The City of Terror

Chapter 1010: Unknown terrorist consequences

The poor road removed the notebook screen, and then looked at the line of the screen is a bit stunned, what should be done next? Blow dry with a hair dryer? Ok, after reassembling the notebook, the discovery of the poor road reminded that the screen did not return to its original state, but the colors of those lines changed..............


A yellow sheep actually rushed into the nuclear missile silo, then vacated and finally let the nuclear warhead disappear?

Whether they are supervisors or high-level bases, they are all stunned and can't believe their eyes.

"God, is this the latest cartoon?"

The buzz of a department leader awakened others.

"All personnel! Speed! Speed ​​grabs that yellow sheep! I am the base director McLean! I authorize any weapons if necessary!"

After being awakened, the supervisor suddenly became violent, turned on the microphone, and gave orders crazy!

The McLean executive knew that the nuclear warhead was lost, whether it was a ghost or an animated cartoon or something else!

Known as the country's heavy weapon, the nuclear warhead that allows Sam's country to confront other nuclear powers has lost one!

What kind of event is this?

Probably more than a plane crashing into the White House, even more serious!

Think about it. If this nuclear warhead explodes on the borders of Sam, millions of tons of nuclear energy will be released, enough to make the land within a radius of 500 kilometers into a ruin!

Of course, what is worse than this result is that the nuclear bomb exploded on the land of other powerful countries!

In that case, it will definitely lead to a nuclear war! Lead to the destruction of the entire world!

It is a trivial matter to be sent to a military court to dereliction of duty, treason and so on.

At least it is a small matter now.

The whole base was commotion when I heard the authorization of the director of McLean.

A large number of soldiers rushed back to the arsenal to collect various weapons, and then surrounded them.

And the researchers also immediately notified Wei Xiaobei's current situation.

Well, in this case, Wei Xiaobei can only retreat.

If you think about it, you will know that if you steal a nuclear warhead again, you will be given a self-destructive order.

The chances of such a thing happening will exceed 80%!

Changed to Wei Xiaobei himself, if his own horror killer was stolen, and can be sure that the other party is still in the warehouse, destroying the entire warehouse is undoubtedly the best choice.

Even if it is to catch some core disciples, it is worthwhile, because the consequences of being stolen by the big killer are more serious than this!

This is enough for decision makers to make up their minds.

Destroying a nuclear base is not a difficult choice compared to the consequences of a nuclear war or a nuclear bomb explosion on its own territory.

Even nuclear bomb explosions are better in the desert than in densely populated cities.

In short, Wei Xiaobei feels that he should leave, the sooner the better.

As for the few researchers and soldiers who have worshipped the five bodies, Wei Xiaobei can only give up.

It is impossible for them to escape with them. Besides, their worship of themselves is only now, and when they leave, they will probably return to their original position.

The departure point chosen by Wei Xiaobei is not to return along the original road, but the wellhead of the silo!

The yellow sheep that Wei Xiaobei turned into the air rushed up and accelerated.

Well, this scene falls on the high-level eyes of the bases that look through the camera head, and it is no doubt just like seeing ghosts.

With their lack of imagination, it is hard to imagine what this is going on.


A loud bang, Wei Xiaobei hit the well cover sealed by the silo.

Well, it should be noted that the manhole cover of this nuclear bomb silo is different from the general sewer manhole cover. It consists of nine metal sheets that are crossed and closed like a rotating blade. They cross each other and finally cover the wellhead. .

Fortunately, although the manhole cover is relatively thick, it is not likely to be as thick as the silo gate.

Only metal sheets with a thickness of thirty centimeters are staggered together, which is only two meters thick.

The speed of Wei Xiaobei has been accelerated to the extreme within tens of meters. The power of the whole body is gathered in the pair of corners deformed by the skull. Thousands of tons of force are bombarded at a point, not to mention the overlap. The metal piece together, even if it is the gate of the silo, is estimated to be knocked out of a pit.

Wei Xiaobei only felt a shock in the brain, and then the metal piece broke down. Wei Xiaobei's four legs were once again in the air, and rushed out against the fragments that were constantly sputtered.

Of course, the first thing that falls down is a lot of yellow sand.

This is also a helpless thing. Here is the desert. Although there are often machine sweeps on the manhole cover of the silo, at least one meter thick sand layer will be piled up.

Now that the manhole cover has been destroyed, Wei Xiaobei rushed out, and the gravel naturally slipped down with gravity.

Of course, it is impossible for these fallen gravel to block Wei Xiaobei.

The only thing that made Wei Xiaobei have some headaches was that he just rushed out of the ground, and the automatic machine guns around him took off, and more than a dozen machine guns fired at Wei Xiaobei.

