.

In the green longan, only a look of horror flashed. The next moment, the loud noise came, and the nuclear energy released in a moment made the temperature of the green dragon reach the temperature calculated by 10 million!

This temperature is basically equal to the temperature at the center of the sun. Whether it is the bone of the green dragon, the body fluid or the muscles, the skin, and the dragon scales, even at this moment, there is no carbonization process, and it is directly sublimated into a hot gas.

Such a high temperature caused the green dragon to be destroyed in an instant, and it was turned into an extremely bright little sun.

Of course, the bright light is only a matter of moments. The next moment the high-temperature gas rushes over a height of more than three kilometers, and massive x-rays scatter out. In the process, the surrounding gas is massively x. The rays are heated to show an orange color.

The high-temperature gas at the center turns into a cloud of mushrooms, and the temperature begins to fall, forming a wave of shocks scattered in all directions.

In short, everything that should happen in the nuclear bomb explosion occurred during this counting time.

Even in places thousands of kilometers away, the bright flash can be seen, while the shock wave sweeps over a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

A large amount of nuclear dust spreads in all directions with the shock wave.

Even Wei Xiaobei, who has been hiding more than three hundred meters underground, felt a violent shock.

Fortunately, the crust of more than three hundred meters is enough to withstand all the effects of the nuclear explosion, whether it is high temperature, radiation or shock waves.

Waiting until the vibration, Wei Xiaobei frowned, wiped two, wiped the dust falling on his face, and then the body slightly vibrated, the dust was shattered, it was barely cleaned.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei began to return to the ground along the channel he dug.

However, after climbing more than two hundred meters, the front channel was blocked.

The hot, glazed liquid fills the small half of the passage and slowly continues to flow down the passage.

Tens of millions of degrees of high temperature can be lowered so easily.

Although more than a minute has passed since the nuclear explosion time, Wei Xiaobei estimates that the temperature at the center of the explosion center will remain at tens of thousands of degrees.

This is not a joke. The glazed liquid that flows down makes Wei Xiaobei dare not touch.

The temperature of these liquids may also exceed 6,000 degrees.

That is to say, the temperature of the liquid is the same as the temperature of the surface of the sun.


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