Although these bullets can't cause any harm in Wei Xiaobei's body, at most, Wei Weibei feels a little pain.

But a yellow sheep who is not afraid of machine gun bullets, even if it is a fool, knows that there is a problem!

Although the scene of the yellow sheep vacated more than 20 meters and even rushed out of the manhole cover has already broken through the normal thinking space, but the yellow sheep who are not afraid of bullets are even more problematic.

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to come silently and silently, but now it seems to be a fantasy.

After the Huangyang, which was formed by Wei Xiaobei, rushed to the back of the sand dune area, he found a sand dune to hide in and began to modulate the genes of the yellow sheep.

Time, Wei Xiaobei is a waste, anyway, this skin copy has a shortcoming, that is, after use, it takes a full nine hours before it can restore its original body.

This went into the nuclear base and escaped, and it took an hour until now.

For the remaining eight hours, Wei Xiaobei still needs to maintain this status of the yellow sheep, so he needs to modulate a yellow sheep to attract the attention of the pursuers and avoid involving themselves.

The new breeding of the yellow sheep requires sufficient speed and flexibility to escape the hunt.

After spending twenty minutes, Wei Xiaobei set a new yellow sheep.

Its speed and flexibility are worse than Wei Xiaobei, but in the eyes of human beings, it can probably be faked, and its shape is exactly the same as that of Wei Xiaobei.

After spending more than an hour, tens of thousands of yellow sheep were drilled from the sand dunes and rushed toward the nuclear bomb base.

Of course, the trajectories of these yellow sheep are not fixed. After rushing out of a kilometer, they are scattered like fireworks and rushing in all directions.

This change will occur once every five hundred meters.

If the top of the nuclear bomb base did not see the satellite photos in time, it would be difficult to determine the initial point of the emergence of these yellow sheep.

Wei Xiaobei is mixed in a group of more than three hundred yellow sheep, rushing toward the edge of the desert.

Ok, well, after reporting the theft of the nuclear warhead, the garrison around the desert immediately concentrated and drove over.

Their task is to block the entire desert and prevent a creature from escaping!

But when they saw countless yellow sheep rushing out of the desert, they were a bit stunned. For a moment, they forgot the task. After the swearing of the chiefs, they only panicked and set up machine guns at the yellow sheep.

Well, anyway, there are still a considerable number of yellow sheep that have escaped from the desert.

This makes the hunt behavior almost completely defeated.

Not to mention the theft of this nuclear bomb, the high-level squad of the Sam State was ruined. After Wei Xiaobei rushed out of the desert, he dispelled the yellow sheep that was with him and hid himself until he recovered, before returning to the town.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn't want to go back to live. He was not so stupid. After the nuclear warhead was stolen, I am afraid that the towns around the desert would soon be controlled by the military and searched closely.

The reason why Wei Xiaobei went back was just a hunch, and Sally’s little girl had an accident.

Well, let's say that Sally is just a small child in Wei Xiaobei's level, but in just a few hours, Wei Xiaobei has a good impression on this little girl, just like this little girl. Became your own sister.

Besides, if Wei Xiaobei wants to leave the desert and return to the Capital Territory, the town is also a stop in a straight line.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei feels that he has to go back to the town.

At the speed of Wei Xiaobei, moving in the open desert, the speed is very fast.

In fact, counting the nine hours spent, when Wei Xiaobei returned to the town, it was already six in the morning.

Not yet close to the town, Wei Xiaobei saw a roadblock on the expressway passing by the town. A team of soldiers patrolled the military dogs, and all the vehicles entering and leaving were subject to strict inspection before they could be released!

Well, this is what it should be. Wei Xiaobei doesn't feel strange.

The release of the yellow sheep from Wei Xiaobei has been almost six hours now. If the Sam military has not controlled the desert, it will really become a big joke.

However, when Xiao Wei quietly lurked near the town, he could not help but frown.

At this time, the town did not have smoke or vocals, only the troops patrolling outside the town.

Simply put, the town has become dilapidated at this time, as if it had been overnight for decades.

In particular, the newly built villa of the Burt House is even more dilapidated.

The patrolling soldiers seemed to be afraid of the town and did not dare to approach.

What happened here?

Looking at the cars that were parked in front of those houses were also rusty, Wei Xiaobei felt that the scene was somewhat familiar.

Think about it, this is somewhat similar to the gray world.

However, how can a situation occur in a small town in reality?

Is it that the gray world has been able to completely invade the reality? So that this phenomenon has appeared in buildings in reality?

This idea made Wei Xiaobei unable to hold back the cold.


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